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Everything posted by Grim_Jokes

  1. Grim_Jokes


    I'm living proof. I used to live in Romania when I was younger. Now I live in Canada. I had access to English Games, music and even a few books. In order to learn the language you basically have to have it around you 24/7. Grammar shouldn't be an issue, seeing as music/games etc. have usually good grammar.
  2. I seriously doubt Oprah does what she does from the goodness of her heart. If a person worked hard for his money; he deserves to keep every cent of it and not be told what to do with it.
  3. So inventions came from greed? I don't think so. Inventions came from intellect and a desire to learn about the world. Obviously money was an aftereffect but if it was just greed fueling our actions we wouldn't invent stuff, we would rob others. Greed plays a part in every action of our lives. Whether it is to invent or to rob. And why is robbing greedy if you're stealing to provide some form of comfort to your family because you're being screwed over by someone?
  4. Grim_Jokes


    Well, that's just one thing you can do. I never lived in America or any other english speaking country when I learned English. English was brought to me through the media. Go with the music/tv/books perhaps. Your mind will slowly pick it up.
  5. Greed means people live in rediculosly lavish houses with many cars, boats and in some cases helecopters and planes while children in africa, india, cambodia and other places around the world starve. That just dosen't sit right with me. Greed is human nature. Nothing can change that. The problem is that we utilized it wrong thus the people in their lavish homes. Those who used it properly invented stuff for us. But so what if a person lives with a helicopter/car in a mansion? If he earned the money, what right do we have to tell the person to sell them and help the children in Africa? That's too much like communism.
  6. Grim_Jokes


    I learned my languages at an early age. So I was at an advantage. But if I really want to learn. I recommend you immerse yourself into that culture. Hell, go live in Holland. You'll be forced to learn the language quicker than I could take your mothers underwear off. Go listen to dutch music. watch dutch movies/tv. Play games in dutch. The mind will slowly pick it. A dicitionary by your side won't hurt.
  7. I disagree. Greed is not necessarily bad. After all, it's greed that brought us many invention. World peace will never happen until people realize that we're all the same race regardless of skin colour. A few genetic diffrences but that's nothing worth categorizing people over.
  8. Exactly. If people value animals more than other human beings, they need to be dragged into an alley and shot. Why do people forget that animals would kill us the first chance they get? What makes you say that? :shock: I'd argue that there is far more violent killing among humans than animals. At least they don't run around setting off bombs. Most animals only kill (or try to kill) if they're hunting or feel a threat to themselves or their babies. Well, that's usually how it works. Animals kill anything that they deem that would be good to eat. And seeing as we're walking bags of meats... well...yeah. Granted the herbivores wouldn't kill us; I'll give you that. As for the humans. Well... I can't lie. But humans are generally idiots. Humans run around placing bombs because that is what they believe is best for their family/nation/god. Animals kill to survive because it's their nature. They'd kill you if they're hungry enough regardless how obedient you think the animal may be. The diffrence between the two species is that one can surpress his/her instinct and one can't. Can you guess which?
  9. What does me being a mod have to do with my opinions? I don't speak for tip,it when I express my views.
  10. Exactly. If people value animals more than other human beings, they need to be dragged into an alley and shot. Why do people forget that animals would kill us the first chance they get? So basicly a widdle wabbit (no im not gay) would kill you the 1st chance they get? and no-one tests on lions Its basicly you two who need to be shot Maybe not the rabbit, per se. And I've never said tests were done on lions. Buddy, I don't think you understand. Humans > animals. We are the dominant race on this planet. Not them. We do with them however we please. If I want to wear fur. I want to wear it in peace. If I want to eat meat. I want to eat it in peace. If I want to conduct research that will save peoples lives. I want to do it in peace. I don't need people like you telling me what I'm doing is wrong. Get off your high horse.
  11. Romania, but lived here for 7 years now. I'm surprised that you've never met them. There are quite a few people around here in Cambridge who are like that. Of course they go to my school and are idiots.
  12. Exactly. If people value animals more than other human beings, they need to be dragged into an alley and shot. Why do people forget that animals would kill us the first chance they get?
  13. A majority of Canadians are full of themselves because they think this is the best country in the world. Mind you, they are also the ones on welfare and complaining how immigrants are stealing their jobs. If you immigrate to Canada, and you were educated in another country, your education counts for absolutely nothing. So basically, you either learn here and make a crappy over-taxed living or come here and have to start your entire education all over again. I do like the winters when it actually snows though.
  14. People are irresponsibles morons. <--- I've yet to be proven wrong.
  15. Post advertisements on forums like tip,it. And then work on making the clan better for your current members. Works everytime.
  16. I suppose a place for skilling clans to post the results of events would seem in order. I.E how many runes were crafted, or how much ess was mined.
  17. Then ask them to help with the advertisements. Let everyone do their share. Things like these take time. Just keep at it.
  18. Don't pay to recruit. Pay for the services they give to your clan. Your best bet to getting people to join is through posting advertisements on forums such as tip.it Don't in game advertise. You could always make a 'council' of recruiters who focus strictly on recruiting?
  19. Well, compared to wars/pk events; skilling event videos aren't as entertaining to watch per se.
  20. Are you talking about Stallone or Beckham? :? Both? :D
  21. Afterwards a meeting I do a spontaneous mining event in the wild. So people always pay attention. ^.^
  22. Simple. I just pm everyone who is only. All I do is "World #, " Sounds authoritative but it works for me. And it works well.
  23. try having a defender that thinks his job is to shoot the egg cannon and wont call :cry: :? I do that, and we still win with lots of points. :)
  24. I'm a defener, level 5 in fact. So far I had quite a few games where I stopped and killed ALL of the runners in all the waves. Defending isn't all that hard if you actually think..
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