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Everything posted by Rebdragon

  1. If you want to be her friend, do what you're doing. If you want to be her boyfriend, ask her out on a date. The maths of society are complex.
  2. Actually, Mage seems to get on pretty well with his sister. Anyway, as I told you, go for it. If I'm remembering right, she's shown some interest in you, correct? And if it bothers you, ask what your sister thinks first. If you don't hate your sibling a little you aren't siblings.
  3. First, stop being so vain. I has seeing guys at the gym who are obviously there for nothing but vanity. Second, incline bench.
  4. Meh, it really depends on the person I think, but I'd say that the average recreational lifter can bench their own weight. Personally I bench something like 140, but I weigh about 170 (below average for lifters).
  5. God Damnit. I was going to respond something like "these tests are stupid feel-good pseudo-scientific wastes of time," and then I went and took the frikkin' test. Extroverted (E) 50% Introverted (I) 50% Sensing (S) 64.71% Intuitive (N) 35.29% Thinking (T) 60% Feeling (F) 40% Judging (J) 56.25% Perceiving (P) 43.75% (I/E)STJ I received as result of INTJ last year when I took the test in the last thread. I guess I'm less intuitive now or something.
  6. There ain't no bandwagon zierro. I don't know where you're gettin that from
  7. Yay, I'm glad this forum is somehow less [developmentally delayed]ed than last year. There was a very long thread on this a while ago, full of a lot of people agreeing this is awesome. I hate all those people, and apparently they left. Yes.
  8. Duh he's hot. I'm pretty sure even rocks know that. And they're rocks.
  9. Do you guys really think she's cute? I mean, she's not bad looking, but she's definitely not good looking enough to get the jerking off going that I'm seeing in this thread. Yes, you are all blinding me you bastards. Seriously though, she seems to have that "beautiful" look, high class and intelligent (I think it's her eyebrows and eyes). She doesn't seem "hot".
  10. All right, thank you ma'am for describing the generic perfect mate. It'd be a little more interesting to hear what kind of trade-offs you'd be willing to make among that list, or what quirks you're attracted to. Otherwise we're just going to assume you want a funny supermodel rocket scientist and I don't think I'd be alone in thinking that lacks any kind of realism. You're like thirteen, right?
  11. Im saying you sound older than the average tipiter, but at the same time im inclines to think you aren't in your thirties. Please don't tell me you thought it was an attack. Again, been there, done that. Flame wars, especially over politics, are boring, commonplace and repetitive. At a certain point they just become too uninteresting to initiate.
  12. Meh, fity fity chance I'd say, based on your posting style and the average age of this subforum. I'm turning twenty in October.
  13. I'm sorry kid, no offense to you but I'm not as young as I used to be, and I've heard and debated all of this before. I told Mage before that I wanted actual debate, but I realize now that I lied and I don't. I can't spend time seriously debating this on a forum, and I just don't care enough to try and prove someone I don't know at all wrong anymore. Not that I think I'd prove you wrong, since debates don't tend to ever reach consensus anyways. Knowing on top of that that I won't be backed by anyone in this and will most likely be debating with three to five people, I really don't want to start down that slope.
  14. "Little too late to play neutral?" I don't like us versus them political debates, but don't accuse me of "playing" anything, that's low. I don't get why my view is biased. Most of this country doesn't like the direction the president is heading us in, especially because of his tunnel vision with healthcare. Is most of this country biased? Are you accusing the American people of being misinformed as a whole? If so, why? What biased, skewed data do you think the majority of Americans are misinformed about? Historically, whenever socialism has been injected into American society it has only hurt the nation's prosperity and growth. That's simple historical data. Unbiased data. Just because I think Obama's plan to spend another trillion dollars on healthcare over the next ten years is going to lead to the nation's economic ruin doesn't mean I'm some biased or nonneutral. I don't see why it would.
  15. 1) No. 2) Muscly is not hot in terms of women. Toned yes, muscly no. So I don't get our point. She's a good looking girl that messed up her own genetic luck.
  16. Don't be a rebellious teenage moron. Finish school.
  17. What's wrong with Fox? Fox is fair- they actually bring in people of opposing views and have debates, instead of just agreeing with themselves. It's not perfectly between the left and the right, but it's fair man. See, this is why I can't take YOU seriously in a debate. I suspected that you really were fronting with your want for "actual debate." To think I apologized in a pm for thinking otherwise; won't make that mistake again. Socialist ideas? Jesus, Reb, get a grip and start talking in reality. What socialist ideas? Please learn the definition of what socialism is before you start decrying a center-right President as someone who has "socialist" ideas. If he has socialist ideas, I'd like to know of someone in the House or Senate who doesn't. Maybe Jim DeMint, that crazy bigot who rejects science; I believe he hasn't taken a single earmark for his state. South Carolina seems to be doing so well thanks to him. Like, I can't even tell if you're being sarcastic here or not; it's THAT out there. So he's not socialist just because he wants to put all the tax burden on the rich to form UHC (which, mind you, isn't even what the general public is concerned about right now, since only 5 million American citizens of three hundred million even legitamitely need health care and can't afford it)? I'm not saying it as an insult or some Red crazy [cabbage], I'm just stating it as a neutral opinion. He plans to greatly increase government control through increased spending and nationalization of various fields of the market ("Stimulus package", etc.), mimicing much of Europe, and to do that he plans to further equalize the control of wealth by taxing higher income earners and giving their money to the poor. That seems socialist, or at least in my opinion it crosses the blurred line into socialism. I'm not those conservatives you angrly debate all day in your politics club. I'm just a member stating an unbiased observation. I bear no hate in when I say he's a socialist. Do I think it's a good idea? No. But am I looking for a flame war over this? Not really. I'm not that guy dude. I know you see him every day at school, spittin' hate on Obama. I'm. Not. Him.
  18. I'm not going to defend bushs spending policies. I really have no idea what he was doing.
  19. National debt is a tricky thing- it's not exactly a black and white matter where you can simply say "all debt it evil, all surplus is good." Sometimes being in debt can be a good thing. Not to give any credence to Obama's policies; his socialist ideas are going to run this country into a wall, and negative public reception of his now upfront ideologies makes that fact somewhat more apparent.
  20. Power is shifting towards the East, yes (note where capitalism is, and note where socialism is), but I doubt China will "get us" economically. What China has now is an absurd and unsustainable economic boom due to it being a developing nation- given time it's GDP growth will flatten out to levels on par with developed nations.
  21. It WILL. Not that this is on topic, but that kid's smart.
  22. I hate going out with/hooking up with Asian girls, especially on Ivy League campuses. Not because of them, but because eight hours of the day I'm walking around campuses looking at Asian girls and thinking "is that her? No... wait, is that her? No.. ugh." If you're into that specific girl, you don't want to just pass by her without saying something because she looks like every other Asian girl, but at the same time there's only so long you can spend looking at Asian girls before it get's creepy. It's mentally straining.
  23. If you say it in terms of Japanese proncunciation, it would an elongated version of the "bow" sound. If you say it in English terms, it'd be "boo." I'm not really sure what the implications of those facts are.
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