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Everything posted by bull912000

  1. My three favorite Star Wars Songs. 1. Duel of fates 2. A fateful love 3. (dunu the title of the final battle one)
  2. ok.... are you ready for this???? Bach's Taccato and Fugue in Dminor
  3. I hit ctrl-z (undo) to resize it and take it from you. I then eat it.
  4. Now what you do is play a brass instrament (preferably French Horn for the small mouthpiece) and get your lips so soar that they practicaly fall off. :-# Ya, I know a few people who play in the band and have braces, and what I know about them? IT IS NOT FUN.
  5. lol, my unfinished one is so old the stickers are falling off by themselves.
  6. I DON'T think that anything involving the second amendment is mixed up in this.
  7. No, go outside with a string quintet playing Pachibells "Cannon in D" :boohoo:
  8. The bible says the earth was created in a week, but the bible also says: To God, 10,000 is like a second, and a second is like 10,000 years. I don't thing that the bible was refering to earth days.
  9. Sorry, been out for a while. No? Give me something that disproves god. Give me a list. And in return, I'll give you proof of a supream creator. My proof? Look around you. Look on your desk, in your room..... do you think that all of this was created by accident? That two bodies of mass collided and created the universe? I'm not disproving the big bang theory, but those two bodies of mass had to exist before the universe was created, or it would be in the universe. I think that scientist are just too scared to try and disprove creationism because there is no way around it. *If anyone finds something in the encyclopedia that says otherewise, than please tell me* As for recognized by the majority- the majority of me says god exist. Most of the crew on the Titanic said that the ship would not sink... and it sunk, so simple human majority is irrelevant. And the definition of a fact is something that can be proven or disproven.
  10. Hmm, here is something to ponder over. If god is everywhere and everything, how can there be an absence of god in hell? :-k I think that hell is just plain nothing.... but he created nothing...... grr, paradox! :x
  11. Dogs are my favorite, but I also like cats. I think cats and dogs should put aside there differances and just get along. :mrgreen:lol
  12. Maybe they didn't want to handle the disaster well, maybe they wanted it to go all wrong so they could do a marshall law drill and an excuse to take away American's second amendment rights. Now why would a Republican administration want to take away the most Republican supported amendment? :wink: Just because neocons claim to be supporters of Republican ideals doesn't mean they actually do. There is too many politics going out. I say, throw out bureocracy and just get down to the coast to help (why I support changing fema). I mean, its like some people act its Bush's falt the hurricane hit. #-o
  13. 4/10. It's funny, but you can add stuff on the top and bottom spots. (mine is still in the making)
  14. I don't know. It seams that a 1 degree(f) rise in tempeture is allitle harsh. Then again, one volcano can do the same in a few days. I'm sure that there is a lack of evidence due to the old thermometers. The only ones I can think they had were mercury, and its easy to get the wront tempeture.
  15. I can tell you that neither pictures or words can describe what has happened down there. I remember more of the damage on the coast on thanksgiving than what I got for christmas.... it is very life-changing.
  16. (bump) I still don't know how to add to the background. Any hints?
  17. For some reason, thats how I have always seen websites.... but, it would be impossible to put on paper. AWSOME.
  18. anyways, not much dealing with Katrina has really changed since then, I know, I've been on the coast. And as for Bush- All of this is just a blame game. Would you like to try to lead thousands of troops to the coast just to find they were blown away in the storm themselves? And the late arival? You try moving thousands of troops period.
  19. rs- noobish to an extent. Not very productive (traveling alot). I tend to loose my rune in the wildy constistantly (not really, first time (an right now last) I went pking). tip.it- dunnu, I'm kinda new, so I'm not sure who all knows me. personal- the only thing I will tell you is that I'm a classical music lover :boohoo: .
  20. Before you read- This is in the Off Topic section because it does not refer to runescape or arenascape, and is not in the origional Katrina post because I need a place for corrections and reviews to be sent. Hello. As you can see, I am from the state of Mississippi, which has been recently affected by hurricane Katrina. During Thanksgiving holidays, I was able to go down to the coast of Mississippi and New Orleans. However, even though the images are still in my head, I have been losing many of them. This is the story of when I and a dear family member went down to the coast. (I can not tell you much about me during the storm because it would be easy to find out the area I live in by the type of weather) The night before, I had no clue that I had the choice to go to the coast. It was the thanksgiving weekend after Katrina, so I had nothing in my schedule to not allow me to go. I was about to go to bed when a family member asked if I wanted to go to the coast to work. Obviously, I said yes, or I wouldn't be making this post. New Orleans- We arived in New Orleans (Where the group we were working with were supposed to be before they got reassigned to the Mississippi Coast) on the west side to get the grand tour. We started off on I-10 through the down-town and headed for my family member's collage. We could not get onto campass, it was closed due to cleaning. We continued down I-10 through the 9th ward, one of the hardest hit areas. Imagine a 3rd world country with water lines, well this is worse than you can even imagine. There seemed to be a tarp on every roof of that whole area. When we got to the Louisiana/Mississippi State Line, there was NO green. It looked more like a forest of telephone poles.... and for miles. The Coast- This is the most horrible place to be right now. When I was there that weekend, I did not see a single blade of grass. It had all been covered by mud. We were working in a house that had been 12 FEET DEEP IN WATER, that is probably above the ceiling if you look up. To get an idea of what that is like, go through your house on the first floor. Note everything that is dear to you or not. Now, imagine all of that.... GONE. Wedding dresses, family heirlooms, thousands of dollors worth in funiture. The only thing in place is the hous itself... if your lucky. The building in which we worked out of had a shifted foundation obviously, because there is a big crack running along the walls. That only happened in A DAY, compared to hundreds of years for most other buildings. And all of this doesn't even count to the houses completely washed away, leaving just a slab of concrete. Anyway, our job was to completely gut out the house, everything interior exept the wood frame. It was quite uneventful, excepting the entire trip. The looks looks on everyones faces.... including my own.... The devistation in a single house is too great to be described by words or pictures, let alone the effects on an entire city. Most of the time, we were scraping up chuncks of soggy, moldy insulation and putting them into a pile of trash about 10 feet high and 50 feet long (this was for a single street). On one trip, I was leaving the house by way of the garage, and my eye happened to catch something.... a moldy wedding dress. This used to be someones life, and now it is ruined, gone, no way to turn back. The worst sight During the entire trip had to have been the bridge. Highway 90 accross the bay of St. Louis is no more. Looking accross the empty pillars is like a road of nothing. And the sad part is.... it hasn't changed. Six months and nothing repaired. I know it would have taken years for the coast to repair itself, but it has seemed to go slower than I expected. I don't know, you may dissagree, but these are my thought.But then again, these people have been affected by the storm of the millenium. They are making an effort to clean up the area and I salute them for that. R.I.P. Victems of Katrina and any other natural disaster. I honor the survivors of this major disaster and others. Feel free to discuss corrections or reviews.
  21. Ya, I have VISITED runehq, but I don't like it that much. Tip.it has a much more variaty of calcs and stuff. Anyways, tip.it is supposidly growing, so that might change soon.
  22. Ya, well did you trade real world items? (also, I thought you were talking to me (thread title))
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