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Everything posted by Cicdolfin

  1. Mods please i know that this isn't the right area for help like this.. However it is the one where im most likely to get the correct answers.. Anyway, when i film runescape with hypercam it makes me lag quite bad, i can play but nowhere near full potentinal. These are my options: If this does get locked anyway can you pm me what you do if im using the wrong options. Also does the full version of hypercam lag any less?
  2. Yngwie Malmsteen . He won an award recentley for being the best guitar player or something... Like in 2004. Dude from dragonforce is pretty cool, but it'd put my vote on someone like Jimi Hendrix.
  3. I'd like it to be done... Just so i could see how awful it is.
  4. I think anyone that cares will remember and will not need to be reminded by him being placed in the #2 spot. If this did happen everyone would be asking for passed away peopel to have their spot saved. This idea is not very good, even if the Old Nite was.
  5. Yeah topic tittle says all. Also can you buy them off players, rather than doing the quest? Edit: By bone weapons i mean this new dagger and x-bow from this quest.
  6. I can't find one, i've searched on the forums and stuff, maybe im just silly. Anyone know a guide for desert treasure for pures with low def and no protect-prayers? (Im 1 def and 13 pray)
  7. I've had this white screen problem since rsc... I thought i was using a bad java
  8. Agility is the most non-buyable skill IMO.
  9. I followed dragonsaber's guide and got this error: Can anyone help me? Will be most greatful.
  10. Lol i just did everything and then i got this: Can you help?
  11. Lma0zroiandz good sig =) Make me one plx
  12. Lmao!! That's so going in my sig Anyway it would seem di have more evidence for a win however both clans still cheated just in different strengths. So all i can do is say Charlie and his goons are noobs, and that no matter how much you argue nothing will be proved, and who is no.1 at f2p will be argued about for ever until someone else wars zf or di. You guys know the arguing won't stop so i suggest you don't waste too much time hosting images to prove that this guy returned etc. anyway W A S T E D got banned the other day, i love off topic stuff :D
  13. It's not that simple, i didn't know that peoples banks can get whiped after ages. What if someone gets called up for a war and can't play on runescape and when they get back their account has been whiped. Many people can't play runescaspe for long periods of time for their own reasons.... I guess you could take them off the highscores if they don't play in 6 months. However it's probably pretty hard to do that, and would take up alot of jagex's time.
  14. Just looked through all the pictures, very funny lol.
  15. Omg really?! Thanks for telling me!
  16. Getting addicted to pking and quitting a clan i was once in.
  17. Good luck to both of you! Lol king as you quit runescape can i get that 40% of cash you get? :P Just joking. *whips* get to work on my sig :P. Im excited about it! Found this funny one until then though \/ \/ \/
  18. I want to create runescape movies on my pure pker, so i want to be able to do the following things: Film, Edit, Play Music, Insert Pictures and rotate the screen around (ie flip the film over backwards to show a picture, then flip again to continue filming.). If you get my meaining :wink: There was a guide a while ago, can anyone find it or just tell me please :)?
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