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Everything posted by deleteddeleted

  1. hehe put superman flying past the window... my dads office is white...
  2. the guy at the front was eating his lollipop whilst hiding behind some rocks, then the sugary bit fell off and the rock ate it but didn't like it so he spat it out and it flew down and got stuck in the other guys eye. hahahahahaha thats a good on :D :lol: :D :lol: =D> =D>
  3. the pickaxe head hits the other guy in the eye :D :lol: :D
  4. kk, i may be going back soon so ill bear that in mind, ill post the others later...
  5. im a n00b at photography but i thought id show you a photo i took last year in finland on a huskey ride... comments are appreciated
  6. also you sholud build the sig round the render and not the opposite hehehe cad told me that!!
  7. when my account got banned i lost contact with the guy who introduced me to runescape, zargonzoon
  8. i would go back and get santas phats and crackers and other rares...
  9. um i was bored, im milo9, my rsname is milomonkey1, it used to be M I L O2 but i got banned with gold trimmed addy :(
  10. i really like how you have drawn the penguin it is really good, also i like the whole concept of the cliff and everything
  11. hehe true its kinda dumb putting a flag as a render, wow you cut it out yourself!
  12. ha good luck getting one especially with 3 posts!
  13. its the israelie flag not just a blue star
  14. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=432495
  15. urm, why? its meant to be in the 'ask ypur questins thing so why not just lock it?
  16. i like the idea and itll look real good when finished, goodluck
  17. not really much to crit on as there isnt really much too it, its simple but its good
  18. i like it alot and it is very good for a first , the best bits are the eyes! :P i also like the effect you have made with the brushes, the font is a good choice too. =D>
  19. i think the pixel is coming along well and i also really like the original drawing, Sly is a cool tag name! :P i can't wait to see the result :D
  20. bump. ive taken some cool photos before but my scanner is non exsistant and i cant find my old photos :oops:
  21. put it in the ask your questins here thread.
  22. hehe these made me laugh! (= i can speak backwards!
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