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Everything posted by Toxic388

  1. Don't agree. Minimum wage differs in various states. Here in Oregon, it's 8$. That means you will get arond 1200 each month working 10 hour shifts Mon-Thursday. Average rent for a single room/bath apartment is 500-600$. You can definately survive but you're going nowhere in life.
  2. As someone who's been scammed for a blue phat and other multiple items, I can say that scammers are the scum of Runescape. They deserve no respect whatsoever no matter how successful they are.
  3. Oh how jealous of me you should be sir.
  4. Sense of humor, intellect and good social life. Attrative body and face are a plus.
  5. No. Do not [bleep] around with someone who's already in a relationship. That WILL give you more drama, especially in high-school. Wait it out. If they don't have a great relationship, then your time will come.
  6. How good of friends are you? Usually, if a guy and a chick are very close friends, starting the relationship will ruin your friendship.
  7. Boy: Kyle, Ryan Girl: Let my wife decide.
  8. Nine Inch Nails coming to Oregon in December. I'm going with my girlfriend. :thumbup:
  9. If you want to know if someone likes you, check these out. Displays of interest. Such as laugh. I'm assuming your a guy so, when you say something, be it not even really funny she will still laugh. Proximity. She will always try standing close to you even when you're not talking. Glancing at you every once in a while. Smile and flirting are the biggest indicators of interest however. On the other hand, if she doesn't like you, you will know it, trust me. She won't particularly glance at you, laugh at all your jokes and most likely won't flirt.
  10. Let's make posts of getting rune kites from fire giants too. They're just as rare. [bleep] 1/10
  11. In 3 years that I have played RS, I could have went to a lot more parties, consumed more alcohol, puked more of my guts out and date a lot more chicks. But no, I was dragged into an MMORPG with 12 year olds trying to convince me they are better than me because they're good at RuneScape.
  12. Never been to a concert, however I have tickets for Metallica with the Down and the Sword on Novemeber first. Can't wait.
  13. Please enlighten me, how, under any circumstances is doing that brainless action that your proposed gonna do any good to the man?
  14. And Internet flaming boosts your self esteem.
  15. Oh my god people, this is a bunch of [cabbage]. Does only America attract 'aliens'?
  16. Develop a joke attitude. Laugh at them jokingly when they do something such as trip or drop something. As far as myself, I don't even realize that I flirt. But I can see a girl who likes me and I will flirt with her, even if i'm not interested. If a girl is not interested in me, I will not, however flirt with her. I have been established through my friends and at my work as someone who can always make people laugh and can relieve tension.
  17. Most people, and parents in particular oppose different age dating for mainly one reason. The younger person in the relationship will be exposed to sex. However, many teenagers know more about sex than their parents do.
  18. I flirt unconditionally with almost every girl at work. When I was training my sister at work, after we got off she said: "wow, you're such a flirt"
  19. Wrong. Simpson's DVDs sell in every major city in eastern Europe.
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