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Everything posted by adon1

  1. of course theres a point, it raises your skill level an the firemaking cape emote looks awesome :P
  2. i think everyone would try or like to get 99, i know i would, i wonder how long it'll take for the first person to get 99 hunting :?
  3. ZOMG!!!! ownage, and u have em all :shock: :shock: :shock:
  4. one guest list coming up to appease thy lord guess me 22 :roll:
  5. lol, if im extremely lucky at barrows (or if i get too drunk) i might make a big round table thingy :lol: btw ill come to that party :thumbsup:
  6. lol. this is going to cost me lots with the guilded altar alone being over 1mill :shock: oh well someone has to do it
  7. if a person asks me if i want to be friends i find it uncomfortable but if i see the same person like at barrows and i talk to them i'd prefer to add them than someone who asks if i want to be mates
  8. actually yeah they do sound familiar :shock: :shock: :shock:
  9. also if anyone wants me to make flatpack items for them just ask ok
  10. yeah, i dont have any halloween rares either but my brother has a scythe, anyone who comes in a scythe and full ghostly robes will get a summer pie courtesy of wackelpuding
  11. well look for yourself, here it is floatings fun 8-) it also reminds of the video of justin timeberlake - cry me a river
  12. ok, its halloween and all the pixies are flying around here and there so what better time to celebrate the unnatural and spooky, yes that means ghostly robes, zombie clothes, scythes and flippers, woops i mean zombie heads and if you're rich enough, halloween masks :shock: dress up as scarily as you can and you might even get yourself a wee prize :shock: where:yanille, my house when:7:30pm GMT 28th october, when it starts to get dark brightness setting:i respectfully request for you all to have your brightness setting on dark as this will add to the spookiness :anxious: whats happening 7:30pm:you will be able to make use of everything u want to in my house as i will have a 71 con and all the features that go with it 8:00pm:mud pie fight in my oubliette room/cb ring/dungeon(i hope) so bring ya pies and get baking :wink: 8:15pm:i will judge the spookiest halloween costume and the winner will get a surprise :ohnoes: pm me if you have any other good suggestions of entertainment what's in my house throne room and oubliette banner easel and armour stand mahogany eagle and demon lecturns 6teleports!!!!!!!! guilded altar and marble burners =D> guilded altar, mahogany lecturns, armour stand, pie fight, what more could you want? pm me with any suggestions and thanks to guess me 22 for the mud pie fight idea, don't forget and if jagex increases the room amount well....you'll have to wait an see :twisted:
  13. Ooo, take a screenie please, nothing like a little humor =). will do as soon as i've finished this barrows =]
  14. i love quests and have completed them all but i hate and love the quest guides, of all the quests i've done the ones when i was using the quest guides were the easiest but i much more enjoy doing the new quests that have no quest guide because i can do it myself and i feel much better, so i'd say i'm in between b and c
  15. how about................. walking! :shock: :shock: :shock: with each level you can get a better walking stick and go higher or further
  16. i'm getting this glitch where everytime i use my workbench to make flatpack equipment i end up sitting down with my feet on the workbench table an my bum in the air :shock:
  17. at last someone sharing my view :o bring back the old interfaces, especially the old attack styles EDIT: plus it means 6 extra skills :
  18. yea but you need to comple lunar diplomacy not adding magic lvl and runes.. with my guide any lvl 3 can do it :P not really, don't u need requirements to start fremmy trials, and anyway you can teleport friends there too who can give u half of the snape they get
  19. rune defender lol, i'd had about 4 of them and i wanted to know what they would be worth....0gp :wall: :(
  20. i'd say 5 times worse, 99def = 1 skill, getting 126 cb = 99str,att,def,hp,prayer = 5 skills 8-)
  21. veracs brass and skirt ahrims hood dharoks axe if only they gave an uber set effect :roll:
  22. i got all except glough right, it doesn't feel right saying gluff
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