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Everything posted by Dazzuh

  1. Armourboy05 PK Video 1. Fire Cape | Torso | B Gloves | Vengeance | Piety I'm just an average level 108, apart from the 99 Magic :) PKing is one of the most enjoyable things that I do on RS, that's why i made this vid. It's got quite nice editing, goes in time with music well, music is well picked IMO. It's 100% Edgeville, there are some Vengeance fights but not many as i can never be assed to change to lunars. The video is around 120mb, 16 minutes long and no download is required to watch, enjoy :) --- Link: http://files.filefront.com/PK+Vid+1+Fin ... einfo.html --- Stats: - Now 70 Pray.
  2. How do you make a 'preview window' of your videos on Filefront? I've uploaded my video using an account, but it just says download and doesn't have the preview window that most videos do.
  3. It was quite boring :-w But was fun to do :D I get about 10k exp a 25 min (Wilderniss Course) Thanks :D Hmmm ? Lol :) Good luck with all the goals.
  4. Ofcourse it's needed. There is also no possible way to sell a dd(p++) either. :shock:
  5. Yeah, try not making up rules. Nowhere does it say you can't do that. Taken from runescape rule 7: What is AFK Training? AFK training is Away From Keyboard training. While you are playing on RuneScape, you must be at the computer. Away from keyboard training is not allowed, and you should log out when you leave the computer. If you are looking at the forums you are also not playing the game as it should, and believe me I asked Jagex about this and they replied to me this is counted as AFK training First of all, looking at forums or any other websites is just fine. Going to the toilet is just fine too. What they don't want is someone standing at bandits with guthans and auto-retaliate on, and just going on with their merry way around the house while their character levels up. Show us proof of their reply + even if you did happen to have proof, it is still not true. Most jmods don't know what they are talking about tbh. They are assigned to a specific area of the game and typically know most about that specific part. The people to ask would be the jmods listed in the "FUll Credits" knowledge base article as the ones who watch over all the moderators. And they will tell you it's fine. So why doesn't Jagex just stop bandits from auto-attacking?
  6. Yeah pouches are much more annoying to get back than the glory. Most people who RC have multiple glories, so it doesn't usually affect them anyway. Does dropping pouches work? Then you run back and pick them up or do they vanish as soon as you drop them or something? I've never been PK'd, I teletab before i'm teleblocked and tele if they are on ancients and I don't think i'm going to survive.
  7. Dazzuh

    OMG!!! P2p-ers!!!

    1. Why you think you are better people than us, who don't pay for the game We don't, it's just that the only P2P'ers that hang about F2P showing off are kids with a bit of cheap dragon armour, a granite platebody and a hugely inflated e-ego. 2. Why are you always referring to: "you don't pay 5 dollar, you don't have a reason to ask things from jagex" You should get some updates, but I don't like the fact that some F2P'ers frequently whine when the latest update isn't coming for them. 3. why are so many of you people so full of themselves that you think other people are worth "less" than you? Again, referring back to question 1, you mostly see the P2P'ers that are in their 80's, wearing show-off armour and want to boast and argue. 4. Have you ever talked with an f2p-er for the reasons he did not wanted to be a member? Yes, well the reason was his parents wouldn't pay for it. 5. Do you consider f2p players as human beings? Ofcourse, I do, but i know a lot of P2P players think of them as being much lower than them. 6. I heard that most people in member worlds are brutal, annoying and lame, is this true? (I heard it from ex f2p-ers) Some are yes, you get a lot of people who think they're something special because they sat at a computer longer than some of us. :uhh: If F2P'ers were to go, the level 80's with the massive e-ego's boasting in F2P worlds would be the most affected. Why? Because these are the ones that get cheap skills like Fletching to 99, then spend the profit from it on their Dragon Meds, Obby shields and Granite Plates and then walk around showing off some more. Without you guys, a lot of aspects in P2P would be [bleep]ed.
  8. Didn't realise females were a different race all together.
  9. Hmm ok will probably take a bit under 2 months then if i work at it hard.
  10. Ok thanks for the help guys, anyone know how long approximately this would take in hours though? Probably around 120?
  11. How are you going to teleport back to a bank near the edgeville wilderness leading to the abyss then? If your teleing to varrock or something forget it. It will take too long #-o
  12. I'm currently 59 Runecrafting, i don't particularly enjoy using the Abyss but RC'ing nats is one of the more fun skills that i do. I was wondering if RC'ing around 105k nats for 75 RC and over 21m profit is worth it though? How long does RC'ing that amount of nats take in HOURS? Are the benefits of 75+ RC much greater? Also, do you generally think i should do it? I'm not one to quit easy, and like I said kind of enjoy the abyss and have quite a high tolerance for it. ~aB
  13. Recipe for Disaster, Desert Treasure
  14. RC'ing or Fishing Sharks. Apparently even at 76 Fishing Sharks are quite a bit quicker than 75 Woodcutting on mages :)
  15. Never really had that problem, I think they stopped randoms at Barrows.. never seen one there and i'm there a lot, they should remove them from all dangerous areas too. A level 10 real world trader is hardly gonna be at the kalphite queen is it? LOL
  16. Only just read the behind the scenes, looks useless as hell to me. Who wants to show off about dieing?
  17. Wow lovin' the fast responses :D Thanks all i'll be looking at these
  18. Hi, since my first few weeks on RuneScape i grew to hate Quests in general with a passion. But, it's come to the point where I really want those favoured gloves. So, i'm asking your help on what would be the least stressful quests to do based on required items and length/annoyance of quest based on what quests i've already done and the number of points i need. I need 9 Quest points to get finish Recipe for Disaster and get my gloves :) But what quests shall i conquer? Here is my quest list: So basically, what easyish quests can i do which aren't annoying and don't require a stupid amount of unheard of items which also gives a nice quest point reward? Thanks for any help you may give. #aB05.
  19. Posing? :| Trust me, i don't want to be him lol. I've read the post now and I can see your points, the whole No Honor/Honor thing is pretty dumb.
  20. The difference is your NH. I'll read the actual post now and edit.. P.S. Unban me on #tip-it, i changed my name to Ed_4_Eva and spammed as a joke.
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