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Everything posted by Grim_Jokes

  1. Yet again, you were raised to NOT hit women. Punc: She was blackmailed. As in she actually had relations with the man. I don't agree with what her family did to her myself. But that's how I was raised.
  2. Alright, let me repeat myself. It's how we were raised to believe. We were raised to believe that relationships outside a marriage is ok. To them it's not. You see the diffrence? Marriage is obviously something more sacred over there than it is over here. Achiellus, we're debating the Sharia Law here. Not what you think of me. Either stay on topic, and pull that head out of your rear or just shut up.
  3. WTH IS COMMON SENSE Oh.. you know.. actually giving things a try before knocking them, perhaps?
  4. What? You're being stoned because you've done something they find extremely serious. To them, marriage is very important, if you've noticed. They punish people their way, you punish your people your way. I'm sure you'd be mad if they criticized the way you handled criminals. You know, I think you also need to learn how to debate. If I were wrong, I'd be the one hurling insults at you. Not vice versa.
  5. Open mind? You're as close minded as the people who enforce the damn law :lol: How is "don't criticize because you haven't experienced it" being open minded? Being open minded is giving new things a try. No? I can't make fun of Islam if I've never practiced it. Same with Christianity. Same goes for this law. Until you've been living with it, you can't knock it. Just come, I'll probably teach you to read and write. Looks like you need to learn all over again.
  6. It's a debate. What else am I supposed to do? Are you stupid? Read that again. For unmarried MAN AND WOMEN. MAN AND WOMEN. Women don't get treated like animals at all. Seriously, I'm so close to flaming you. She's not being punished for being raped!
  7. That's right, unless you happen to be in the extremely similar situation as they are but you didn't kill anyone. Have fun criticizing. I didn't. I just try to keep an open mind. I don't exactly agree with the law myself. But that's because it's the way I was raised. But think about it. We weren't raised the way they were. We were raised thinking it's ok to have a relationship out of wedlock.
  8. Achilleus: Repeat that for me, please. Slavery? Financially speaking Slavery was good. Free labour, extra profit. Humanly, no, I do not agree to slavery at all. Stop trying to put words into my mouth. You're bad at it. If my entire family and I are killed for meeting a girl, I wouldn't care I'd be dead. I'd obviously be distraught myself. Altough I fail to see where I mentioned that I support the law 100%. They do not kill people for having a relationship out of wedlock. They only lash 100 times. You are only stoned to death if you cheat on your spouse. Get it right. You want equality? There's no such thing as equality. The radical feminists proved that well. Damn man-haters.
  9. Of course we can't. We should ignore facts even if it's dancing right in front of us. I sure as hell hope "By dancing in front of us." you mean we're being judged under that particular law.
  10. I know damn well what I leave behind. So don't patronize me. Punc.. She had a relationship out of wedlock. It's not her meeting up with the man, it's her having a relationship and then being blackmailed to meet up with the man again. That's why it brings shame to her family. It's why she's being punished. As are the men. You can't really criticize what you haven't experienced, can you? Criticize the Sharia Law once you've been in a country that enforces it. Maybe then you'd have a better insight about it than an article written by someone who is potentially bias. I really doubt you'd criticize the law knowing full well that you'd be killed for it, regardless of where you live.
  11. Yes, and the LAW is always right, and should NEVER be questioned, specially not if it's a useless law that forbids people to see eachother outside a wedding :roll: Can't believe that laws like that are still in place... Look what happens if it's questioned! You get killed. Don't like the law? Leave the country? Never been in the country? Don't criticize it. Useless law? Why is it useless? Oh, you were raised with Western beliefs, of course YOU find it useless.
  12. Thats stupid. It's the LAW. And she isn't being punished for being a woman. She's being punished for doing something that isn't allowed. You wouldn't know how it is because you haven't live there. If you've also noticed she isn't the only one being punished.
  13. When'd I say what they wrote was crap? What else did that stand for, Ball swallowing? And you jump to conclusions, that was in regards to evilperson. Bravo! =D> =D>
  14. It's not so much the religion's fault as it is a bunch of idiots' with a ridiculous interpretation of a religious text. I have nothing against Islam. Just fundamentalists. Actually sharia law is official Islamic Law and is a legal framework for many middle eastern countries and Islamic communities in other countries such as the UK are trying to lobby the government to allow it to be made legal here too. It's not just a bunch of fundamentalists with a flawed interpretation, this IS what Muslims want and is based directly from the koran and hadith. Exactly. Its not what the people think it says, it is what it DOES say. I must admit it is partly the idiots fault's, but you have to admit, religion always causes problems. Not just the people. That's pure unadulterated BS. Religions cause nothing. People cause everything. Religion is like a gun. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Um.. anyone missing the part where she went AGAINST the damn law? So she brought it upon herself. I do feel sorry for her, but I'm in no position to question the law as I haven't lived in any Islamic country; nor are you.
  15. That's about half the posts here... Besides, when I think of Eastern Europe, I just recall the Romania from a South Park episode... and well, Russia. It's like a barren wasteland. I wouldn't go to South Africa because of the danger involved and the not as up to date technology. Why in God's name would you base your opinion on a country off of a cartoon?
  16. If anyone, regardless of gender, even as much as lays a finger on me without my permission. I'd hit. And it hit back hard. View me as what you will. But women can take care of themselves just fine now. They have equal rights and everything. I'll gladly take this to pm's so I don't derail thread even more. :)
  17. I take offense to that. I bet you haven't even been in Eastern Europe. And you're already knocking it?
  18. It's usually a fireball to the nuts in that situation. If a girl kicks a guy there, fine, whatever, it's kinda funny and they probably deseve it. If a guy does it... er, I dunno, seems a bit weird, or at the least cowardly, and it's kind of asking to get kicked right back. Personally, I'd just go for a roundhouse kick. Doesn't that seem a tad sexist? A guy deserves to be hit by a woman but not vice-versa? Where's the equality?
  19. Yeah. It's YOUR life, not your parents. Get off THEIR internet. Stop eating THEIR food. Stop living under THEIR roof. Stop wasting THEIR money. Their house, their rules. It's that simple. Such a tired clicḫ̩̉̉, children still have a right to a certain amount of liberty and choice. Yeah? They have their liberties. But if MY kid isn't satisfied with what I give him. He may damn well leave. You got a problem with how your parents do things? Get out then. Kids don't work for what they have. Either they enjoy it and shut up or leave. It's really that simple.
  20. Yeah. It's YOUR life, not your parents. Get off THEIR internet. Stop eating THEIR food. Stop living under THEIR roof. Stop wasting THEIR money. Their house, their rules. It's that simple.
  21. So what is love then? If only people really knew the answer.. It definetly isn't wanting to marry someone after dating them for a short while.
  22. Well, i guess they wouldn't care iether way. Meh, i guess i gotta do that.. But they will care. Just sit back and watch. It's all you can do.
  23. Get yourself well known. When advertising, post your date of .. creation. Basically keep proof that you're older so people will know you're the original. Be the bigger man and pretend they don't exist. They'll fall apart sooner or later.
  24. Yup, Romania here, and it was just like that for us too. We still killed the animals brutally.
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