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Everything posted by Siobhana

  1. Amagad!!!!! It's soooooo close! You amazing, crazy person you :thumbsup:
  2. Congrats Shady Lady :) Use the bars for crafting rocks once a week. Make saph necklaces, emmy rings, and diamond rings when you have the gems (not sure what's best for ruby tbh) and the rest you make plain ammies with. Then you string the ammies using lunar. See? Cash (strung plain ammies actually sell :o ), crafting xp AND mage xp ;)
  3. What I did with mine was first to 4-dose them with the guy at GE, and then empty. I know. Tedious, tedious, tedious. But imo emptying doesn't really take much longer than dropping, and free vials are free vials. Just do a couple hundred each time and eventually you WILL chomp through them.
  4. I normally watch it, but this year my niece's confirmation is the same day. Last year we had a big party with champagne and caviar (both as fake as the whole shebang :D ) and had a great night. And of course we had to hang the flag out when the Norwegian victory was certain. Strangely enough the rest of the evening is slightly hazy. ;) Edit: And i forgot. Norway's song this year is snooze-o-rama. I sooo hoped the Dimmu Borgir song was going to win nationals, but I think they came 3rd or so. Not a big fan, but atleast it would be entertaining to watch
  5. Oh god, I forgot about slush. And sleet. And other varieties of rain/snow mixed into horrid nastiness. Yuck!! Thank god that time is mostly over and done with. I want warm days with bbq's until late evening, drinking wine on the terrace, and hopefully warm enough water to dip a toe into. (Reminder: I live at 63deg N, google-map it. It's not often swimming temps here.)
  6. Snow is by FAR worse IMO. Rain is annoying as heck, but after it hits the ground it (atleast most of it) disappears. Snow sits there. And turns slowly into ice. Which I will eventually slip on and hurt my bum.
  7. Sitting at the office sneezing my nose off here, so please keep your cold to yourself :P Hopefully all colds will go off to winter-lands and not return until November. At the earliest. As for Jedi-day, it's kinda like Pi-day (3.14). It's the 4th of May, which in american tradition is called may the fourth. Which sounds a lot like "May the force..." The traditional jedi-greeting. For a tad more info, take a look here: May the fourth be with you
  8. It's May for cripes sake!! I am NOT supposed to have to de-ice my car on Jedi-day!! And to boot it didn't even work to telepath the snow away :( Anywhooo: Happy Jedi-day everyone. May the fourth be with you
  9. Awwww, so glad the mommy found her baby again <3: Always great when these stories have happy endings.
  10. I'm considering to go. That is, as long as Katla stays asleep. Not sure if I could face 27h of straight driving (thank you googlemaps) just to get there. But should be fun to meet up with some of the people from here. And Rach, if you're worried about your parents, I'll be your chaperone. I'll be 33 by then, and I'm a *erm* responsible adult :P
  11. As Racheya said, the DYK's tend to run out quickly. Also, it isn't necessarily that obvious seeing how you cannot trade charms outside of dungeoneering. I for one didn't even think about trying to sell them before I had it pointed out to me.
  12. Time for a new release of the: >>>Tip.It Times!<<< When replying please make sure to clarify the article you are replying to! Thanks! Enjoy the articles!
  13. I ground up my own pork meat and added 2 different spice mixes. One heavy in pepper, garlic and paprika for a spanish chorizo-style sausage, and fennel and coriander in the other one for a sweeter, italian style sausage. They were both tasty, but the spanish one was the bigger hit. I can't wait to try out sausages with about 40% fatty bacon and some shredded Jarlsberg cheese. And eventually, when I become more experienced I hope to delve into the wonderful world of cured sausages :) Can't wait for fall when I plan on buying half a pig stright from slaughter :D
  14. That was a close shot :D I'd be mad if I had to re-type all my eloquent statements... :P
  15. Oh boy. Suddenly I hadn't posted here in 3 weeks. I blame RS. And RL. But a lot of fun stuff has happened both places so it's all good. And so on to the elephant in the room, or should that be dungeon. Dungeoneering. Well, my first impression is that I cannot bring myself to think of it as a skill. I mean, what's the skill part of it? picking up different keys and unlocking doors? That's questing in my book. Killing various monsters and bosses? Well, ain't that combat/fighting? Solving various puzzles? Again, questing. And Jagex, there IS a reason why I have so many undone quests.... However, in general I like to DO dungeoneering, whether it should be called a skill, minigame, activity or just a fun way to train various other skills. I like that I can toddle along and train pretty much every other skill in one way or another. I like the sound of the gembag and the bonecrusher (although at the rate I'm going it'll be christmas before I get enough tokens). I like that you can, but don't HAVE to play with others. (If Jagex had forced me to socialize I would probably had to kill myself.) I see great potential in the fact that the skill goes to lvl 120 instead of 99. I'm guessing Jagex may be preparing to launch the other skills to 120 aswell, now that so many players are maxed (pre-dungeoneering maxed, that is. I still chuckle when I think of Trixstar who maxed the Sunday before it came out =D> ) My heart also bleeds a bit for our wonderful crew. They have been slaving away with the new skill, working all hours to get a skill guide out and ready. This is a massive update, and they've done a fantastic job. However there is still a lot of work to be done and I urge each and every one of you to visit the update forum: W U&C and see if there is some bit of info you have that they need. If your submissions are used you will of course be credited on the site and have eternal web-glory \:D/ In RL I have discovered a new hobby. Sausage making! It's actually a lot easier than it sounds (and I thought). It requires a bit of work, but you get to work with pigs intestines (or hog casings which is the slightly more PC term.) And you get to decide what to put in your own sausages. So I'm guessing next week I'll be testing bacon and cheese sausages. Mmmmmmm.......
  16. It's almost like you're just out to cause trouble. It's interesting you've removed your stat signature and all mentions of your RSN from your profile in the last 5 minutes, presumably because you knew you were going to try and stir something up? I don't think Jagex are going to ban you, lol. Actually no, I did it before I even knew that he was going to post. I mostly did it for when I have to go under a different name because I get banned for using an adult, if not profane word, on what is apparently a kid site. <_< And like Qeltar said, you guys are being rather hypocritical. Tell you what, be "Just about the Gaming Experience" and we'll be "Just about the community experience." Just a quick note here. This is NOT only a site for kids but it's a site for ALL, that would mean including kids. And I'm sure now that you're obviously very much aware of it you'll do your best not to use profanity or other language not suitable for kids. And I'm also sure you've read the forum rules and are aware that should you happen to get a ban it would be against the rules to create a new account, and would only lead to a the original ban being lengthened. :)
  17. Hey Storm, aren't you in the south-ish? Got any good bbq-sauce recipes to share? =P~
  18. Excellent. Thx a bunch. I'll still keep collecting pieces tho. As I like the incentive I get to train rarely-trained skills :)
  19. Has Jagex stated so? Haven't seen anything about it, but again, I shun RSOF so could easily have missed it. :)
  20. The last few weeks my RS life have revolved a lot around non-cbt skilling. I am actually enjoying shattered hearts more than I thought I would when I realised it meant training stuff like agility, hunter and *shudders* RC. It has even gotten me a hunter lvl (now 81, only 3 more lvls and I can pot for zombie implings. Of course, by then I won't spot a single one...) I am currently working on my 3rd statue, and I'm really wondering if the finished in-house statue will have any special rewards. I am also closing in on levels in RC (82), construction (83) and ranged (96). :) Out in RL it seems that spring is finally on its way here up north. Yesterday the bf and I started the bbq-season (I even made my own bbq-sauce for the very first time!!) out on our balcony. In the sun it was a whopping 12C so we ate inside, but it was so nice to be able to sit outside while the food was cooking. The sun is also visibly higher in the sky and the snow and ice on the sidewalks is steadily melting away. Wonderful!!! However I had a major realisation yesterday when I saw that easter is THIS COMING WEEK. I was so sure it was one more week away. So now it was time to end all procrastination. Panicky message to my sister-in-law to organise my nieces birthdaygift (money, as she's going to London for a longweekend over easter). Thank god for internet banking as they're leaving this sunday :oops: Wild search in the attic to look for thermal underwear, thick sweaters and the likes for our own easter vacation, as we on monday (yep, Sio. *This* monday, not in a week...) are travelling further north to where the bf comes from for a week in his family's cabin up in the mountains. No, I'm not gonna ski at all, but snowmobile here I come :D Only drawback is no net up there. So I'm packing 2-3 kakuro books, my ebook, mp3 player, one of our laptops and possibly even moar books :)
  21. Lol. Trust me. It gets old really quick imo. I'm just extremely happy I live in an apartementbuilding so that someone else has to shovel it all away from the driveway. What I wouldn't give to be on a tropical beach somewhere now.......
  22. So, the bonus xp weekend is over, and I did manage my big goal! After about an hour of play on friday I finally reached that elusive level 96 summoning \:D/ It's so awesome to finally be able to use that amazing familiar. So far I've only tested it on a trip to mith drags (had an assignment of 11), but it was wonderful not to have to leave a single mith bar or bury a single d-bone. Bring on the addy drags Jagex, I'm as ready as I'll ever be . The rest of the weekend was pretty ramshackle. Didn't get another level, but I did get some xp in a couple of not-so-favorite skills. So I'm now 100K or less away from levels in ranged, construction, RC and hunter. All skills I rarely train :D Yesterday I also did my first quest in ages. I'm not a big quest fan, but I did make myself run through the blood pact. And I was then promptly kidnapped by Crew to help them with fixing some images and getting some lunar scans. Well, as their quest guides and skill tips have helped me out on numerous occations, how could I resist. <3: In RL this week has seen snowmageddon here in middle parts of Norway (probably elsewhere too, but I've only been here so.) I was starting to hope for spring. That should teach me a lesson. Aparently we're suppposed to get around 70cm this week. I'm pretty sure about half of that already has arrived. If I liked skiing I guess I would be extatic....
  23. People in general can sometimes really make me chuckle. I was driving up to work today. As I entered the highway I ended up behind a uniformed police car. No problem, I'm generally a "nice" driver, and pretty much never go over the speedlimit anyway (and, yes. I have checked my speedometer against 3-4 speed checkpoints and a GPS). Anyway. As I don't go over the speedlimit I always tend to get passed by cars in the left lane. Fine by me. I'm never in that much of a hurry and I prefer to spend my money on travels, books, eating out etc rather than speeding tickets. However, when people (and, it seems, Norwegians in particular) see a police car they are gripped by this collective, existential angst! I saw car after car come in the left lane, drive beside me and seeing the police car. BAM! On with brakes, and promptly get the car over into the right hand lane (aka straight in front of me). This happened with every single car! In the end there weren't any more room in front of me, so it ended with both lanes going bumper to bumper at approximately 70-75km/h (the speed limit there is 80, my speedometer showed around 77-78 and it's off by around 10%). People are in general weird. :D
  24. I currently have 6, and have 2-3 more planned. Just need to get my rear into gear and get the apt for the first 2, but the last one I have planned will take a bit more work as it requires me travelling to South Africa/Australia or similar to do a white shark dive first :P All my tattoos mean something special to me. There is the butterfly I got when I moved to live by myself and try out this "adult" thing, the Tweety bird who I've loved for decades, the dolphin for the time I fed wild dolphins in Monkey Mia, Western Australia, the polar bear I saw in the wild up at Spitsbergen, the whale shark I swam next to on Ningaloo reef (those suckers are H U G E) and the lion I walked with and cuddled in Zimbabwe. To come is an image of the beautiful cheetas I met in Namibia, a phrase written in elvish so that not everyone can read it (it's a phrase that means a lot to me personally) and finally the white shark I'll get when I finally manage to get a cave dive done. (Sadly, when I was in South Africa the weather was too bad so the trip got cancelled :( ) If you think about getting a tattoo, make sure it is a motif you can stand by. Not just now, but also in 10, 20, 40 years. And tbh, the pain isn't that bad :)
  25. The leprechaun can store buckets, compost, super compost and the different farming tools for you. You can buy compost in the farm shops for 20gp, or make it yourself by putting 15 compostable items into the compost bins near the allotment plots. Examples of compostable materials that are easy to get include weeds, cabbage, potatoes etc. The brilliance of this is that the compost weight quite a bit (3kg) so it quickly adds up to the balloon limit and over. If you make scrolls you won't have to worry about the balloon at all but just run back and forth between the obelisk and the leprechaun stationed at the Taverly tree plot. For the marigold you need lvl 2 farming. That's 83 xp and just by weeding both allotment, flower and herb patch in one place you'll get 48xp. Then treat the 2 allotments with (bought) compost for another 36 xp and bob's your uncle :) Marigold seeds can be either bought at the ge for 32gp, Olivia's seed stall in Draynor for 84gp or thieved from either seed stall (27 thieving) or master farmers (38 thieving).
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