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Everything posted by Nanosauromo

  1. My kindergarden teacher's brother is James Gurney, creator of Dinotopia. He visited our school once.
  2. They're from Honduras. Anyway, THOUGHTS!! I think that East really is an alien. He talked about the whole "Alien or Robot" thing way to much for it to be a figure of speech. Did anyone else notice that Peter was wearing the Haitian's necklace? He's had his mind wiped! So... Matt divorced his wife, and now he and Mohinder are Molly's foster parents? Odd. Bearded Nathan looks exactly like Future Jack from the LOST Season 3 finale, "Through the Looking Glass." "The Nine..." Kaito Nakamura, Angela Petrelli, Linderman, Charles Devaux, That Guy In The Hood. That's five, who are the other four? HRG working at Kinko's... 'nuff said. I have an inexplicable urge to buy a Nissan Rogue. I like how the Spanish subtitles are a different color than the Japanese subtitles. Next week: Sylar in a Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses, hanging out on a beach!
  3. So I take it nobody's interested?
  4. http://openlierox.sourceforge.net/ This is a very fast-paced 2D shooter game. You can play against up to 8 computer players, or online against up to 32 human players. Each player gets their choice of 5 weapons, ranging from rifles to nuclear bombs. The game comes with sets of weapons, called mods, which include themes such as 8-Bit warfare, Halloween, Fireworks, Food Fight, Modern Warfare, WH40K, and many others. Each player also gets a "Ninja Rope," which is used to swing from buildings and objects, including the sky and other players. Go ahead and download it, it's extremely addictive. Let's get an official TipIit server going!
  5. Slow-motion Boromir still fighting with thee arrows sticking out of him = Utter Ownage. Sean Bean's acting was amazing in this film.
  6. I play Magic, 'tis awesome. Pokemon and You-Gay-[garden tool] are over-rated pieces of crap.
  7. The Two Towers - When the Ents begin their march on Isengard. That music is awesome. The Return of the King - Lighting of the beacons. The cinematography is outstanding, and the music is the best in the trilogy. Saw - The very end, when the "dead" guy gets up off the floor and reveals that he's Jigsaw. Definately a "WTF??" moment. School of Rock - The "My brain is hanging upside down" montage. 300 - "THIS! IS! SPARTAAAAAAA!!!!!!"
  8. Nothing happens, brutha. I've done it countless times. Plus the Mythbusters busted this way back in season 1.
  9. In one corner, we have the PEOPLE WHO ATTEMPT TO FIND REASON AND LOGIC IN THE WORLD. In the other corner we have the PEOPLE WHO BELIVE WHATEVER A 2,000 YEAR OLD BOOK TELLS THEM TO. Who will win this ultimate deathmatch?
  10. Why does this happen? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQOAxp7QOSY
  11. Whoever made the Scooby gang, you win the Internet.
  12. It's things like this that make me ashamed to be american. I'm living in a country of idiots.
  13. Reaching the end of that comic was like reaching the end of "Deathly Hallows." NO! THERE HAS TO BE MORE!!! :ohnoes:
  14. "9th grade beatdown" MYTH BUSTED! I have never seen this happen. I was friends with numerous juniors and a senior during my freshman year. "Getting lost" BUSTED! There are numbers on all the doors for a reason. "Teachers" BUSTED! High school teachers are nicer than all others in my experience. "Homework" BUSTED! Homework is simply what you don't finish in class.
  15. I have seen that graph, and comparing the middle ages [bleep]e in heat to the today [bleep]e is like comparing a phone booth to the empire state building. Married with four kids... All that melting ice (which is now water) goes to the ocean, making the ocean level rise. So while it's not the end of the worls, it is the end of all civilization close to sea level.
  16. Yup we are definately heating up. Go watch "An Inconvenient Truth."
  17. Are you referring to when all the soldiers formed a dome with their shields and had the spears poking out? Towards the end of the movie, right before Leonidas throws the spear at Xerces?
  18. What was that movie with the kid who's dad named him Pony Boy, and his brother Soda Pop?
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