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Everything posted by deleteddeleted

  1. no its not :cry: my sprite sig was purple!
  2. seeing as i now have 200 posts (w00t!) i was wondering if i could geta pixel? Characters: 2 Character's apperance: 1st: a guy wearing full zammorak armour with ginger hair and a whit phat, in his right hand holding a abbysal whip and in the other a orange dog lead. 2nd: a lesser demon (on the lead) with a tuft of ginger hair on its head. Background: they are on a hill with sunset in the background. Event: he is taking the demon for a walk Special details: maybe some ruins Other: <...> Font: w/e best Text Milomonkey1 Subtext: Ginger and proud! i would be very appreciateve if you decided to do this :D
  3. the runner could be wearing black robes and it could be like a clan fight... EDIT: w00t 200 posts!
  4. cool cape but how would a pking level work?
  5. i think i know who im voting for!
  6. very few people make pixels for people with under 200 posts, worth a shot anyway tho
  7. why is the left arm plate blue?
  8. ben can you update first page so we can see what they al look like together?
  9. i was staanding in lumby cstle and a level 12 asked me where lumbridge was... :-s
  10. haahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha! the dumbest thing i di was... start playing, it wasted soooo long!
  11. well its really good, keep it up!! =D> =D> =D>
  12. not really much to crit on, overall a eally good pic, well done
  13. the theme was pink and ait had to be as pink as possible, thenks 4 c/c
  14. i dont undrstand what is happenig...
  15. wait a mo EDIT: my entry :D any good RM?
  16. wow thats really good, how long did it take?
  17. well i didnt follow a tut, i was trying t come up with my own unique style, please rate and give c/c! ooh i popped out one more
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