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Everything posted by TheAncient

  1. No it's not. Playing efficiently and doing research directly provides you the best way to have fun and achieve your goals. By definition.
  2. To be honest, I just find most BoB's to be one more click than I need when doing this kind of training -- but that's just me ... :unsure: For me I bank faster than the time it takes to fill up the yak, surprisingly
  3. Not attention, also money is a bit useless to a point (hence people use expensive methods). So you give an importance factor for each "function". And because the factors are personal efficiency is also a personal thing. Obviously. But when you see me giving advice I explain it in those terms. The advice I hate is that which is baseless and has nothing to do with those goals, at least explicitly. They claim that their methods are more fun when people clearly have different ways of having fun. Someone asking for help for a method is expressing explicitly they want to afhieve a goal, not trying to look cooler with a cls.
  4. I view afkablity as a merit. I like to be able to do things irl while I scape. That much is pretty subjective. To the above, rs is fun because it's a place to hang out and more primarily gives you a sense of achievement. And irl I do debate with my firends about things like that
  5. Addy plates without a yak (yak slows me down) seems to be best for me
  6. Maximize money, xp, fun, time spent w friends Minimize clicks per hour, money, attention, time Simple enough.
  7. Like I said in my post, most of rs wiki is junk. I'm just saying if you have no idea where to look it would be one starting point
  8. lol i like the title anyway, in general i like to look over rswiki's training recommendations. a LOT of them are terrible but it helps me get the big picture about what kind of xp/hr i should be expecting and where i should start looking.
  9. quoted for win. also, for pointing out pulli's terrible argument lol.
  10. Our gameplay styles can vary dramatically. What we have in common is a desire to figure out new and relevant ways of looking at things and doing whatever we want to do. We look down upon a failure to do research.
  11. To be honest -- I've usually chosen "fun" over efficient in the past. That said -- I'm game to give "efficiency" a try. Wait! Does this mean I've gone over to the dark side? :blink: You totally missed the point. Fun and efficient are not mutually exclusive or sometimes even are unrelated. You don't have to choose vetween the two.
  12. That's not trolling. There is a huge distinction vetween being lazy/careless and being malicious (trolling)
  13. Yes. Fun vs efficiency is a misnomer for a personal feud between many users.
  14. I'd advise working toward ccb and rigor before doin a lot of arma
  15. You should try using Titan for kc and uni in the boss room, I find UNi to be more useful
  16. Lol, are you saying that the consensus of what defines a "best player" is his/her spot on the high scores? I'd advise you to not create opinions out of thin air and argue against those opinions as if someone else had thought them. That's generally known as talking to yourself. The point is that, say, a player using turmoil/extremes/steel titan and utilizing various gameplay mechanics to maximize speed gets better exp/h than the dude in the slayer cape and DFS using none of those things. The first player is definitively better. Also, ironically, the first player spends less time playing Runescape. Makes me wonder where these grinding arguments come from. It's not as if chopping yews is more or less fun than chopping ivy, but the latter is certainly more efficient. Actually if you think about it the player in the Slayer Cape and DFS probably spends more time ON rs, but less time actually PLAYING. Chances are he'd be afk/browsing the web too, lol. But again, there is no arguing your post. Might want to clarify what you mean by "the best" next tiem thought. I tend to think in terms of "best overall" which would infact be the person at the top of the highscores list even if he/she is the most inefficient of them all. Lol, when I do frosts I just soul split and pretty much afk them. When I do DK's I pretty much AFK during kills. The idea that "inefficient" players spend more time AFKing is pretty baseless. With regards to your "inefficient" high scorer: Such a player does not deserve my respect. It just shows they play a lot more than they should be. Golv is an example. Also such a player is unlikely to be number one rated.
  17. Are you kidding me? I hate grinding, lol. In fact a lot of the research and experimenting I do is to avoid methods of grinding. I don't dislike people for being inefficient; hell, I'm plenty inefficient. I dislike people that do dumb things and THINK theyre doing something smart.
  18. If someone is seeking honest advice, it's silly, hurtful, and unproductive to give them advice that you know is wrong. There is no point in telling someone that one way is more fun than another. People find that out for themselves. What you can legitimately offer advice on is all efficiency related.
  19. Two wrongs don't make a right Just providing a rationale as to why "efficiency clowns" sound elitist.
  20. Lol you are blind to your hatred of me.
  21. You have a selective memory. The crashing thread was objectively not saying "I am better than you". It explained the motivations behind crashing. And maybe you're taking a blind eye to all of my posts (which, objectively, are many) that seek to improve knowledge in dungeoneering, nex, armor choices, and other aspects of the game.
  22. That makes me wonder if people felt that way why they even bother to help at all. It must get annoying seeing the same questions over and over, or someone obstinately saying their methods are correct when obviously wrong, but there's no need to pay them any heed. Because we genuinely like improving things and helping other people get better. Tip it moderations lack of support on the matter have made me and others give serious thought in leaving tip it.
  23. Most of the people in this thread don't know what troll means Were curt because were tired of dealing with stupidity. Sometimes the opposite side isn't stupid but our annoyance from other arguments carry over If you're a doctor trying to save a life and a lifeguard kicks you out to do CPR on a patient, wouldn't you be pissed at the lifeguard?
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