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Everything posted by Colint94

  1. Hey everyone! Lets post a list of which parts we wish to acheive! ( I love this multipart idea, should be used more often). Heres my list: TOP O' THE LIST New Weapons New Armour New Agility Course IF I HAVE TIME New Foods DON'T CARE FOR (MAYBE IF I HAVE NOTHIN' BETTER TO DO) Cats
  2. Well, in part 1, you are given a simple task. Help Martin with his crop problems. But you later on encounter symptoms of disease, a new Zanaris, and maybe even a miniscule encounter with the Fairy Mafia? Yes, the Mafia. Now in place of the Fairy Queen is Fat Rocco, Slim louie and the Fairy Godfather. He asks you to kill a Tanglefoot and retreive the Queens Magical Essence, but he never returns it to Fairy Nuff, the queens healer. What will happen? What is Godfather planning? Why am I speaking in questions? Nobody knows...
  3. Gaah...Im still going, but I keep seing something...It looks like a gorilla, but twisted, like out of my nightmares. I must continue on... Im insane...I know it...My defence is a bone that I keep swinging at trees...and...OH NHO! Th-the gorilla, its....coming...GGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! .. ..... _/\__/\______/ Wha-what!? Im alive...and in a large cave....surrounded by...skulls. Lovely touch...Its coming back...better pretend to still bge unconcious...
  4. Oh crap....what is happening??? From somewhere above, most likely the pilot's, saying "Oh no! Everyone, we are experiencing a...small..pro-oh! BOSH! We are all gonna crash and die!" I quickly grabbed the seat to use as a flotation device. The stewardess was frantically running around the plane. While she turned, I jumped.... That was the last a remember before getting captured by these Voodoo Freaks. Now Here I am. Tid to a large pole, slowly being turned opver a fire, using my Swiss Army Knife to hack my way through the ropes. Finally! They're cut and the Cannibals are asleep. Now to get through the jungle and off of this insane island! I met a strange snake, he looks as though he has eaten an large egg. As I walked passed it it hissed loudly at me. I continued on...
  5. Name:Drake Gender:Male Age:? Job: Archeologist Appereance: Flaming red hair, bloodred eyes Personality:Short Fused Reason: Flying east to see ancient Tombs of Egypt Stuff with you:Trowel, Parchment Rolls (x2), Small Lump of Charcoal Extra Skills: Cartography, Degree in Archeology Major events: Survives Jump Current Character Relations: None Current status: Partially Unconcious Current Action(s): Hacking out of ropes.
  6. If a train leaves New York for San Francisco at a speed of 75 MPH and has 1100 scoops of ice cream in its freezer and the freezer breaks, and the scoops are melting at a rate of 3 scoops every 3 minutes, how many scoops will be left when the train reaches it destination?
  7. machine gives you a blood transfusion. your alive
  8. I was watching, run up and make a mad dash, get killed but p00n everyone with redemption and get it! Sell it back to zezima for 88mil
  9. Im in arizona. What time zone would that be? I was thinking Eastern Standard or Central Standard
  10. Has anyone thought the Castle of Lord Drakan could be in the empty patch near the Abandoned Mine full of Salve Crystal? After all, that place is SWARMING with level 71 vampires (including one particularly nasty pickaxe-thorwing level 95...).
  11. Maybe in the sequel to it you will have to make a peace treaty with the king of cannibals, because in pirate stories there where always cannibals and all sorts of scary yet cool characters. Excerpt from Treasure Island "Are you a cannibal?" I dont know if that is the exact thing, but the young boy was talking to that straggly stranger on the island and thinks he is one, until he tells him he lives off of cheese and goat meat.
  12. When did this update even happen? Where does it say the new clues have been released
  13. Akthanakos, cuz he has a camel head. BTW kwimbob, I saw your sig, can I be an Aquatic Moose Ninja too? i have the stuff.
  14. My name sounds REALLY awesome, Thorkil, and while wielding my spined I am Thorkil Spinwielder
  15. oddfaery thats not fair! could we combine my guide with it? i had a guide first! sure i didnt have exp but i had details of what to do and details of what the obstacles look like!
  16. Thank you, I geuss I just have failed everything except that. You have been credited.
  17. I was first to get an artifact so I will share my knowledge. The first level is hardest, because it is widest around. The basic traps consist of: Moving Blocks: These are by far the hardest traps of all. While going along the pyramid a wall may suddenly push you off to the level below! To avoid this, if you find a block that has an examine and its called 'Pyramid Block' in yellow, thats the one. Wait for it to move. Planks: Your standard slippery Yew Plank. Rotating Blocks: These are easier to recognize than the Pushing Blocks, but harder to pass. They are always gray coloured blocks, and have rounded ends. Click beyond them to jump over it. Low Walls:Nearly impossible to fail, just click 'Climb' and your done. Edit: Thanks to Not2Day1024 Gaps: Another tricky one, unlike the others where they tell you if you made it before your done, this one is a missing block and when you jump, if it says you 'misplace your footing', then you lose. Wall Climb: If you can get to this obstacle you have won! Once at the top there is a 'Climb Wall' option and resting at the top is a Solid Gold Pyramid! Mind you, you still have to get across a Rotate Block and Jump a Gap. Tips, Tricks and Advice - While doing the pyramid you might get a little flustered (like me), DON'T WORRY. It is just a game. - BRING LOTS OF WATER! While in the pyramid you will still have to take drinks! - I found that it is easier as you go up, because it gets smaller and smaller around. - At the top don't mistake the Doorway as the entrance to the artifacts. You have to climb up the Wall Climb on the west side of the doorway. --THE ARTIFACT-- The artifact is the solig gold Top of the Pyramid. To get it you must suceed in climbing the wall climb at the top. I choose to kepp mine to remember it, but you can sell it to the Archeologist at the bottom for 1,000GP.[/i]
  18. When you pick up a stick and try making blasts of fire shoot out of them
  19. I think that this new staff would provide the High/Low Level Alchemy runes. Now, mind you, it would be rare and expensive, and a rare drop from many monsters, they way a dragon spear works.
  20. I am doing the enchanters, but I only enchanted one, which was the bonus, so I have 1 point. Saving for a wand
  21. Everyone says keeping a full inv is good to get mimes and mazez from MOms cuz he cant give u boxes, btu what happens if i get mime? will i lose my prize?
  22. Also, atous and macroers have everything OFF. Private and Public chat and Trade Complete. Also, porbably Accept Aid as well
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