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Everything posted by hyjack01

  1. good question! is it worth keeping it for future use? It's still taking valuable bankspace for me.. :?
  2. flax and pure ess are both a (ridiculous) easy way to earn serious money for everyone who needs quick cash
  3. miscellania can help indeed. However, herblore is not a cheap lvling skill. Personally I think it has been ruined by merchants and players who cant calculate, selling/buying herbs real expensive and selling/buying pots way to cheap. Be prepared this skill will cost money and focus on the highest lvl potions possible for you. In your case, superstats will give you 43% more exp than the proposed superattacks. (and they are one of the few pots that still sell well)
  4. isnt it the cook in catherby? (i never lost my cookinggauntlets yet, but that's where you buy them)
  5. cluescroll and half key (however a new reward for me) come with the fish.
  6. at first i thought farming was real boring and time consuming, but i started to get a certain routine in it and now its one of my favourite skills. Runecrafting and agility are still the worst skills for me..nothing challenging or surprising in it...
  7. An hour and a half seems quite good. It took me at least 4 hours to get the rune defender (3 days after introduction of warriorsguild) I'm wondering if it's only about luck or could it be that jagex made it a bit easier to get?
  8. sorry idunedain, i dont agree with your theory. I'm a pretty experienced farmer and i know about the 'growing clock; almost every day I plant 4 trees at a time (using every tree allotment). And only since a few weeks i'm confronted approx. once every 3-4 days with this 'growth lagging'. For your info, for the lower lvl trees i use supercompost, for the higherlvl i use farmerpayments. I didnt notice any difference in the lagging.. It could be a bug, but it could also be a hidden update to make frequent treefarming less attractive? I would appreciate to hear experiences from other higher lvl farmers before concluding this is just a matter of bad luck
  9. check the tip.it skill guide on herblore.. perfectly explained there...
  10. i was talking about BUYING the sharks and prayerpots.. If u make the potatoes and pots yourself, you're right.. otherwise i should have seriously doubts about your profitcalculations..
  11. it can be great source of income if u have decent combat and good mage and prayerlvl... People seem to forget this quite often... I only use some monkfish and maximum 2 dose of a prayerpot per trip (most of time none). Players who need to buy a dozen sharks and 4 prayerpots per trip are fooling themselves...
  12. idunedain, i know you stated that the expected 'time to grow' will not be changed, but couldnt you consider to mention a time-interval, especially for trees? Im pretty sure that somewhere in last few weeks during a hidden update the posssible time to grow for fruittrees has lenghtened. I have had several times now with growingtimes of around 26-30 hours.. Around twice as much as the time indicated..and defenitely more than in the recent past..
  13. nice gifs.. referring to what mod sk8terfreak mentioned; isnt the grand seed pot also a different method of teleport? anyone a gif of this? :P
  14. everybody here has an opinion about the effect of cookinggauntlets on monkfish, but i don't see to many facts stated... i'm lvl 88 cooking.. cooked 1k monkfish with gauntlets... 0 burned! after this cooked 200 monkfish without gauntlets.. 3 burned maybe not a statistical evidence, but enough proof for me, they work (now, maybe after hidden update?) on monkfish!
  15. ok, sounds as a fair explanation.. thx duckman
  16. true, nothing really serious will happen.. (i hope.. :roll: ) But why the warning?? can't remember i had this with other keys...(and i did all quests.. :) )
  17. When sorting some stuff in my bank today, i noticed the 'bone key'. Wondering why it was still there, (did the quest Shilo Village looong time ago), i decided to drop the item. Then came up the warning: " this looks quite valuable..... etc.." Now i remembered this was the reason that i kept it in the past. However, the excellent tip.it key guide isnt advising to keep this key. Why is this warning there?? many keys i dropped didnt gave a warning? Is it just there for the quest it self or could there be another/later use??
  18. lady raka now almost a year gone since last contact.. would be nice to hear from hear again...
  19. true, average implies the possibility of a lot of variation... but i never had this before and i'm a pretty experienced farmer... So, nobody else had this??
  20. has something changed in growing times for (fruit-)trees since last update? Normally i plant new fruittrees every 24 hours. (easily possible since average time to grow is 14.6 hours for fruittrees according to the Tip-farmingguide) Today my trees were not fully grown yet! Did anyone else notice this or do I need to take a break in farming :roll: ? not sure if this is hidden update, so therefore not posting in sticky..
  21. can you tell me what the "the fast way to train prayer in POH's" exactly is?
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