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Everything posted by bull912000

  1. I want to host a competition of who can write the best theme song for tip.it. You can't use any copywrited songs, and you must use the downloadable program "finale notepad". It can be on more than one file (it has a limit to how much you can put on one file), but all files must be sent to me. Style: Any, just as long as it uses under 8 instruments (again, thats what you get for a freebie program). Tell me if I can post the link to the website...
  2. WAY WAY WAY off. Try Bach, if you know who that is. TMAM knows 1337 very well.
  3. ((3.73620025 ÃÆÃââââ‰â¬
  4. You can't even type your account.... you spelled it like this last time. "r48wxy445r09dc fimk"
  5. Banned for changing posts to make yourself look better...
  6. You get it, but it clotted... I wish for world peace.
  7. You get a rock rushing... into your head.
  8. Tell me everything you know... I have a second of my live to waste.
  9. Banned because the use of "Gyroman26 p0wns" would devide the thread into two groups. Rushrock Oreo \/5. Bull Gyro
  10. You get p0wner123...... it's not very funny, but more posts means more post as stated by a wise man.
  11. Banned for discrimination of the dancing bunnies! EDIT: Yes Rushrock, you did not get to page 402. I did! MUAHAHAHAHA! :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted:
  12. You get n00bs running up to you saying "\/\/|-|475 6|_34(|-|"
  13. Banned for not using the term "L0Lypop" in your post.
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