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Everything posted by oilertay

  1. LOL! its hilarious i dunno why..some fool dancing around with a flower, now thats funny!
  2. pretty cool, lol that actually your hood...sweet
  3. btw how much would it cost to put me first ( or second )
  4. i like it! cept that its in wrong forum, i think its cool kinda laid back "life's good" and the item we all love so much and hold close to our hearts.
  5. i excited, your sigs look cool except i dont know if i wanna shove over the one i just made :twisted: but i bet it will move over mario :P
  6. lol what ever happened to my free sig when the free shop was up? lol
  7. id like a sig, i want a guy thats white with brown hair, a blue shirt and brown pants, sitting on the ground in a forest with his feet crossed and back against a tree. He has one hand behind his head and one hand holding a fishing rod , with the fishing rod's line in a river. O ya and his eyes are clozed, he's kinda dozing off. I want a dragon long stuck in the ground beside him and in one of the corners, I want simply Oilertay in a relaxed font..i dunno, just not italic. thx!
  8. nicely done but not what im lookin 4.
  9. You are seriously the best pixelar around. That is amazing, the guy is very, very well done. 10/10
  10. hey thats a really cool sig! i never seen any with a perspective like dat. btw, i saw flood it with "sample" cuz it be real eazy to steal.
  11. hey guys, my pal into p hats so i decided to make a fun sig for him. I am not good at making sigs at all, i just had an idea for a sig. so here goes.
  12. I say keep the dino one, its unique and it shows how much of an artist u are oya, rate : 8/10
  13. lol decker tried to make the scimmys into dragon and the one guy's addy....... check his new sig lol check out the ownage scrwed drag long that he made by painting over part of his scimmy.....noob
  14. dude its so cool...your sea pics are so sweet..to light ray flashing off the dolphin kinda makes him look transparent tho
  15. I kinda dont like it...the guy in the middle's face is like very tight..srry 3/10
  16. Then why leave it open? :? lol true ju yours is awesome! kilner your penguins own too bad there is one one :cry:
  17. maybe some examples? we dont know your style..your trustworthiness?
  18. hey i posted this on your other topic but if u didnt catch it here it is again: hey do u think u could make one for me, a guy in blue shirt, blck pants, brown hair sleeping with his hand behind his head,his feet crossed, leaning with his back against a tree,bum on the ground, other hand holding a fishing rod that's line is in the water and a drag long stuck in the ground beside him. in the top left and right corners could u put in small letters combat:90+ and total:900+ Hopefully thats enough of a descripyion for ya :wink: If you could get that for me i would appreciate it, thx
  19. hey do u think u could make one for me, a guy in blue shirt, blck pants, brown hair sleeping with his hand behind his head,his feet crossed, leaning against a tree, other hand holding a fishing rod that's line is in the water and a drag long stuck in the ground beside him. in the top left and right corners could u put in small letters combat:90+ and total:900+ Hopefully thats enough of a descripyion for ya :wink: If you could get that for me i would appreciate it, thx
  20. those are the coolest sigs i have evr seen
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