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Everything posted by sprites

  1. Not yet, my friend. :wink: But so much of science is yet to be proven, or even discovered. Also, the main reason why the majority of the scientific community is skeptical of telepathy is because very few so called "psychics" were able to perform this ability for long periods of time. As it said in the wikipedia article, this was thought to be caused by boredom. There have been, however, many documented cases of psychic abilities that suggest that there may be some truth to ESP.
  2. I agree with you to some extent. There are some thoughts that can be explained as deja vu. I'm not sure of the name, but there is also psychological condition where people intentionally look for patterns in everyday objects. However there is also substantial evidence of telepathy and precognition among humans and animals. Where subjects were able to perform this time and time again under scientific conditions. I'm not saying you're wrong however.
  3. I've told my best friend that I loved him. We know eachother's deepest secrets, so there is nothing to hide. The bottom line is, that you should let your friends and family know how you feel about them. Because you never know, somebody could die suddenly and you'll never get a chance to tell them. Those are just my thoughts...
  4. Back in High School, I used to average around 7-8 hours. But now that I'm in college I tend to either oversleep or get none at all. Not a very healthy way to live. :shame:
  5. This happens to me a lot. Whenever I watch TV I can tell what commercials will come on next. Or sometimes, I will think of a random word or phrase and someone will say the exact same thing! It's either a coincidence, or some form of precognition/telepathy is going on. P.S. this sort of thing happens when I am daydreaming. P.P.S. Have you ever considering training this ability?
  6. NO belief is worth dying for. If someone points a gun at me asking what I believe, I'm not going to stand there and let him shoot me. Better to die trying than to give up hope.
  7. I don't mind armpit hair so much. Occasionally I have shaved below my waist. It's not such a big deal. I think most guys have tried it once. :-w
  8. I think that in 2 years Runescape will be 2, maybe even 10 times bigger than it is now. We might be able to make custom clothing for our characters. Or build towns! I'm rambling, but there are so many possibilities... What kinds of crazy things do you think will be in runescape in the future?
  9. "Here be penguins" is just a funny reference to an area in the desert known as "Here be sand." Note: they changed "here be sand" to "lizards" on the world map.
  10. I could not find said quote in General P2P. Perhaps you could show us? Even if Jagex said not in the near future, that doesn't mean they aren't working on it now. Look how long they kept construction a secret. Anything is possible. Those are just my thoughts.
  11. Interesting. I didn't think there would be people opposing a new sky. Thanks for your comment! I like the blue sky in that picture. Especially the way it gets lighter as it gets closer to the horizon. Just like a real sky would! I think clouds would be too difficult to make in RS. But you never know, now that the new engine is finally here.
  12. But why Crandor, I have to wonder? Why didn't they add skies to all the other cities and islands? It would just replace the black you see when looking far away. I think it would be a nice improvement. The black sky looks odd when everything around you is bright and sunny. Like all other graphics updates, it's just there to look pretty. :D
  13. sorry about that. I'll try uploading it on imageshack.
  14. Take a look at the sky in this picture of crandor on the knowledge base. Could this possibly be a hint to a new graphical update? I'm hopeful it will be. Discuss...
  15. You can't light a fire where flowers are growing.
  16. Whatever that thing is, its definitely NOT cute. Spiderbunny ftl.... :evil:
  17. How are you going to prevent people from coming back? It sounds like all clans are invited, even encouraged.
  18. That's what I thought. But doesn't the rock cake hit like a 30 or something? EDIT: i suspect it might be either a rockcake or some kind of quest item, NOT a glitch because he was able to stop being damaged.
  19. Yesterday I was playing Pest Control, when I saw this player getting hit repeatedly with 1's in the waiting room. Above his head it said "Ow, I nearly broke a tooth!" Does anyone know what this is?
  20. It's not fake. I've seen it before on the ground at a bank. I just figured it was part of some quest.
  21. sprites


    Almost the exact same thing happened to me while I was in a grocery store. I was minding my own business, when a couple of girls came up to me and shouted "hey sexy!!" but it was meant to be in a sarcastic way. I felt embarrassed and I looked down at my shirt and jeans which were perfectly fine. So I thought, what is their problem? It didn't stop there... The same people bumped into me at the checkout counter, again they called "hey there's my sexy boyfriend!" and laughed at me. Now what in the world drives people to play mean tricks on innocent bystanders? I thought about saying a few choice words back at them, but I kept my mouth shut. Somehow I know they'll get it back... :twisted:
  22. I've had a few encounters with lower levels asking to be my girlfriend. 9/10 times they are after money. Just act like you can't understand them, or speak in jibberish. Never give them anything, because it only encourages more begging. ex. I once gave a girl 2k. Later on she Pm's me and DEMANDS that I give her 10k or she'll report me. :-# Now if they are actually new, and ask you a question, don't hesitate to give them an answer. This is a GOOD thing because they will remember how you helped them, and thus be more willing to help out other people.
  23. The new emotes are cool. I don't know what the flapping one is supposed to be though. :?
  24. I dream about runescape sometimes. It usually happens when I play rs late at night, or any game for that matter. Also, I've read that you dream about the last thing that goes through your head before you fall asleep.
  25. This glitch isn't very new. (the fire one) It was here since the beginning of rs2. I thought everyone knew about it, but I guess I'm wrong.
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