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Everything posted by glasscube

  1. Number 1. This irritates you? So, autoers who continually drive down the price of the essence that you are mining, due to their cheating, scummy ways do not irritate you? Sort out your priorities. Also, if something this small irritates you, god help you in the rest of RS! Number 2. You don't seem to grasp the concept of autoing. It is not human in contrl, therefore, it cannot tell if it is dead. So, it keeps clicking in predefined squares, thinking that it is mining rune essence and taking it to the bank. It cannot detect that it has been sent to lumbridge, and all it is really doing is hugging the wall for hours on end. And yes, report any autoers you see. I saw a hilarious video of around 50 autoers following each other chopping yews earlier on google. It was pathetic. It may not be human controled, but you are making it appear the majority of the autoers are using a color clicker. Which they are not... Most of them are bots, and they know which coordninates they are at, so they just have to check when their coords aren't at a location and have it send commands for walking to a square. When you understand how a bot program in a object oriented programming language works with a game, then you'll understand why this is a bigger problem then you believe it to be.
  2. Dont buy the flail unless you plan to buy the set. Its honestly not worth it, losing a shield.
  3. If you get the right rules, id say 7\10. Typically a good staker has high attack and defence and mid low strengh. And level your range or mage, it gives you a much wider option for dueling. If someone challeneges you to a mage duel, you cant duel them. So that means your only staking 1\3 of the population if you just take into the 3 fighting styles. I'd suggest doing recipe for diaster and getting good gloves. They help lots. Typically stakers use veracs. At level 90 you can get 80 attack 60 strengh and 80 defence. Using excalibur before you stake also helps lots.
  4. No you dont keep the extra space. To continue getting extra space you have to keep the money rolling into Jagex's little pocket.
  5. Well, you can level them all up at once. However you'll be spending much more time leveling up all three of them, as you would just one. Dont get me wrong, in the end it wont end up that way. Short term, your looking at slow leveling at a balanced rate or you can go level one skill at once and level one skill faster. Hoped I helped, I believe its more of personal preference ;).
  6. I know a legit site, it goes by the name of tresure troopers. It has a 50,000 userbase. And just recently(april 15th) they paid $140,000. Now im not telling you to sign up, but here is the link to the page where everyone has posted their earnings. treasure trooper.com Its a 26 page thread. Some people make the minium 10$ while otheres make up to 300$. The owners make frequent posts on the forums also. And you dont even have to do the offers for money, just make enough referrals. You make 20% of what your first referrals make. And you make 5% of second referrals, which is your referrals referrals. Now, you can believe they are a scam and stay away. But I gave my input on this..
  7. I beleive im pretty mature for a 13 year old. I once asked a couple of my friends to take a guess at my age, they all thought I was 16+. I think this is because people seem to do a lot of sterotyping imo.
  8. You can switch as long as you don't set rules against it. Such as "No Range" or "no Mage". You can still use ranging armour if no range is on, you just cant attack with range.
  9. Lol he got ripped if he bought them off ebay. So... What are you trying to get at? I mean, no one honestly cares what your friend makes by macroing. And if we did, we(as in the community) would have downloaded macros k?
  10. What would we gain from this?
  11. However duke, if the person was actually serious about hacking someone, they could just send a virus to there friend. All the virus would need is something simple, so it could pass onto their friends. Have the brute forcing 'bot' login onto a IRC server and have all the bots communicate with eachother. After you have 50 or so bots, stop the virus by telling all the bots to stop passing it using a function you gave it. Now say if you have 50 bots, all sharing the information they know... Now most people must atleast have a 4mb/s connection, so we can safely assume that they would not notice 30kb/s maxium. And dwarfie already said how to bypass the applet blocking you to only try 7 times. Knowing this, brute forcing would be possible but unlikely.
  12. The update could come on a saturday, I mean its not hard to make a script to mass disconnect everyone on a interval and update the new server files.
  13. Best bet would be to send jagex a messege saying that you are stuck in there because your firemaking skill is not at a high enough skill. Though, you might get an automated reply after waiting like 6 days.. If this happens I would call jagex and request my character to be removed from there and ask for a couple day refund of members. The latter might not happen, but hopefully they will remove you from there. And I advise you to level firemaking when you get out :P
  14. A solution to bothsides: Have a highscores version of the game, and your character will goto the "non highscore" part of the game after a year. Now the newbs have a chance at lots of fame with the highscores (lawlz) and the people with skills can keep them (h)
  15. All it takes is like 8 lines of code, if jagex is willing to do this. I mean making another stack of GP would be best so the people with.. Anyway so they dont loose some GP. Edit: forgot to say concerning a second currency
  16. For one thing, jagex wont make the cap higher because they are oh so lazy to convert all the old gp integer numbers to a different type. I know this for a fact because jagex is to lazy to make the skills go past 99 and make a converter to convert the old values to new values. Most likely they'd just make you have a new stack of coins...
  17. If you guys wanted snow that much, im pretty sure if everyone from the state? contributed like 2$ they could send a plane out here in Winnipeg and collect all our snow ;)
  18. It was to fix the 1 hit bug... And its been fixed.
  19. I need to know where too... If its on miscellania ill shoot myself...
  20. IMO, willows are better woodcuting exp. Only thing maple is good for is firemaking, and woodcutting at the same time if your poor.
  21. Did you fail to realise he was lying because lesser demons dont drop rune full helms? :roll:
  22. Ive never gotten anything worse then 80%.. I dont even study and I pull high 80's from exams. Kinda off topic, but its about school. When I was in grade 2 or 1, the teacher gave us a worksheet and we were supossed to name the images on the paper. And one looked like a fairy, so I put fairy. When I got it back it had a big red X right beside it with "girl". My mom thought it was outragoues. I got 88 in math, 83 in language arts, 85 in social studies and 87 in science 8). Good luck on improving your marks :|
  23. Or maybe, support the other 6000 bank suggestions?
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