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Everything posted by Kill_Thomas9

  1. I am looking for a post i found a while ago that had tons of great safe spots in all kinds of places for lessers, greaters, dragons, and all kinds of monsters it was either in this forum or in general general p2p i need the safe spots to get some clue scrolls ty anyone for your help
  2. its all part of Jagex's giant schmeme to discourage poeple from playing runescape so when they close runescape there wont be mass riots because of people who still love the game. Those evil scoundrils
  3. stop complaining about macroers!!!!!!! do you realize that almost (im not more) than half the rune ess that you buy is mined by autoers? (yes you have all bought "dirty" ess) if half the supply of ess just dissapears then the prices shoot up! Imagine if half the whips that get dropped just stopped comming! the prices would shoot up to about 5 mil in a little over a week! The same thing is going to happen to pure essence because all the ess being mined by the outoers has stopped comming and listen to this: Not only has the ess mined by the autoers stopped comming, YOU MUST REMEMBER THAT ALMOST ALL OF THE ESS MINED BY "NON-AUTOERS" IS MINED BY NON MEMBERS!!!! THAT MEANS 50% OF THE ESS IS GONE BECAUSE THE AUTOERS ARE GONE, AND 70% OF THE ESS REMAINING HAS STOPPED COMMING BECAUSE THE NON-MEMBERS CANT MINE THE ESS EITHER!! THAT MEANS ONLY 15% OF THE ORIGINAL ESS IS STILL COMMING!!! Read the first post of the previous page to see how this will effect the entire economy. I AM NOT A PESEMIST. I AM STATING HOW BAD THIS COULD REALLY GET
  4. this update is the worst update in the history of runescape!! Did jagex once think of the impact this would have on everyone else?? Heres what happens: all the essence supply stops cuz p2p cant mine pure ess. All the nat crafters start charging more for nats cuz it costs more to make them. All the high alchers stop alching because nats cost too much. Since alching is one of the fastest ways to "make" money, 75% of the money supply stops comming. Money suddenly becomes more valuable because there is a lot less of it comming into the game. All the prices in runescape start dropping. It all starts a chain reaction and can only go downhill. Have fun playing with a falling-apart-at-the-seams economy! :D :) :( :o :x
  5. lets have a high lvl party in trollhiem!! and we can use tele to trollhiem to bring stuff and then tele back to seers to take out the stuff!!!!!!!
  6. this is all i got... *sigh* thats 3 drop partys in 3 days where i got under 5k...
  7. lets say 4 people get 70 att every day and 1 person gets 85 slayer every day. Now lets say the people at 85 slayer play 3 hours a day. That means the slayer people would get a whip every other day, so the 1 slayer person will have gotten a whip for the 4 att 70 people in 8 days, so unless the whip people need a new whip every 8 days, the prices will drop. Wow that must be the dumbest post I've seen. His logic is flawed methinks. I nearly agree about dumbest-I've seen worse, but only on rsb. Over those 8 days, 4 more people will get 70 attack per day. That means that it leaves, by the end of the 8 days, 21 people wanting a whip. Prices will rise if what you say is true. So it must be wrong. Your post is even worse. Over those 8 days there will be 8 more slayers, + the ones that already have 85 slayer. :roll: You need to learn to think.
  8. i missed it by seconds...
  9. They will. More and more people are becoming 85 slayer now... almost daily. Not to mention the hundreds already milking abby demons for them. It's a matter of time before they become even cheaper. More players reach 70 Attack each day mate, supply and demand lets say 4 people get 70 att every day and 1 person gets 85 slayer every day. Now lets say the people at 85 slayer play 3 hours a day. That means the slayer people would get a whip every other day, so the 1 slayer person will have gotten a whip for the 4 att 70 people in 8 days, so unless the whip people need a new whip every 8 days, the prices will drop.
  10. Im really behind on all of this "god" stuff... Where do you guys read all this stuff on the storyline of them? uum... could YOU do ANY better? If so I would like to see it If not, DONT COMPLAIN Im not sure people actually worship the runescape gods or actually believe in them. Thats like saying that you believe that Kalphite Queen actually exists
  11. *cough* the party is *eghem* um... over... so *cough* er you can all just um... go home... yah...
  12. lmao! so private servers are basicly pointless? Why risk getting banned for something that dosent effect your character??
  13. so lets say they went rune mining for 3 hours without anyone to compete against, and got 300 rune ore, would they be able to transfer the ore and the mining exp into the real game?
  14. thanks for answering all my questions but if they just have a mini runescape that dosent interact with real runescape why is it giving them an unfair advantage?
  15. Wait, you can spawn items? Whats a private server? How is it illegal? Why dont i understand any of this? Why am I asking so many questions?
  16. it means ur a mac user. no [cabbage] -.- i want to know what "codec" is and how to fix it.
  17. what does this mean??????? and the music plays but the picture dosent work...
  18. You mean like getting the ramdom eent chicken when you are trying to teleport? I hate that! Im fighting monsters and then i get down to lets say 6hp (the monsters max out at 3 damage and almost never do damage) and I think "Im getting low on hp so i better leave." so i click teleport and a chicken pops up! SPLASH! 6 DAMAGE! "oh dear, you're dead!" There goes 600k in items... I remember 1 day i got 2 mimes, 3 mazes, 5 old men and a few other things the next day im doing the exact same thing and i dont get 1 event so yea, it does seem like it goes in streaks. P.S. thanks for the great training spot
  19. thats what I want to know Who is he, where is he, and what's the point of alching near him?
  20. ill be there :D srry about the thing at school... I would be pi$$ed if someone did that to my girlfriend :x
  21. would this work for me at lvl 83? or should I go for one of the other guides?
  22. you really need to either: 1. learn to read words so you know what the thread is about 2. stop being lazy and read the whole post before you start making non-sense posts
  23. here's the stats for the full zombie armor hope that helps
  24. go to an f2p world anything that is called a "members item" you cant bting with you. Anythng that still has it's name in an f2p wrld you can keep. hope that helps =)
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