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Everything posted by sprites

  1. I'm not going to deny that those things happen during gay pride. But the point about having gay pride is that it celebrates freedom. Freedom to be open about your sexuality and I would fully support any other group that wanted a pride parade as well.* *So long as it is not spewing hatred at anyone like KKK rallies There is some controversy with bringing our children around these kinds of events. But kids are not stupid.. Most if not all have some concept of sex and sexuality. It seems silly to shield our children from learning there are gay people in the world.
  2. sorry here is the original link http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/11/nyregion/11paladino.html He was speaking to orthodox jewish leaders during his campaign for NY governer.
  3. What do you guys think about Carl Paladinos statements that In effect he's comparing homosexuals to second class citizens, and yet says he opposes all discrimination. Doesn't he realise that kind of ignorance is what's making lives for gay people harder?
  4. You falsely reported him for password scamming when he said nothing of that nature. Now if he asked you to enter your password on another site THAT would be against the rules.
  5. I've got nothing against getting 99 in a skill. I do have a problem with skillcapes cause they make every mid to high-leveled person look like clones.. They should be a nice thing to show off once in a while. I cringe when people ask how many 99s you have. It's like your character isn't up to standard with everyone else unless you have a 99.
  6. I have no religious views on the matter. Call it a soul, but I believe that there is some kind of energy that persists after a person dies. I think that people aren't the only creatures to have a soul either, considering how many animal spirits have been seen and heard as well.
  7. make recently black marked accounts spend a week there with no way off the island :P
  8. I'd like to reiterate that sexual talk of any kind can be considered offensive. You wouldn't want to risk getting a mute or a ban over talking about sex on runescape would you? Saying I have a gf/bf is fine. But to reveal any more than that is unnecessary.
  9. He is free to express his opinion, just as you are free to disagree with it. Sexuality; gay, bi, or straight, is probably the most natural human urge next to parenting or friendship. Some gay people may switch back and forth but that doesn't mean that all gay and lesbians are like this. The way I see it is jagex trying to protect younger kids personal information. Sexuality is something I think we all agree is personal. With so many children on runescape it is hardly appropriate to ask someone if they prefer men or women sexually.
  10. not to flame.. but do the authors actually proof read their articles before they submit them? It seems like every tipit times has a typo here and there, or redundant sentences. "everyone's view on what is enough intervention and what isn't varies for everyone" Also the bit about the British ruling system and comparing it to Jagex didn't make a lick of sense to me. :huh:
  11. in response to Everyone Wants to Be Loved: A reminder to the rs community that it's not always about who's better, it's about supporting your fellow gamer and making someone feel good. :) I hope it enlightened some folks.
  12. I didn't care for the Line dancing one mainly because it doesn't show as much effort and difficulty to make as the others. I mean all it is are a bunch of people doing the Jig emote around runescape. Not as creative as Excl's or A song
  13. I'm sure if a popular vote was cast homosexuality would be against the law. Just as it was with America's slavery laws and the Nazi's persecution of Jews. I am pro freedom for all people and religions so long as they do not harm other minorities. (race, sexuality, disability, etc..) I'm appalled by California's Prop. 8 not just because it harmed gays. But basically the majority was successful in taking away rights from a minority group. This can't be allowed in a democratic country IMO. :x I agree there Human Sexuality shouldn't be treated as evil, or a disease, or disorder. -If someone really wanted to "play for the other team." I'd imagine it would take a lifetime. -I'm skeptical that someone is born with a sexuality. Take for example a baby boy that is born with effeminate qualities (slender wrists, higher voice, etc.) He may grow up with homosexual tendancies. - NOT because the Dna predicts it, BUT because of how society treats him and how he identifies himself. tldr; Sexuality is part of our Identity.
  14. I remember when tipit articles were checked for grammar and spelling before being posted. "getting supplies a lot harder" ? #-o
  15. I will laugh hysterically at all the people who voted for the santa suit, only to find when it comes out that it doesn't resemble anything like the original santa hat!
  16. Interesting. I do remember seeing a darker skin color than that before. But even that wasn't pure black anyway. And pardon my nitpicking, but if someone is bad at failing wouldn't that then make them good?
  17. I find the ring to be very handy. I use it as sort of a f2p teleport to draynor.
  18. I like the idea of giving veteran players the option to turn off the randoms via Doomsayer. But it would have to be a long time, say several months to a year of having membership in order to turn them off.
  19. There are still ways to kill macros without 'luring'. For example, dressing in green to fool the auto flax pickers. Technically it isn't luring because you aren't dropping anything, nor are you saying anything that might trick the person into following you. You're just walking around having fun. 8-)
  20. I would like to join your bot slaying group. I report every autoer I see and I'm very loyal. My RS name is Sprites11
  21. I'd like to come, but isn't world 87 f2p? :? EDIT: no one showed up.... :x not even kranked1
  22. Amen... People complain about Pest Control being too easy also fuss over Barbarian Assault's low rewards. So I guess you can't please everyone.
  23. Nope the pieces are non tradable.
  24. Personally, I think Gen. Pace has a right to express his opinion on homosexuality, however bigoted it may be... I find it somewhat funny how people think allowing gays in the army will effect the morale of our troops... And about the shower comments.... If you were so secure about your own heterosexuality, you wouldn't care if another man was attracted to you. So long as he didn't sexually harrass you.
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