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Everything posted by Kill_Thomas9

  1. seriously... this is getting pathetic... And im not one for insulting jagex...
  2. nicely put that was such a long post i hardly got through it
  3. i was thinking of something like... the totally awsom super pplz guild!yes pplz has to be abbreviated and awsom has to be spelled that way!!!
  4. I bought my first whip for around 4.5 mil and I was lvl 75. everyone would say "wow! a lvl 75 with a whip!!" Then at lvl 77, after a sold my whip, I waited about a month and when I posted my account on a rate my account forum, everyone was saying stuff like "Dude, your account is good but you should get a whip." My point: Whips used to be the "Almighty Weapon of the Gods", but now it's just (dare I say) the next "dragon weapon"
  5. i was thinkiin of usin a cannon to beat monkey maddness is it possible or will the cannon just do 0's?
  6. i like the grid idea!!! starts at center and goes out in all directions that way if someone messes p it will keep going!
  7. I've done it millions of times... after school today i had to put away the dictionaries after 7th period and my friend said "hah! u nub!!" i started cracking up!
  8. im going to rants to comlainabout this kinda prob maybe jagex will see it and think more about making a link to tip.it on mainsite.
  9. TPUM is michel Jacksons Huswife :?
  10. well about 3 weeks ago a lost my abby whip thats a big deal for me. On christmas one of my friends gave me 250k to help me get back to where I was. After he gave me the stuff he said he would give me a whip when he got 10mil. I told him that that was too much, but even the fact that he was gunna give me that stuff shows just how generous people still are. I wont mention his name for his own privacy
  11. its not about jagex! f-a-g-e-x is a runescape website. some people on it cheat, but half the people (like me) just like having a fun website to go to.
  12. i went to the site today and all i got was: Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. Why is j-a-g-e-x bad?
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