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  1. was this the guide you were looking for? http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=596342
  2. heres a guide that has some good calculations in it. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=643345
  3. its opened very early into the quest. its right at the start so not very far. nuffs certificate is only needed for going through the quest. not needed useing the rings. just need the staff for the rings.
  4. try pc it gives points and exp.
  5. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=519156 i found this one the most useful for me. there are others in the aow.
  6. no once the plant is grown fully it will stay like that until harvested. depending on if you use super compost or not will change the chance for disease
  7. well you could do iron arrows at fire giants, cannoning at rock crabs, experiments, or knifes at moss giants. just some spots i know
  8. no the minning site was moved closer to draynor and a copper and other low lvl ore mine took its place.
  9. i get this mesage when i use it now "404 - Page not found -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry, the page you were looking for was not found." anyway to fix it? im useing ie btw
  10. it will take a while so every few k's of fish go cook them then do something else and comeback so you won't get bored. it will take a long time so i hope your determined and know how to use a lot of fish.
  11. instead of useing games necklaces to charge glories move your home to taverly and use home tele tabs there. this is faster but may be more expensive.
  12. try crafting air runes. the airs have a good market and a close to a bank. not sure about the speed of fires compared to airs though.
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