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Everything posted by Poopingman

  1. Poopingman


    You know, i dislike the emo trend as much as anyone, but you're just a complete idiot. I have plenty of friends who listen to emo music more than any other genre, some of them even have the stereotypical emo haircut, but they're great fun to be with and i've never known any of them to be depressed about anything. How you can say "everyone hates emo" is beyond me - unless of course you've personally surveyed the entire 6billion person population of the planet, then kindly shut your yap. The thing that annoys me more than people who succumb to trends in order to be "cool", is people who will judge a person based solely on the clothes they wear, or the music they listen to. People might see that i have long hair, piercings, baggy jeans, i listen to metal, and think i'm some kind of loser who will never amount to anything - i'm perfectly fine with that, it's their loss as far as i'm concerned. They know nothing about me, and never will. I don't need friends who only like me for my taste in clothes or music, i have true friends that never question anything about who i am, because they know me and i know them. If you carry on with this attitude for the rest of your life you're going to end up very sad, and very alone - and judging by the attitude you've displayed in this thread, i'd say that's no more than you deserve. Guess what? I know emo kids too, but in your name-calling rage you forgot that your little theory holds very little ground when, in fact, you don't know me. Their music taste is horrific, but unlike your prejudged opinion of how I live my life, I don't shun them because of it.
  2. Poopingman


    Theres a reason everyone hates it, I've been saying all along :roll: And noone thinks you're cool if you try to be different and listen to it.
  3. Poopingman


    I couldn't have put it better myself, MyPurpleCrayon. There is no genre that deserves to be hated, they all have their ups and downs. Emo is no different. You seem to have just decided to hate it because you heard a song somewhere that was really whiny, and it turned you off the entire genre. I'm not saying go out and listen to each song to make sure you hate it, I'm just saying that there's no reason to hate the genre just because you don't like its particular attitude. Btw, MyPurpleCrayon, since I am singling you out (although I don't want Poopingman to be left out), do you hate the song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"? I hope you're enjoying this argument as much as I am. Seriously, I'm not a very hateful person, so keep the replies coming. This is fun. :) This is a joke, right? I mean, yeah, if one had the time to scour the world's music, and painstakingly decipher every song, every genre would have at least one or two songs that pertain to this behavior. HOWEVER, not metal, nor rap, nor anything else can boast an ENTIRE genre based around suicide, depression, and whining, like emo does. THE FACTS supercede all.
  4. my friend started a while back, he got ibanez.
  5. travis smith, and yeah hes a close second in my book. Hes fast as HELL! I like him even in ember to inferno
  6. Most people just pick the drummer out of their favorite band, they know nothing, lol :lol:
  7. College football....well ALL college sports, are less entertaining than baseball, heres why: The mismatches! Up until the final games, when its actually GOOD TEAM vs GOOD TEAM Its just endless HIGH SCHOOL CALIBUR TEAM VS GOOD TEAM blowouts.
  8. Poopingman


    You need to learn how to properly speak english before even attempting to confront me. I'll admit, I had a distorted view on emo, until I listened to it, it was WORSE than I ever imagined. and knightofdoom, resorting to name-calling is going to mak you look a hell of a lot worse than us, I know you're desperate to save this argument, but its not going to happen, not with me on a roll.
  9. Poopingman


    ...and no one likes rock except rockers. Therefore, rock sucks. :roll: So you made this thread specifically to bicker with the first naysayer? Hell, I'm a professional arguer, I'm up for it. Emo sends bad messages, have you ever interacted with an "emo" kid? For one to say this is something to "not worry about" it simply defies all logic. After all, there IS a reason everybody hates the genre and its followers......you know. Yeah, emo is a bad influence and we should hate it. But then again, we should hate all these other genres because they are also a bad influence... A lot of Metallica songs sound suicidal, like Fade to Black, Nothing Else Matters Champagne Supernova - Oasis, encourages alcohol abuse Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - The Beatles, need I say more? Myles Davis (jazz trumpet player) was a heroin addict... Kurt Cobain actually committed suicide... What kind of music do you listen to anyway, Poopingman? And btw, how much does it pay being a proffessional arguer? I listen to a little bit of just about everything, except for emo. You seem to enjoy jumping on my posts, I really wouldn't make a habit of that if I were you. Its pretty simple, everyone hates emo for a reason, and just about everyone hates it, bottom line.
  10. Rap appeals to kids, I'll admit I liked it. But once you grow up, you realize it has no substance.
  11. the video game scene is going steeply downhill lately......
  12. I remember that show from back in elementary school. Classic stuff.
  13. Poopingman


    So you made this thread specifically to bicker with the first naysayer? Hell, I'm a professional arguer, I'm up for it. Emo sends bad messages, have you ever interacted with an "emo" kid? For one to say this is something to "not worry about" it simply defies all logic. After all, there IS a reason everybody hates the genre and its followers......you know.
  14. Poopingman


    Because emo music, unlike other genres, sends suicidal messages to the kids. I can't stand for that. BTW I'm talking REAL emo music, raw emo, not the subgenres of it that have branced off.
  15. Poopingman


    Simple, its horrible music, and scene kids need to DIAF. Here we perfectly have NORMAL kids, whining and complaining about their lives because of the music's influence. The message is ridiculous, and I fear for music's future if this keeps up.
  16. super nintendo, easily. Not to mention it can take a beating and still work perfectly. I bought mine back in the early 90s....and its still working flawlessly. My 64 is showing signs of dying and that was bought some 4-5 years later.
  17. Lol........I was in the CAL league back in the day with my counter strike clan. Too bad the better the competition, the worse their attitudes are, I just couldn't stand the people, I was basically amongst the scourge of the universe.
  18. What is the point of this question? The point is that they became what the public wanted. They became popular because of that, they advertised themselves unlike some bands - because of that, as a last stand of being cool, to be unique among the masses, to be an individual, people like you appear in action. You guys hate them because they're popular. Of course they're different from 5-10 years ago because of just that, it's 5 to 10 years ago. Times pass, you'll be different after years pass too, nothing stays the same. They can play, maybe not as good as some, but at the least, they can play. You hate them because girls like them? Don't even try to back yourself up :lol: I'm sorry if it seems harsh, but people who come up to threads and posts for the sole reason of ruining it are just plain stupid. I don't hate them because they are popular, please PLEASE don't put words in my mouth. I hate them because they went emo, and they were NEVER like that in the past. And the moment 90% of a band's fans are emo teenage girls, you realize they have to be doing SOMETHING wrong.
  19. Oh yea, they changed everything. I mean if the owner of A & F commited suicide, half the population would die. :roll: :lol: On topic: Don't hafta shave yet :wink: and I don't look forward to it! Don't diss A & F :x (or Hollister). Besides, why would you want to have a freakin hair body anyways? Women love the smoothness of my face, and... well, the point I'm getting at is shaving in places other than your face has it's benefits. For once, I agree wholeheartedly, and I do the same, I'm not ashamed to admit it. Because when its game time, the last thing you want is a mess of unwanted hair.
  20. Fun, but in all seriousness, this thread has the stupidest title of all time :lol:
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