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Everything posted by tetrak

  1. It highly depend on friends/homework/things to do. I'd say I play between 1 and 3 hours per day, sometimes less, and 4 hours a day on weekend. Mind you, I'm nearing 99 range so those hours are a bit more than usual since I want my maxed out range :P
  2. I'm 20 myself and I know a lot of players that are 20+ :twisted: I even have a friend who is 42 or something, so no, you're certainly not the only "old" RS player :)
  3. Well, I think Jagex does a bit of banning everyday instead of massive bannings once per "x" amount of time. I'd be curious to know how many people Jagex ban per day in average O.o
  4. I found the second one very funny :P There's a webcomic on MMORPG at http://www.thenoobcomic.com, if it interests you. But continue like that, it's really nice :D
  5. No, mass banning really exist :P Jagex did a few quite some time ago, at one point they were so mad that they posted the list of everyone getting banned :P
  6. Well, the only situation in which I ever have problems is when I go to cwar, where I get begged for arrows, runes, and I get called a noob by some guy I just killed. Beside that, I never usually have any problem :/ But I must say that the case you got there is pretty extreme, but surely annoying and undeserved. Sorry to hear people acting like that :( Still, it's good to post things like that, it might remind people there are people behind the characters lol
  7. If anything this post is promoting Small Rares, not Party Hats. Try actually reading it before making these stupid comments. Well, if you actually read mine, you'd find out the quotes I took out points toward the fact that you're trying to reassure buyers for party hats, and as far as I know, you're in merchanting phats mostly. It's odd how the main idea behind that post would contribute to making you even richer with your army of banked party hats, isn't it? I give it to you, you're helpful toward other players and those posts you make inform the other players, which is all to your honor. However, your posts, oddly enough, always try to influence the economy your way.
  8. "However, yesterday's drop proves that Party Hats are not going to crash (for the time being)" "Maybe the economy is actually not as bad as many make it out to be" "the entire Rare Market is completely healthy, and is not in for another recession" The way I see it, he's trying to get people to regain their trust in the party hats economy, which will end up in a serious raise in the demand of the phat, thus making them increase in price. And why am I certain r2 will be there with his army of hats, ready to make cash?
  9. It always was at 10% dude :P If it ever was at 25%, I would have healed when below 21 or so with this prayer, and I'm afraid it sadly never happened to me :/
  10. I still have that nasty feeling you're manipulating the prices, r2 :? And why do you put capital letters to party hats and their color O.o
  11. full infinity gives meybe 55 mage att bonus so stop the dreaming....reapairing it? it only degrades when in combat- as a mage you shoot from far away so your not in combat(getting hit back)- hence it doesnt degrade...so get your facts straingt and learn things before you post.... Err, I'm a ranger so I won't get full Ahrim just to test, but I HIGHLY doubt that the set only degrades when getting attacked. Attacking probably makes it degrade too. I'm not sure, but I'd check out.
  12. I never called you a noob, Mr Darksky :P No one did either lol Back on the topic, I very often get called "ranger noob" or the like at cwar =) But that's usually because they're doing a death kneel and are frustrated at dying before even reaching me...
  13. Who's Dron? And if I remember well, Vannaka is past level 126 on tutorial island, and he was the leader of Saradomin's army in the past O.o That's quite something lol :P On another point of view, i'd say The level 702 is the strongest warrior in the game :P
  14. Awesome job! Those songs are hilarious, and it's extremely nice to see some people still find a way to smile to the problems of RS ;)
  15. You'd be happy in RSC, you could examine others at some point :P
  16. I have serious OCE :/ Whenever I do something that takes time (training ranged at blue drags, for example) I start examining things like crazy :/ I must have examined blue drags at least 400 times in total :P I feel your pain :(
  17. I find it slightly ironic that a merchant talks about saving RuneScape's economy...
  18. The problem with crystal is that it will be low on charges once you're to the boss, and you'll have a hard time hitting it :/
  19. Well, Odd, I can tell you that with his ranged attack (the one that killed me if I remember well) he at least does 82 when you don't have the right prayer on, as he got me from full health (82 hp) to 0 :/
  20. Can't answer the first question, and it wasn't adressed at me anyway :P From my very limited experience, I can tell you that both of his attacks result in him raising his front legs, but the mage one is longer and he also raises one of his leg higher I believe. But the more I think about it the less I'm sure so I better shut up and go kill it once I get back to home :P
  21. Well, Richie, I'm not Impaler, but I can tell you that with 49 pray, 19 (maybe 1 or 2 less) I got to the boss and I had a full pray pot (4 doses) left when the boss was at half health. Of course, he killed me after but that's my own fault. So I don't see why you couldn't do it :) And although I have a crystal bow, I didn't use it because at the very end it would be in such a bad state I could hardly harm the boss/level 360s. Of course, I use range only, not melee, so I use more shots. Also, I find the crystal bow to be too slow for this, since the more time you spend on a monster, the more prayer you lose. My max hit with crystal bow is 24, my max with Karil is 21 (both potted at 104 ranged, with a natural 92, soon 93, ranged), but the crystal bow is a lot slower. Of course, you wouldn't have to worry about range as you would shoot farther :)
  22. Well, I wish you good luck :) I'll personally do my very best to have this cape tomorrow, I don't believe it's going to take me more than 5 trips lol :P Kinda expensive though :/ Lots of ranging pots + 2k Bolt racks per trip, that's around half a mill per trip lol. Fortunately I have 16k bolt racks :D
  23. I see. Well, if you look me up, you'll see that I can't melee a goblin (okay, well, maybe it's not that bad, but it doesn't compare to my range) to save my life, so I can't give any help on that. However, I know that magic works very poorly on the monsters, and I also know that the levels 360 switch between magic and melee randomly when you're close enough (and I believe their max is 49, anyway, it was 41 on me). And you can't see what kind of attack it'll use before it's too late. Maybe you could stay out of their melee range by using a halberd, but in that case you couldn't use a safe spot (the frogs attack from their maximum distance, so even if you started the fight in the safespot, it'd just stay far away maging you, leaving you only with ranged or magic to fight back, and coming closer to halberd would mean leaving your safe spot, and thus making you vulnerable to all the other monsters). I dunno if it can be done, and if it is, prepare for a very hard time :( This place was obviously made to be completed by ranger, for once :) EDIT : Oh, sorry, didn't see the second part of your message. Well, it's already good you got to the 12th 360, but remember there are 20 other, with more monsters, before the 702. So you'd need some serious supplies :/ If you manage to get to the 702, I can't help you with melee, I'm a ranger and I won't go next to him to get 1 hit by a probable melee attack, and thus wasting another 2 hour ;)
  24. Grayd0, he doesn't have use a melee attack if you stay far away from him, he'll stick with ranged and magic. Shadowbot :Well, the problem is that prayer robes would take 2 spots that could be used by pray pots, and unless you stick with prayer robes all the time (making you very vulnerable to the lower level monsters and leaving you unprotected if you fail to protect on time to the attack of a 360. And trust me, you probably will, I got hit by a few 40s, and I'm a very careful person). Also, you'd have a very hard time hitting the boss and the 360 with pray robes :/ Personally, I brought 2 ranged pots (4), 7 sharks, and the rest was pray pots (4). I wore what you see in the screenshot. I had protect from mage because at that moment (he was about half dead) he was in a maging spree, but he switched to ranged attack and I wasn't quick enough to switch my prayer. But from my only experience with the boss (That was my second trip), he started with ranged attack, and it did the same with Impaler from what he said. I'll try him again as soon as I'm out, which will take a long time as I have 8 hours of class today...
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