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Everything posted by evilrodyle

  1. [cabbage] he is... :lol: Btw sxq hasnt said how he is coming along. Someone should tell him to update here and give us an idea how he is doing.
  2. Is it me or Did I like start "Barrows Logs" :lol: Before I posted my first a few months back I had never seen a barrows log at all. Nonetheless good luck and get rich. T'is a fun and profitible thing to do :)
  3. Give it to your best freind in runescape. Dont raffle it off to someone you don't know... But I would recommend to just keep it cause even if you quit till next summer and decide to come back. You will most likely be coming back to 60m+
  4. *slips 100k to dazdman123456* Dazdman123456: I will now give all 100% to rodyle... :thumbsup:
  5. bank pic after being hacked...man if i combined those two together id almost have the phat :evil: Oh well I will still beat both of you there.
  6. The sodb thread was loooooooooooooooooooong at like the middle of the summer. 100+ Pages I beleive
  7. Well for the people that say that iran wants to blow israel off the map, why would they do that? The U.S. has more than enough bombs to turn iran into a gaint crater. Attacking Israel would be complete suicide.
  8. no pic of the dharok helm? :-s You should take pics of the notable items
  9. precisely =P let the no lifing begin!@ I love how everyone uses "no-lifing" as a form of training...like.. How are you training? " Oh im afk training at axe hut" How are you training? " Im gona do some dharoking at ape atoll" How are you training? " Im gona do a bit no-lifing for a couple days"
  10. Got up too 130 something trips today. Only a g helm today...meh its something :)
  11. givin this a bump for yah jimmy..dont know where u are but hope u come back soon :P
  12. Exactly read the small print :roll: i know but i dont care, you arent a good pker, you dm cheat, youjust need to crawl in a hole and die, k? that was a lil...harsh? :-s
  13. That was so fun...makes me want to make a barrows team cause yeah..it does get lonely there :(
  14. Im heading there right now. If you want I can be a team leader or somethin.
  15. u get 85 slayer and the evil apple will eat you alive
  16. Yeah, but it was somewhere in quaketown :XD: we tryed to convince taterz to go....but someone had to give a prediction that it was a 300 pound man at the door and would rip taterz head off :XD: :XD: :XD:
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