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Everything posted by koddo

  1. Perhaps they decided to go with a really bad joke and pretend to add more Teak and Mahogany Trees. That better still happen, I was looking forward to that.
  2. Heh, glad people like it. And yeah, it is pretty sad that that person tried to scam me even after I said I reported him.
  3. Yeah, when you call yourself the GM of Jagex, might want to sound less like a 5 year old kid. Bleh...so much work to block out name. Too lazy. But I will.
  4. Basically I was bored while WCing when a random scammer PMs me and tells me they are the Jagex GM, and I have a "virous" in my computer. They log out but just lose connection. They log out again but then come back for more, stupidly. And this is where I get bored with them and report them. And then they log out. Please forgive my poor cropping skills :oops: The moral of the story is if you're going to be a scammer, at least know how to spell virus. Please?
  5. Yeah, I preferred it before...never had to see the World 9 Full message once...and I can't play anymore peaceful 5 on 5 CW games at night anymore. Obviously you can't just switch the world, as that just switches the problem to other people, but I like the idea of having more then one homeworld.
  6. 1) Thieving: 79 2) Fletching: 77 3) Agility: 66 4) Slayer: 58 5) Farming: 53 6) Herblore: 50 7) Runecrafting: 48 Thieving FTW.
  7. I browse the forums, watch some TV, listen to some ESPN radio mainly.
  8. I want to be there...dunno if I can make it though. And someone needs to make a better CW guide sometime, one with actual strategy. Mine will probably never get finished. :P
  9. Yay for flaming. Just wondering, since you don't PK, what is this armor for? Training? Staking?
  10. Mostly Ghostly Robes with Power Amulet, Legends Cape, and Desert Boots. I'll get up a picture if I can find one.
  11. I hate the Evil Bob fishing one, because it's long compared to the other ones, a complete waste of time, and not even fun at all. Arggh. I have a gigantic weapon, why am I being controlled by a cat?
  12. Ehh it's been like that, nothing new. But this new herblore thing...that's something special.
  13. 1) Be able to thieve Tree Seeds from Master Farmers. Thieving needs something good. 2) Trimmed/Gold Black Dragonhide. Dunno why they didn't do it with the last update. 3) Have the Games room have Stratego and Chess. Great games :D
  14. Did you always go for the highest exp per hour no matter what? And how much time do you spend on mini games and stuff like Castle Wars?
  15. I dunno if I want to be there if you can't even supply me with beer. Anyways I wasn't even aware there was a mansion in Falador. Where is it?
  16. koddo

    My name

    It's amazing how hard it is for people to simply say Koddo. Kodo, Koodo, Kodoo, all of these are more common then the correct spelling.
  17. It's in the desert Mining Camp, there is a crate in the middle by the cart you ride in. Check there.
  18. :o Haha I want a chair. That's awesome.
  19. I have the same anagram, tell me if you get anywhere with it :) It's Cap'n Izzy No-Beard, who runs the Brimhaven Agility Arena. However, the Cap'n doesn't want to make it happen, he's not talking to me about my clue. :x EDIT: It works now! New clue: How many banana trees are in the plantation?
  20. Got a new clue I believe. It's an anagram: O birdz a zany en pc :lol: Any ideas who that may be?
  21. Yay! I'm sure they'll be great vids. Did you get any footage of Saradomin's base defending flag? :D
  22. Please, no Chemistry on the weekend. I'm trying to get away from it. :(
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