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Everything posted by ghostman

  1. Yeah...so many people are quiting. This game is turning to less then dirt. I'm planning to quit soon also. So many beggars and autoers ruin the integrity of the whole community.
  2. willows near port sarim are good too...cut them til around 65 or so and yews should come somewhat easier
  3. If you are on f2p, and the object says members object, it is not tradable. If it actually has a name, it is.
  4. Man...Zezima must get tons of spam...It's good that only so much text can appear on a screen at once =]
  5. wow! nice... If all scammers could be tricked, runescape would be so much better...
  6. It happens a lot in castle wars.
  7. 75 cooking is highest 44 farming is lowest been playing for 13 months or so.
  8. i have 10,010 pure ess....I bought 12k three days before update, and crafted near 2k nats. 50 runecrafting.
  9. It seems kinda fake...But if a time and place where set, i'd come anyway.But...who would quit cuz their friend is quitting?
  10. Just walk/run over, and put autoretaliate on. Then, when the crab is dead, pick up your arrows and walk around again. Bring dhide and your arrows/bow/knives/darts/etc. If you are really worried, it won't hurt to bring some food, although it won't be needed.
  11. May I come? I keep missing Tip.it events....they are always stacked when my shedule is, and i haven't made one yet =\ I would like to come to just get a feel for the atmosphere (that probably wasn't a good argument...)
  12. This runecraft update has made me even less excited about runescape...Autoers are ruining this game, and JaGex does something that doesn't help. Every once in a while, players should have to click in a pin, which is randomly generated.
  13. me wants to come to castle wars...someone poke me with a big sharp stick before that event starts or ill forget, like last month. :oops:
  14. wearing something like leather wouldn't hurt mage def, but i don't know how much it takes off your mage attack.
  15. ....long thread is making my eyes hurt... I have to say that autoers are slowly taking over the game, and Jagex, from a company's standpoint, is all about the money They should hire more people/more mods.
  16. the timing really counts in temple building. during peak hours, sometimes world 6 and 66 will have temple builders
  17. Granted that I don't have anything else to do, I'll come...I'll get slaughtered =]
  18. wow nice story thats gotta stink... :lol: :shock: u spent over a mil...wow EDIT: oops this is an old thread? sorry...
  19. the rings kinda like the ring of stone except ur an egg =]
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