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Everything posted by chielekop

  1. just search a safespot and kill high levelled monsters, that's the advice. tip: in the wildy were u fnd the ice giants and warriors, decent place!
  2. although i like the second, it means the first :) :lol:
  3. i would suggest wc or mining but a good tip is; search som e moeyguides, there are lots of it. (maybe even start witht his forum!)
  4. rather good, yes, but if i may give u a little advise: its really not hard to train mining and smithing, so u can try to get a higher level of that? certainly dont forget prayer. at least try to get ur rc to 70-> very usefull for a member :!:
  5. it's like in real world: supply and demand. Maybe if u are rich enough and u can buy 20 easters u can make huge profits. but when the demand rises prices will go up, and when the demand lowers, prices will go down.
  6. never heard of it, please, someone, there are now 2 people who want the answer
  7. really check this guide, i read him, its really amazing
  8. theres no symbol needed for runescape, every plyer of rs knows that the game rulezz, and if u want a symbol, then all the fair players of rs are a symbol of it!
  9. i dont know the answer on the questions since im no member. well, i knowthe chicken question, cauqse i have one, and also the sleep question, cause i have played rsc a long long time ago (so i know 2 questions, the first sentence was a little lie :))
  10. i think it has somthing to do with ur pc, i never heard other people complaining about it...
  11. i never met famous people, since there are not much f2p, and famous memebrs stay memebrs :(
  12. i dont know wether this is true or not, but ill test it when i can and tell u the real truth
  13. idd, whats the sense of it are it all chinese 5 year old kids, didnt think that ur story was, BTW, not funny
  14. Bunny Ears are fake, nice bank apart from that :P I collect nothing :D Money counts? If so 105m :) The whole bank is fake you bafoon. It's probably from an private server. It's not funny at all, theres no comic releif there. Although it is (was) possible to get more that 1 set of bunny ears. omg, what an offensive language, were not aal as stupid as you think, this guy really knew it was fake, they were joking and if u ca,'t stand a joke then u are sick.
  15. maybe this is an interesting one: RTFM read the fu**ing manual (its no offensive language!)
  16. very different: missy eliot, eminem, 50 cent rammstein, papa roach, korn vive la fete, thof van commerce, flip kowlier (good belgian groups!! certainly check vive la fete)
  17. well, can someone tell me the fine deti-ails in 2 lines, much people would accept this. maybe some mods could make a little sticky topic were all updates are explained in 2 lines??
  18. of course they accept pures, it are the strongest players on rs and they dominate wildy!
  19. well, people in mining guild ask: whats ur mining level i answer: 59 they say: mining noob (cause they are too lazy to look in the high, i'm 75 mining now) i mine all the rocks they want to mine 8) saying,: who is the noob :wink: :lol:
  20. i'm now mining and i wear a prince outfit with a lederhosen hat and a yin-yang amulet. (wow, it rhymes 8) ) edit: to keep the rhyme: i now changed the pince top for a lederhosen top 8)
  21. that would be fun, certainly if it was all multi-combat and all high level monsters!!
  22. just do he things u like, dont play mere for the money!!
  23. well, sometimes my music works, somtimes not. my music never works with firefox, but always with IE!
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