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Everything posted by bull912000

  1. Because your on a stranded island and you cant find food to eat. Why do people make reality shows?
  2. quote me! I refuse! ... oops :oops: o.o there we go! Lol :lol: you are qouted :D Good game. this is getting long :D keep quoting! you can quote more than once you know! really? ddin't know! wouldn't it be like spamming? no, spamming is like quoting 5 times in a row lol looks like a box in a box in a box in a box........... wow that thing looks cool the maturity of you all is so big... oo shiny things!!!! getting huge :P Really? didn't notice, i'll make it a bit bigger so i do... soooo..............biiig........... This is one of the best ideas since the Dragon Battle Axe... I've been hypnotized!(so has my post count!) so what u guys have for breakfast? holy crag man this is awesome lol 0WN4G3 cows eat grass runescape eats money Are we just suppose to quote? how do we quote people? wat the heck is a quote? :lol: This topic lags :( If a mod plays this game, I play it.
  3. The biscut falls out the change slot, but the jelly is nowhere to be found.
  4. 1/10 I havn't seen you, but your siggy is awsome.
  5. banned for not deciding what color phat you wana wear.
  6. these are all AWSOME moter oil scented candles.
  7. Legos- the only thing where you can take a boating vacation in the desert. (I don't know. I like legos)
  8. Most religions state that if they disobey there god, they will not go to these places. However, from what I've seen, god is real and not following him is like not taking a drink in a desert, you will be sorry you didn't. Anyways, you don't need to understand something to know it. It's called faith, and I think if there is a rope over an endless pit that can't be jumped but can be swinged, I would pretty much have no choice to have faith in it.
  9. I know that this is kinda far back, but..... Now, there is nothing that I read in the bible that says evolution never happened. What starts out being false is that man came from nothing without god. The reason is that god created man, but he created animals before man. There is nothing in the bible that says man didn't come from animals.
  10. Tehehe. Most are funny. Turn on the dispay radios to polka stations, turn them off, and turn the volume up all the way. :lol:
  11. So, unless something was created before by a superior being, either the universe or the big bang happened, and I think that the universe DOES exist. It's not conservation of mass, its conservation of energy. When the big bang formed, particles didn't exist because the energy was too concentrated to allow particles to be formed. Some more examples are nuclear reactions, they don't have the same atoms from one reaction to another, however their overall energy is conserved. Two things wrong: 1.In order for there to be energy, there must be atoms. (definition by msn) In order for there to be effort, there must be something making the effort. According to what you said, there was energy before atoms. 2. The law of conservation of mass applies to ALL CHEMICAL REACTIONS. The big bang theory states that there was a biproduct of dust after the explosion which is proof that the theory involves a chemical reaction.
  12. I know this isn't weird but.... I have perfect tonage... well, nearly perfect. I can hear pitches in my head and they are the same note, say, our first scale in band before we play anything else. I can also play things on a french horn or piano (one or two finger) without sheet music quite easily. The only problem is that it is usualy off by a few cents ( a little sharp or flat).
  13. The big bang: The big bang is against everything science explains. It goes against the law of conservation of mass stating: So, unless something was created before by a superior being, either the universe or the big bang happened, and I think that the universe DOES exist.
  14. open all of the scented candles to see what a shelf of scent is like on full blast.
  15. you get the rare sight of a coin being inserted into a machine.
  16. O.k. bloodredsword, you may have it now.
  17. I rise from the dead and give you a cookie. 8-)
  18. tip.it rocks ijink in cama jo so kisle wirs.
  19. I did what you said somewhat. Instead of outlining, I just shaded it all in. I think it looks alot better.
  20. you get banned for innapropriate context.
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