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Everything posted by Artemis1330

  1. Man i was jsut going to quote swap to ........ hehe :wink: Cant really call the fire trucks can you swamp? I dont think they would listen to you, not with that history..... :) edit--I jsut noticed the exp in that pic, VERY NICE! =D>
  2. Keep it up man. I'll be camping in al karid in about 3 months from now, I need to build up my nat supply by afew hundred k :wink: Let me know when you get level 97 if I am on, I want to be there! :D
  3. Hey wakka, jsut dropping a Ello. Have not seen you in awhile, no need for public appearances with agility :) Keep it up!
  4. Hours per day you play? I'm not worried about no lifeing and all that, as I play a good 10 hours on average, seems like you get more in. Or you are very efficient. What might your plans be after 2277? I ask as it seems to me you are selling rare's, leveling as fast as possible, and finishing. Are you thinking of quitting/taking play time/skilling much much easier? Keep up the fast leveling, you sure are one of Runescape's finest :wink:
  5. I want royalties Toast, seeing as I am in that as well.........come on pay up or its back to the toaster for a good burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :wink:
  6. :shock: very nice.......guthix is my God :wink:
  7. here is the proof to end speculation- The top red box clearly shows where he pasted OVER other words and missed a part of one letter. the other red boxes point out where the paste cuts out some of the edge around the chat box, and the color diferences where he did not line them up properly. come on kids, lets mature a bit, shall we?
  8. 17.319587628865979381443298969072 1680 total 97 combat.
  9. Do you mean 750 minds and 300 deaths? even if you did, I usually use maybe 100-200deaths and 300ish minds. If you didnt, then :shock:
  10. This is obviously a conspiracy-involves the tet leader, ajc100 is in it(99 theiving) and satenza is named. hehe, this is fun, isnt it? :wink: whoever they are, they are good at disguises!
  11. ajc has 99 theiving, and i see a theiving cape. then satenza was named there as well. and someone has at least 70 range--crystal bow. hehe this is fun! give us more clues!
  12. I was there with you yesterday, and man you are SLOW. :shock: I'll have to motivate you while i craft as well. When will you get 99? I should be done by the end of the week at the latest. Crafting is a great 99, good luck! Artemis
  13. Want to race to 99? :P I just finished rcing the nats for all 50k bodies, so I will now be crafting full time.
  14. I have seen you crafting nats the past few days, I never knew you had a blog, or that you were a tip.iter for that matter! I jsut got 70 rcing early today, it is so much better then 69. good luck and congratulations!
  15. Some good things are to theive a nat at the chest in Ardough, Mine rune in the heros guild, set up a thread on the crafting forum and buy hides while you alch. Of course, these only work if you do not mind adding time to how long it takes to alch. You do set your number pad to mouse keys correct?
  16. Nice goals, very well planned out! Good luck! Are you doing this with the intent of mining rune? If so, I would suggest mining granite in the desert to 85 mining.
  17. grats, you are now a lvl higher then me, o noes! I would love to race you, but I still have about 200k nats to craft, I was only able to do about 22k toaday. good luck! 99 emotes+easter ring=omg
  18. I have seen him there. Actually, there was a pretty good post on the rs official forums about it, it is suspected that pete is referring to a future update. I forget what he says exactly.
  19. You do not craft while you tan?? It saves A LOT of time...... If you are rcing in the next 10 or so days, look for me, some competition is always nice. (I think I said this already lol) Once again, and always, Good Luck!
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