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Everything posted by Smackapotato

  1. It would be nice, of course, but after all it's just an item that shows off your skill. It's not really like we need it and I don't usually care for showing off. It would be nice, but I can live without it.
  2. The guild isn't really all that good. So I'd suggest just getting to 50 rc on your own time, don't rush or anything.
  3. Well, tinderboxes are my favorite item and I'm an avid collector. Put two and two together and you get: a ton of tinderboxes : 70 pray would look nice, but it's pretty expensive and I don't like wasting money on prayer, so it'll stay low until I get back to training melee. Hehe, thanks a bunch =] And by the way, amazing whip achievement! Lol, thanks. Wow, great review. I'm glad you appreciate my bank so much :) Thank you for being so thorough with your rate, I don't see many posts like this one. =] Thank you everyone for the good rates, mucho appreciated =]
  4. So, what's it been? 87-90-91-92-93 now? You're ridiculous, not in a good way. Stop posting levels.
  5. Haha, Verac has no nipple. Santa suit will probably be a let down =/
  6. Thanks for the rates : And I guess I do have a goal, and it's to get into the top 200 f2p. But really, I just raise the skills I feel like raising. I'm probably going to do a bunch of rc now and maybe get 90 Fishing and Firemaking, then, who knows =]
  7. I can barely read the level >.< But congrats on 50 construction, going for all 50+?
  8. A little bit of back story here: I've been working towards 90 crafting for about 4 months(lol) and I've finally gotten it! Along with a couple other good levels. I bought about 65k silver ores, smithed them all which got me 85 smithing(and later on 86) and then made tiara's to get to 90 crafting. It cost me about 8-9M and now I have over 70k tiara's that are completely useless lol, junk anyone? [hide=90 crafting
  9. You have a very good mage level, especially for your total. 8/10 for the mage level, but you could work on other skills and boots your total levels up too. Have fun on getting to 99 =]
  10. Very nice! Mining is one of my favorite skills and it's for sure a nice 80 to have, as well as crafting. 8/10, (9/10 once you get 80 smithing ;) )
  11. It all depends on who you talk to. People say that all pure f2pers have a stuck up attitude, they say that all old-schoolers have a "holier then thou" attitude and that all pures have a bad attitude. It all depends on who you know, so instead of making some stupid and unrealistic claim, you could actually get to know every single old-schooler and see if each one has that attitude. Until then, don't make outrageous claims. Or just learn to ignore things that bother you.. And maybe stop making useless threads...
  12. If runescape gets better than real life? Are you serious? When was the last time you went outside... The only thing that could make RS seem as good as/better then going outside and having a life is if you're addicted to it. And even then it's not actually better, it's just an addiction.
  13. 1000/2376 or 42%. But keeping in mind that levels get harder as they get higher, it's more like 1.5/10.
  14. I play Runescape as a f2p because I want to. That's it. There's no real reason and I'm not going to shove it in any member's face that I'm f2p. I like playing RS as a free player, so why bother getting members if I'm satisfied? Edit: Having read the comments left by everyone reminds me just how much I Hate Tiffers sometimes. I don't even see the point in having such a negative attitude towards f2pers. It's moronic.
  15. This is in the wrong forum. It should be in Help and Advice.
  16. If your bottom row is all 1's, then this is an ok achievement. Otherwise, it's not very good. 5/10 if they are 1's, if not, 3/10.
  17. I really hope you're not going to post every single level on your way to 99 str =/ I think 87, 90 and 91 is more then enough..
  18. Soraaaaaa <3 Cool drops guy =] Making money and stuff, awesome. How'v'ya been?
  19. 99 mining is hawt, one of my favorite 99's and one of my favorite capes. Good job on getting it and making so much money off of it :o Have fun with agility =]
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