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Everything posted by Ruzbeh

  1. Certain analysts have predicted the Rev will do three times better than GC. Trapical, world-wide, the Xbox outsold the GC by approx. 4 million units. Xbox > GC, in the USA, easily. Japan, however, is a different matter. Xbrick has yet to break 500,000 sold units in Japan. :lol: Also, I'm not even going to try to argue with "lol it's gonna bomb like GC" person. They won't ever learn. Personally, I think the Revolution will do better than the GC, but obviously I would need to know more about. You can expect some new info in 7 days time. Anyway. A lot of wrongs with the Gamecube seem to be right with the Revolution. The online service (Nintendo wi-fi connection), the backwards compatiblity, etc. By the way, Revolution is the fist Nintendo system to feature backwards compatibility. The downloading of classic games is going to be extremely popular, depending on the price, and it's especially going to be popular in Japan (they love retro gaming). Personally, I can't wait to get my hands on the first Legend of Zelda game, and some more stuff. You will most likely be able to download free content like promotional material, demo's, even demo's for your Nintendo, which the Revolution system will download and send wirelessly to your Nintendo DS. Currently, I'm optimistic. :) By the way, if you want to read some interesting stuff on next-gen and gaming and stuff, you might want to read http://ga-forum.com there. Now, I'm not trying to pimp this forum, but they get news very fast and very often have some nice, intelligent discussions which are nice to read. A lot of people who work in the gaming industry post there, as well as some people working for developers (Bethesda for example) post there.
  2. Well, no, I said the cost was estimated at $500. Sony will very likely just introduce it at $400, which will make them lose money. They will take the hits. They did it with Playstation, Playstation 2, at the moment they're doing it with the PSP (it was estimated the cost of the PSP to be around ~$300, I think) and they will do it again with the PS3. $500 and the PS3 will never even sell, I think they know that at Sony, but they think $400 is acceptable. I just laugh at the people thinking it will be $300.
  3. For the people who thought the Nano might snap in half easily or something, I asked some dude who has a Nano. Here's the response: its a solid little [bleep]er. Scratches easy though - I had some glue on mine and scratched it trying to get it off. Any suggestions for scratch removal? :lol: So there you have it. It's solid alright.
  4. *sigh* No comment. By the way, the PS3 is going to be at least $400. That's my guess. Merill Lynch estimated the cost of the PS3 at $500.
  5. Yes. iPod Shuffle sucks a lot. You won't believe how much it sold because it carried the name 'iPod'. If any other manufacturer made it, people would completely ignore it saying it has no screen. But, yeah, imo, Apple has been redeemed with this new baby. I'm seriously considering of getting this. This will be my first MP3 player ever. Come on, dude. This is Apple we're talking about here. Apple + easy to break = does not compute. It's probably made of metal, if not hard plastic. Hard plastic isn't easy to break.
  6. Oops, I didn't know that. I just blamed Sven for the hell of it. :lol: In other news today, The Netherlands PWNED Andorra, 4-0. 8)
  7. Not really. I didn't like the regular iPod or iPod mini because they were too big. I prefer flash-based players that are the same size as iPod Shuffle. But I didn't like the lack of screen and it didn't look hot in the first place, and slightly, just slightly overpriced. So far I was interested in the Creative Muvo N200, because of the nice size, price and internal flash capacity. The Muvo N200 is 6.5 cm by 3.25 cm by 1.25 cm. Perfect size. But. Then this baby comes along, with max 4GB instead of 1GB, 9 cm by 4 cm by 0.7 cm and has a beatiful color screen (that Muvo has a very small no color screen) and the looks of this thing is just amazing. And for only slightly more expensive than that 1GB Muvo. I'll take the nano, thanks. :twisted: Why do some of you people resist... I don't know... You cannot resist... this... you cannot.. you must.. embrace -- your future.
  8. It's just plain hot. It has the perfect size and the perfect looks. Just perfect. :twisted:
  9. I can't get enough of this!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: I think I'm going to get the 2GB version. I know, just 50 dollars more for the 4GB version. But the 2GB version is expensive enough. Besides, I only really need 1GB. :)
  10. Maybe this will convince some of you guys: ;) It just has the perfect size. Just perfect.
  11. I wonder why Apple even bothered with the iPod Shuffle. It's an absolute piece of crap, but a lot of people bought it just because it was an iPod. The sound quality is said to be awesome, but it doesn't even have a damn screen. Apple has redeemed itself with this new baby. Though for me it's a lil on the expensive side (2 GB for $200 or 4 GB for $250), it definately seems worth it. I can't wait to get my hands on some reviews. :)
  12. http://www.apple.com/ipodnano/ Time for me to jump on the iPod bandwagon! :lol: :D This thing just has the perfect dimensions and size (4GB max). Perfect. Just... perfect. iPod haters (such as myself) owned. :)
  13. I've looked into that Dvorak setup before... I've been meaning to switch over to it, and I will once I get a one of those new vertical keyboards. :)
  14. Ruzbeh

    Emo Children

    Good Charlotte is emo.
  15. Most of those are either uncool or used often enough. Avarice sounds extremely cool and I never heard of it. :o
  16. Man, I thought this was biggest baddest boss in general. :( Like, in movies, stories, comics, books, video games, etc. But I guess that's too ambigous and no one would know that boss and stuff. The baddest boss: Ganondorf. In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The fight itself was just as awesome as the boss. Well maybe even more awesome.
  17. I encountered another one today. Squander. AWESOME!!!!!!! It's something only a villian would use if he's ticked off that his evil henchmen wasted precious resources or something.
  18. Good one...swell person. :roll: It made me chuckle. It's true. George Bush is nuttin' but a dirty WASP!!!!
  19. All I know is this (and this is my opinion). Animals don't have rights, but as the same time you could argue that humans don't have rights either. Why do humans have rights? So everyone can be happy. Why do animals have rights? So every animal can be happy, which makes human beings happy. If animals had to undergo some serious torture or something to find some sort of cure for humans about some deadly disease, I would question it. If it was absolutely necessary, then go right ahead, survival of the fittest and stuff, humans always have the priority and stuff. But if it's not necessary (and let me tell you, in most cases it's not), then don't do it. A lot companies (or whatever you call them) do research and stuff on animals while it's not necessary, but it probably is a lot easier and cheaper (for example you have products that were made with animal cruelty and stuff but you can have the same without the animal cruelty meaning it was unecessary otherwise the producht without the animal cruelty wouldn't exist). That's wrong, imo. It means that the torture or cruelty or whatever is unecessary and you'ren disrepecting life if you still do it anyway. I just don't like that. But you are respecting life when you torture that creature or whatever if it's absolutely necessary. That may sound weird, but it's true. You're basically going to be greatful for that animal, you will still respect life and that's just good. So animals that die in the wild because a certain lion was hungry is a-ok, imo. Also, I think there are a lot of crazy animal activists out there but they're just stupid and should be ignored (it's not like they're ever gonna learn anyway).
  20. Yooo. French iz coo', mang! Not as nice as Japanese, but French is a nice language too, not as nice as some French teachers say it is though (to them, it's probably the best thing that ever happened to them :lol:).
  21. That's nice, but English is much easier than Japanese. But, yeah, I can imagine that's a great way to learn a different language. ' You are awesome. By the way. You really only know 150-200 Kanji? That's not much, is it? You need to know ~1000 Kanji characters if you want to read stuff like Japanese newspapers and stuff. And it's true that Japanese people themselves have problems with Kanji (it's comforting to know the Japanese have problems with it too so you know that they're ordinary people with ordinary memory).
  22. It's probably going to be too hard to quit when you're depressed. I'd say you should get undepressed first and then quit smoking. But that's obviously very hard. I'm depressed too, but instead of smoking I just eat a lot. :/ It really sucks because you just want to eat for some weird reason. I've tried stop eating so unhealthy and start eating more fruit and more vegetables but it won't work because you don't fight depression so easily so I keep going back to unhealthy food >_> you just can't find the strength if you're depressed. I hope it works out either way. Just try to minimize smoking where you can, or maybe you should seek professional help. I'm seeing this psychiatrist and I feel pretty optimistic about it.
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