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Everything posted by Potter_Pkr

  1. Frizoid got in again : :thumbsup: Very nice selection of art work there. :D
  2. I guess im kinda famous. But it takes a while to be famous. Im active member of SODB too. Here are some pics : It's nice being recognised around RS. :
  3. ahh thank you guys. Your the best for the fast response! :D Please lock :D Thanks again! :
  4. Well I was in Varrock doing a new clue and I noticed the transportation icon just before the sawmill. Then at this icon is a big rock. Does anyone know what it is? If yes then please lock. If no then lets discuss.
  5. People who spell my username wrong when asking a question to me ingame. "Potter Pker"
  6. He won the race :D But we're both 1600 total so we're both winners? :lol:
  7. For the 3rd age melee armour, there isnt an (m) round each of them on the knowledge database. Is this a typo? Or are they really f2p? Same for range but not mage.
  8. Those combat stats are really hawt! Man I wish I had an account like yours! Keep up the good work!
  9. Wah dont retire Rooney! :( When Wayne had bad goal records during a few weeks he didn't give up and retire from football. He kept trying and got back into the game scoring goals. If your bored of RS, dont give up! You will be loving it again soon. I dont see myself quitting RS soon as I still have many goals and my playing time has been cut a lot. I look on forums more than the game. Hope you get 99 cooking in the next month Chelsea! :D
  10. BBC (my home page) Another website called 'Digital Spy'. Very reliable.
  11. Steven Colbert (if only I could see him more on TV if I lived in US) Then theres also Jon Stewart Mentioned Jerry Seinfeld already...but he is sooo good! Theres also Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant (wrote Extras and The Office) And Many More \
  12. Good luck on getting 99 cooking Chelsea. How much did the lobs cost and how much will you sell them at? Also how did you find people who sold that many? Well good luck. And Wright-Phillips goal was nice eh?
  13. My friend accidentally clicked on it from another friend. Any possible solutions as her computer is really lagged and really slow :(
  14. Yeh go for it. 8-) Then get 3 more levels to barrage your friends :D
  15. Scape Original. It put me into a good mood when playing round RS.
  16. I think you can always have used member emotes on f2p. But quite interesting that cape emotes still work even though capes are members.
  17. If you say every tipiter is welcome, then stick to it. And please dont call people idiots if they are in a different country and receive presents at different times around Christmas Eve/Day.
  18. I love watching football so I like a variety of teams. However I adore Liverpool. Steven Gerrard especially (my favourite player). Did anyone see his strikes during the FA Cup Final? It was pretty much Gerrard V West Ham.
  19. Jerry Seinfeld : Also like Ricky Gervais and Peter Kay.
  20. Can't come 3pm GMT :( I dont get home until 4pm GMT
  21. As it sounds like you already have a GC controller. Make sure you get Super Smash Bros Brawl when it gets released. It looks awesome. Over here in the UK I'm still waiting at Christmas for a Wii. They were doing this tour at this shopping mall I was at yesterday. Zelda looks sooo good.
  22. Bit of more controversy as Gerrard has been able to score twice when back in his orignal central midfield role. Perhaps Benitez should consider signing a new winger when the transfer window is open in the new year.
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