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Everything posted by Karmastocracy

  1. +1 Maybe you could add that some general stores have huge masses of willows for 13 gp (i think) each because autoers usually sell there. I'm not sure if this is in member worlds, but this would save a lot of money if you buy your way there since it'd only be around 5 gp each willow log (if you sell back for 8 after you fletch it). But I could be wrong on the numbers... Thank you all for the compliments, and good luck with your fletching! :) As for the general store buying-fletching-selling technique, thanks for the tip. You are the second person to have mentioned it, and I have decided to add that in on my next update. :P
  2. He doesn't respawn. You can only kill him once. Anyways nice guide, this was a very prompt & detailed guide over this very new area. 9/10! :P
  3. 0/10 never seen you before :| (I usually don't browse forum games though.)
  4. Acually I forget the place topic that shows you what requierments you need to a Aow guide, if anyone could post it here I would be gratefull. :) Ah yes, I forgot about that, and it's added to the guide. :wink: Thanks everyone for the comments! :P
  5. Good guide! :) One thing though, in the alching picture, you should always try to avoid having any expensive things in your inventory. Sometimes you just sort of have a Brain Freeze and you could: (Be in the High Alchemy--> inventory, and accidentally click your whip, thereby high alching it.) Also going a little bit more in depth might be useful to get past those difficult levels. If you would consider referencing My Guide as a source to help get your fletching to 70, I would be more than happy to direct people to your guide who want to learn about mage! :P (I have a section about it, because it is very useful as you have mentioned in conjuncion with fletching.) 8/10
  6. ~I am currently waiting to see whether my guide will get into AOW~ Thanks for everyone's support! :P
  7. Its legitimately YouTube (I have an extension to my browser that says whether a site is safe or not. YouTube was already ranked Green. If this was a new site, it would've been Grey (unranked)). Videos just take a moment to be loaded, and his is still loading probably... Yep, figured out my own mistake about a second after I posted. :wall: (Even made a admin confirmation on the post :uhh: ) (I was NOT the one who reported the post!) Sorry to anyone who read my previous post, I posted a unfounded precaution (Link is Safe.)
  8. EDIT~ Sorry, my connection lagged and made me triple post. (If any moderator can delete my last two posts?)
  9. No, it's not anything other than Tolna's Rift. Look here: That's Tolna's Rift all right. Not the Abyss. :)
  10. uuuugh no. The flood is a parasitic life form, that takes over other life forms. It is based off of the human form (The parasite form takes over the mind, then controlls the mind) That is a breeder form, and it *bubbles because it releases (explodes) lots more parasite flood! That thing looks like a pair of regular legs, with horns, and a big blob for a torso, with an eye in the center. All the things in the new mini game look like monkey made blob things. Just something someone at Jagex towers would imagine up! :)
  11. Just a bit 8-) But ya, apart from My Guide, im not very well know at all :(
  12. Ya, I did a quoted repost too in my guide, and that's the response I got. :oops: Just a little tip. :wink: Anyways great guide, and Im sure it will help a lot of Cwars Flag Holders! :) 9/10
  13. While the pker is killing you say "Im just the messenger", then have an entire inventory of bob's axes fliers 8-) (If you don't get it, think about it for a second.)
  14. Naaa, but I just met one :) ~I Log on Click bank, then right click just to see if there's anyone I might know. Starts typing in bank pin... Cancelled bank pin, and does a double take. I right click again to check that im not hallucinating. Nope, he's there. I never would have guessed that logging on for 30 seconds, in yanille I would meet leesters, but there you go! Third Hyt! :P
  15. If you read this, could you please post a little something? Thanks, because from to amount of views/posts equivelent, only 1 out of every 32 people take the time to post who visit my guide. I really appreciate it! And I also will take the time to update my guide, so your opinions and post REALLY DO MATTER! :)
  16. http://runescapedragons.com/ Great website, and I hope everyone likes it! (Currently in forum stages right now)
  17. Well hunting is fun (in my opinion) and it's easy to level once you get over around 15-20. Anyways, I have them and I think they are worth it. You are like 33% better?... That's my opinion while ive been trying it out. That's not fact though, just in my experience. :)
  18. Good guide, but the different posts was completely unnecessary. Other than that though maybe not use the same 3 colors over and over? :| Maybe that's just opinion, but 8.5/10. :)
  19. Yay! I was going to say that, but it's good to see another Hitchiker's reader. It's also the name of the last book in the series, but the book's named because it's Earth's description... and ya. That's great, I never saw those cartoons, so nice find. :)
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