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Everything posted by captindeath

  1. Daclyte on your graph, even a thousand years is not that significant. That represents .0000002% of earths life span. Give me a graph of of 50%, heck even 25% of Earths life span, then we can talk about trends in climate. 2.222222x10^-7 is not enough data to say there is something abnormal. I will admit, it is extremly abnormal for our data and for how long humans have been occupying Earth, but both you and I know that a small percent of data is not very convincing. I cant prove to you that it has always [bleep]ed like that and you cant prove that it has always been a smooth curve for the majority of Earths existence (unless you find me some data and then I will reconsider my opinion).
  2. Warrior, my point on why someone whould come up with solutions is that if people want something to happen, they need to think of some ways to come to a solution. It is great that we are talking about lowering polution emissions, etc, but what does that do for us. Also, there may be an entire industry that would balance the economy if everyone jumped on the bandwagon, but these just wont because it has already been tried. Daclyte, the Earth has been warming and cooling since it was formed. Whether we stop burning all oil and stop cutting down treesand things of this nature, will not matter. We know that there was an ice age prior to human domination of the Earth, and it was warming before that and no matter what we do now, the Earth will cool off againand warm up. At one point the earth was a fiery mass in space, and also the earth was a complete ice ball. I dont see how people put the responsibilty on humans when there is scientific data that shows that the earth has been warming and cooling (much greater temperature differences than we know today) forever and it will not stop whether we burn everything at once or never burn anything again. Nature has always strived for equilibrium. You see it in the food chain, you see it chemical reaction, and not only do you see this in nature but you see it economics and now people are noticing it in weather. Except people do not realize that it is natural for the Earth to warm and cool Nature is constantly striving to reach the point where everything is in balance. This day is far into the future, probably farther than what the human race will live through. You can not really blame humans for this because we have no data from beyond what we have collected in what, the last 50 years, 100 years maybe? The earth has been around for billions of years, now is that enough data to say that we are the cusp of the worst change in climate history. Maybe our brief history of existence, but it is hard to say that we are the cuase of this and that if we stop polluting and emitting that everything will go back to how we knew it. I am not saying we should not cut down on emissions and pollution, because we do affect the environment negatively in some ways (such as killing animals polluting streams, oceans, and landfills are a nasty thing), but I do not think it will have an effect on the climate, especially one that most people are looking for. The Earth is changing place and it has been changing for much longer than we have occupied it and what makes people think that whatever we do will change that.
  3. '96 GMC Jimmy (Also called The Tank) White 130000 miles on it Has had just about everything worked on or replaced except the engine, and it has never been wrecked.
  4. I personally do not believe in global warming, I think it is a trend that the Earth is going through and has been on for all of its existence. But I do believe we should cut down on pollution and such because it does have negative effects on the environment. I am not sure whether this was stated earlier but I do not really care, I read a few pages and did not see anything on what I am going to say. What I wanted to say here was that for all you people who claim that humans are the problem and we have the responsibilty to clean it up, I ask you, how is this to be done? The fact is that the only way any significant reduction of pollution must come from the cooperation of the entire world or the vast majority of it. Things like this have already been tried politically but will never happen because the countries who benefit from not having pollution limitations will not accept any type of policy that may restrict them. You can already see this happening in America. The public is in such an uproar about global warming and they are electing people to do something and they are. Politicians are putting restrictions and requirements for the amount of pollution a business can produce on a yearly basis and this is hurting our economy. It hurts our economy because we are losing jobs to other countries. Our businesses do not want to deal with laws on pollution and as a result they are outsourcing their jobs to places like China and such where it is cheaper labor and less government involvement. These are the same countries who will not put limitations on their businesses because it will hurt their up and coming economy more than our more established economy. There have been attempts to worldwide reduction of pollutants into the air, but they are not feasible on the fact that they hurt countries economically. The fact is that it all comes down to money and money is what makes the world go round. So before you go on about how it is humans fault and we are the only thing responsible for this warming of the globe, tell me how it will be accomplished without having dramatic impacts on our economy and the worlds economy. This issue is more than whether or not we should clean up our act, because if we could, it would not hurt. But honestly, I do not see how it is possible. You can show me all the scientific data in the world proving to me that we are the scum of this Earth and we are the only things that are warming the Earth, but can anyone show me a way to solve the problem. All anyone talks about is that there is a problem, but we have no solutions that are politcally, economically and environmentally possible Also, I believe it was not more than 50 years ago when scientists were claiming that we were entering another ice age.
  5. How long has it been since you shaved? No one can grasp the fact that I have been able to grow a full beard in a few days since my freshman year.
  6. Definitely a saver. Except I am going to invest like 18 or 19 mil in rares soon. I am going to try and play that game this summer. There is not really much to save for though on f2p. i dont know why I save money, but everyone will spend their money eventually right? What is the good of a few mil just laying around?[/b]
  7. Good Luck man, that will be one heck of an achievement when you get it.
  8. I had no idea that they tried to ban and that it did not work. But noob is still used way too much, but it seems there is nothing we can do about it.
  9. Thats what she said But yeah I would still play just as much as long as it was not painful.
  10. I would have to say noob in any context is used way to much. Jagex should add it to the naughty word list.
  11. That is a really good idea. The thing is there is no turning back whatsoever, and most people who say they quit come back just to see what is going on and then bam they playing again, so that is probably your safest bet to never play again. Make a crazy password is you really want to quit.
  12. I guess good luck. The best way to get Runescape out of your mind though would be to just leave it alone. If your quitting you might as well not post here. You may get the urge to play when you are looking around here. Well, good luck and if you have anything you want to give away just pm me.
  13. You can use the forums here on tip it. I post that I am selling the ore and I usually get a quick buyer. Also, many of the companies on tip it will buy the ores and since you have 644, they will definitely buy for 11.5k maybe a little more if you haggle them a bit.
  14. I do not know anything about the yannille mine but for f2p the best place is varrock east.
  15. Wow man. That is all I can say. I tried doing the same thing with 70k ores and stopped at like 30k. You are almost there now though so you wont have any trouble. 85 mining is the best.
  16. You get Chuck Norris jumping out of the machine and round-house kicking you back in time so you dont insert the coin. He then round-house kicks you back to the future without a clue of what just happened and are standing with a coin wondering what to do with it but you have an odd feeling of not to put it into the machine. Insert coin (reluctantly)
  17. Yeah 1200 in an hour, that sounds right. Also, in the title you should have said "many", not "much"
  18. i mined 10k iron ore for my first mil then i got about 3 mil from that i powermined to 85 where i have made about 10 mil from mining rune ores.
  19. u sed varrock west because the iron rocks are closer together and you gcan mine it much faster there. i also think it is closer to the bank but i am not 100 percent sure
  20. yeah but then you can get killed too easy so i was looking for a balance of lightwight armor and maybe food that some other f2p rune miners use
  21. what is the best possible f2p rune mining inventory
  22. thanks a lot guys. ill defintel use your ideas. anyone else have some tips?
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