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Everything posted by fx1970

  1. My problem with that is taht it can attract people for hacking your account. SAme with people asking how many money you have.
  2. Im going to bet your one of those that bought a whip from another player. The anchor still seems good to me and it has the added benefit that some people actually have to do something to gain it, unlike the whip were most paid stupid amount of money to get one and then think they have achieved something. I don't own a whip, i apreciate what your saying, I enjoy doing something challenging in game and being rewarded for it, but do you not think for someone to make 1.7 million is an achievement? My beef was that the anchor was a substantial weapon and was overpowered (in relation to its cost-i should have made that clear) and this has been fixed. edit: re-reading my post i see that i made a mistake by saying the anchor was massively overpowered and cheap to replace, i meant that it was overpwowered in relation to its cost to replace. @teebaum:I believe its random chance i've had the bridge scenario twice and once it was lvl 1 route with weak NPC, and the other time it was lvl 2 route with a weak NPC. I got lumberjack legs on the 2nd and nothing on the first. There we go =) And on my side... Yeah, i just tested it out and it isn't a massive nerf. i should have tested it before assuming like crazy. Glad we resolved this. I <3 tippers. Could you please explain me why you falme people calling them ignorant, while you make a comment on something you even have not tested??? :-k That is even more ignorance.... :shame:
  3. I think it is a fake. You can't only have herb seeds from herbs and flax, (never tree seeds) and you were collecting coal and maples..... And yuo have tree seeds in nest and also in what you got.. Also, don't thnik you have limp and all dumb seeds from flax and herb (that you were not collecting anyway... Also, the ring count doesn't match. If you want to make people crazzy about what youp collect try at least to respect the rules of collection.... :roll:
  4. I hope it will be french, so I cill be able to offer membership to my kids :)
  5. I want a server in French for my kids!!!!!
  6. But why going to Curilomancer bank if you have no time to bank... Just stay at lumbridge tele spot..... You will be rigth at the good palce...
  7. Anyway, they will start increase agian.. The only question is when...
  8. In my opinion, a good place to high alchimy is where you can compound alchimy with the collect of a slow respawning things, in order to increase your profit. Therefore for me, best places are: - Skavid caves to get nigthshade to make poison P++(just take a duel ring to tele to CW bank. Also I alchimy in zanaris at D dagger bank for same reason (a dd dagger cost 30k and i Sell DD p++ for 50k so certainly not a waste of time) - Zamorak temple north of ardy to get zammy wine(worh 1k each...) take an earth staff, laws and a water rune to tele to fally and telekinetic grab. - A gem stall - if you need seaweed, then piscatory colonny, where the 2 seaweed respawn. This is especially true now that they changed the high alchimy features, enabling you to alchimy while walking without stopping. This will really increase your profit/xp by getting you very good stuff on top of the high alchimy All others are just a waste of time for me as I look for the XP
  9. My wordst expereince was at Basilisk. Everythign was going when until i needed to reheal. Therefore I put Guthan on, and go back killing some pyrefriends. Back to Basilisk, and I start again killing them. Then i am wondering who is this guy being battered so hard by those poor basilisk??? Dam it is me. OMG i forgot to put back Mirror shield. Gosh I am dead... For info i was using range to kill them and took guthan set for reheal (why whip? probably forgot to put back in bank Lost: 22 mio (approxilmative price at that time) Whip(3mio) Update not yet done... Guthan Helm (2.5mio) Guthan Spear (9.5Mio) why the hell dont we keep it over all when we die... Robin (3mio) Ranger( 1mio) Glory(100k) Ring of wealth(75k Archer ring (2mio) 1k nats (330k) 2k fire peanuts 10k iron knives(400k) Like 15 rannar(100k) Ectophial (i remember because of the walk to get it back) and this f.....g mirror shield :)
  10. I think it will be great, especially for younger player who don't understand English, as my 8years old boy. As the moment there is a french speaking server, I automatically make him a member
  11. I did that also when I started agility. But the xp per hour is still very low (takes around 3seconds for one way ticket if i remmeber well. If you position yourslef very well (with zoom well calibered also, you just need to consistently click and that works... But so boring... and slow anyway comapred to Monkey for example
  12. Fir that you need the costume room. There you can construct rack for cape and treasure trail items, random items, holidays drops, some magic robes (mage (all 3) and lunar) it is definitely a must Note that to put things in a "garderobe", you need to have the complete set
  13. You can find in the bookcase all books from quest (not sure for others) And you don't have to put them in. They are automatically in it, as far as you finished the quest
  14. Ok thanks for your help it ias answered :thumbsup:
  15. Hi, I know that the basis material is cooked beef meat, but how do i transform it into sinew in order to string a crossbow string? thanks in advance
  16. I think taht random event depends of your location. It is true than in FG at Brimhaven you get a lot of Leo (I love him as he unload me so i can get more items ) I usually get 1 or 2 leo per FG slayer task. I think Jellies is also a location for Leo Use it for you when killing FG (nearly sure of having 1 event): Try to keep all your drops and keep only 2 free spots for the drops then drop the worst. So when Leo comes, you deposit the most you can :)
  17. didn't someone have a similar theory for monster drops? WHy would they choose a different mechanism? By re-using it, they avoid unnecessary developments. It is obvious in my opinion thatit is exactly the same mechanism as for Monsters drops
  18. As I already said, it is better a bit than nothing.... We know that it has an effect (they wont create an object saying it helps and it dont...), but the magnitude is unknown. Even if it had no effect, no other ammy have an effect so you can't lose anything, it is a fact. So wear it when you WC, it will increase your chances, but by how much? that is the mistery. probably not greatly as Jagex said, but a bit. And a bit more is always better than nothing... As simple as that. end of the story
  19. Try to kill 100 monsters with D scimmy and the same with whip and you will see taht the whip task will be way faster ... Try that with a high level monster with lot of hp (coz if you try on goblins it will be same :) ) You want to train your str? Use control style as I did till 99 in the 3 skills. You need the 3 at 99 anyway... Except for pures naturally... vut I don't see the point of pure behalve for easier Pking as you try to underate you
  20. That is what I did, i got the points i need, but was wondering if you were needing all or just the one of only 1 chamber
  21. To "buy" the bones to peach spell, do I need to get pizzas from all types of chambers or e.g. just from enchanting room is enough? Thanks :)
  22. 2 small remarks to this great guide. -The tip to get abyssal demon 50percent of the times don't work anymore unfortunately. I was also doing that previously... - For monkey, I prefer to use a monkey grigri, tele to monkey island, go down in the cave in this building where Monkey zombies are and kill the lower level zombies. They are agressive so very easy to kill as they keep attacking you. Just stay close to the lmadder? i think 3 or 4 respawn there. And if you have to wait coz you are too fast, just go a little east to kill a big one :) Use guthan set + whip when no reheal needed
  23. Something even stranger..... After all those posts yuo are not convinced yet of the profitability and the easyness of farming? Then we can't anything for you.... :wall:
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