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Everything posted by hyjack01

  1. Exactly what i found too. Max hit isnt important at all.. It's the multihit that rules!! I only use chinchompa's on fully blocked portals and had up to 500exp(!!) with 1 explosion.. (94 range and eagle eye prayer)
  2. seeing so many people having bad results with the tears, i think that there has been made a change by Jagex for sure.. Results vary a lot more than before.. however, i'm still curious if this is being effected by something we do in the game..
  3. Doesn't work. Send a bug report to Jagex. than it has been modified.. i did it. but long time ago.. think last year..
  4. sorry to make this more complicated.. but treegrowingtimes have changed already a few months ago.. This was confirmed to me also by a Jagex-mod.. I've written this in a thread (sorry, searchengine isnt helping me atm) somewhere in september.. My daily routine of checking trees was ruined by this change, because fruittrees now often need more than 24 hours before fully grown.
  5. just leave the gnomeballfield when having the ball..
  6. iron and steel dragons are by far the best dragon droppers..
  7. read Leesters' guide on Barrows.. All u need is in there..
  8. I used both grey and red ones in cw, and the red ones definitely hit higher. I only couldnt find the exact caps between short, mid and long range (how many blocks distance before using other style) Before jumping to conclusions that these chenchompas are useless(what i dont think), we need some more testing on all styles with different rangelvls in different situations..
  9. Thx for all the replies.. Clearly this has been noticed by more players.. How ever since opinions still differ.. What about the last question in my first post? Could this increased difficulty be activated by a maximum lowest skilllvl or something?? For example: when your lowest lvl reached the lvl of 60, tears becomes 30% harder, and so on? I havent' checked all skill lvls of posters here, but i still say this is something more than bad luck..
  10. Before you read further, this is not a rant (allthough i might complain :wink: ), but meant to share experiences. 5 weeks ago i had a new personal highscore of 155 tears (with full questpoints). I've tried to break this 150-barreer for a long time, but always averaged a nice 110-130 tears..So, being very happy with this result, I expected to see more in the following weeks.. More quests, more questpoints, more tears? How different was reality.... In the following 4 weeks i couldnt make 100 tears once.. my average probably was around 70 with even 1 time 52 tears.... It seemed that my clicking on blue tears activated only green tear spawns.... Today i gathered 92 tears.. above my average of the last 4 weeks, but still far less than my average before that.. Is this all bad luck (what i hardly believe), a hidden update from Jagex, or some other mechanism that is being activated by my 155-score or maybe by a maximum cap. in lowest lvl (now for me runecraft lvl 63-64) Please discuss
  11. I just tried 30 minutes thieving on knights with the gloves and didnt notice a real difference, but this was my impression and not based on facts. Has anyone done some experimenting in thieving with /without 'gloves of silence' over a decent amount of time and kept record of the results?
  12. just drink 2-3 doses every 2 runs when in bank.. i wear full black dhide, boots of lightness,legendscape (or now spottier cape :) ), archerhelm, rune pick and saraprayerbook or elemental shield and of course glory.. Inventory: full pouches and pure ess Dont forget teletablet or ecto since your combatlvl is very attractive to abys[bleep]ers! Path?? just the quickest way to find the mage.. when inside take the first agility or mine entrance and then find your preferred altar-entrance. off topic: why asking Swampjedi ? did you never use abyss before on your rc-lvl? #-o
  13. you are not crazy.. i sincerely hope that a little more use of other skills will be more important for future hunter-improvements
  14. hmm, burning shades is just one of the only minigames i never tried.. Looks like I should start asap Anyway, pretty sure that in the near future the firemakingskill will gain importance..
  15. red: 21 green: 14 blue: 11 total: 46 having sara and zammy prayerbooks + zammy staff&cape in bank
  16. i agree with many here that hunting next to the slayerskill seems a little farfetched, but let's wait and see first before judging.. However, another new skill quite soon after construction raises the question (for me): why is Jagex not putting more energy in improving some existing skills? Just again something new in rs while there is (according to the many, many threads on all relevant forums) so much to complain about existing skills like farming, runecrafting and smithing..
  17. 5 spawns of same brother could be a record..never heard this number before.. And ive done a few trips myself. What I still dont understand is what is causing this phenomenon. Why opening 90% of time the same door without respawning, and then suddenly ...boom.. twinbrothers... could it be related with killcount, time spent, order of killing in barrows or tunnels, or just 'luck' ?
  18. what does the 'disease-free' herb patch exactly mean? Just a 1time reward? just for 1 patch on 1 allotment , 1 extra patch or all 4 herbpatches will be disease free? If the last option a very interesting reward!!! :lol:
  19. watering your plants every cycle doesnt(!) prevent disease more than just once after planting... 1 time is enough!
  20. I totaal agree with FX, as i said the official Jagex statement a while ago said that gauntlets wouldnt help, however i have the same experience (at lvl92 cooking) as FX. just 1 burnt in approx 2-3loads without gauntlets. With gauntlets 0!
  21. many, many threads made on this topic.. searchbutton? on topic: official response from a jagex mod stated that the gauntlets wouldnt work on monkfish. However, my personal experience is that they seem to make a slight difference (maybe it has been changed in a hidden update)
  22. MEII within 1 hour?? Even with a good questguide this is almost impossible and dont forget that quests are (in first instance) meant to do without the help of a guide! On topic about the questcape: maybe u cant take it out of the bank if you havent done the latest quest yet?
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