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Everything posted by koddo

  1. I like how they promised more Teak and Mahogany trees but didn't put any in. It's as if anything that has to do with carpentry at all will be held back.
  2. Get all the people in World 2 into the Fight Caves, then cast Barrage on all of them. You'll get 99 in less then a day. You're welcome.
  3. Continue the exact same thing I was doing before and go for 90 thieving.
  4. Best drop: Key Half. Oh yeah. That's what killing hundreds of drags and other things with potentially good drops will get you.
  5. Some random pics of the trawler trip. First trip we went, was successful, I got like 2 raw lobs. I also brought some seeds :P And then second trip we failed intentionally. We all died. They made us an underwater grave though :)
  6. I have 5 people on my friends list. 2 never come on. Just be antisocial :P
  7. Nope, no chess, but I've heard some rumors of a chess game being added there. Runelink is ok (never been a fan of it), Draughts rocks, but Runesquares and Runeversi are COMPLETELY about luck (unless you're an insanely genius person with an IQ of 200 and you can finish a Rubix Cube in under a minute). Just stick to Draughts and Runelink; don't bother with the other games. And as everyone has said, how in the hell are we going to do a Karaoke? Sure, I can understand the Comedy show (bet it'll be hilarious :lol: ), but singing? by typing? :? Runeversi has some really easy strategy, (get the corners) that allowed me to win like the first 10 games I played easily the day it came out :P It's like the board game Othello.
  8. If anyone knows any other places to upload it...please tell me.
  9. A way to stop autoers would be to ban them before they could cut yews...Jagex says they have a system that detects autoers so I would think they could ban when they were just cutting oaks?
  10. That's the part I'm confused about.[/b]
  11. I thought Chest was only for the 1 person? Cause it's from the quest...
  12. No, it's the way Rogues Den was made. No one has bothered to notice it apparently though.
  13. Click on the link, go to the bottom of the page, click on the free download, wait for the download ticket to go through, enter the code, then wait for the download to happen.
  14. Ok I gotcha hang on, just gotta fix that real quick. Thanks.
  15. Bleh, sorry, how would I go about doing that? And to the other person, what else is there besides Rapidshare? (And y0usendit) So many problems, sorry :(
  16. Why? It's quite simple. Every time I go in the Rogues Den everyone I see always searches every single trap. I aim to put a stop to that. This is a video guide on how to run over all the traps and beat the maze while only losing 10 levels. It isn't the fastest way to go, but it still helps. So... http://rapidshare.de/files/19004893/Rogues_Den.wmv.html Enjoy! By the way...sorry for no music, I'm not exactly a whiz at this stuff so just making the video was enough, putting music to it would be too much for me. Just listen to your own media player or something. :P Credits: Mr Accessory, an awesome Level 5 who clued me into this stuff. Jagex, for making the Rogues Den. Oh, forgot to say, if you know any way to do this in less thieving levels that doesn't involve bug abuse or waiting around, please PM me or tell me here. Thanks.
  17. Nah, an Iron bar is always a sure sign of a 3-itemer.
  18. 3-itemer! :o Anyways...I guess the left part kinda looks like a moose. Trees can look like a lot of things.
  19. It's not bad, it just needs to be turned into a multi spot.
  20. It takes ages and ages to gain back just 1 thieving level. I can experiment for a good bit and not gain back a level, so it's very easy to get to the center and not gain back any levels at all. I saw you at the den by the way, you saw me almost die to that dwarf :P
  21. The exp is so bad it doesn't really matter. I think the less thieving levels you lose the higher chance you have of getting something at the end, but I dunno if that's true or not.
  22. Look what you've started :P Back on topic...15 certainly isn't the least, as I've now got it down to 11, and I'm exploring a different place that may or may not lower it...
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