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Low C

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Everything posted by Low C

  1. Rolled back to yesterday. If this happens again i'll be reassessing the white-list, and the logs to determine the culprits. I'll be lenient and just try to think it's some ass who's upset for the downtime. Don't ruin it for everyone else and just leave and find another server rather than griefing.
  2. My fav quest was the Daedric one "A Night to Remember". Was like the movie Hangover in medieval times. Pretty funny quest.
  3. The shouts weren't nearly as bad as the Daedric quests I just kept putting them off because i figured i'd have to raid dungeon after dungeon just to find the damn walls. Luckily, about 3-4 were outside and guarded by a dragon priest or just a lone dragon. The worst part about the Daedric quests was finding where to start them. House of Horrors glitched out on me and i couldn't find the guy to start it, I eventually found him outside of the city where he wasn't meant to be. I nearly raged at the thought of having to start over after 90 hours.
  4. 1.0 is now up, with no mods and such. Blame Bukkit. As of right now monsters are set to on, if you guys want that changed just leave feedback here and we will decide if it should revert to peaceful.
  5. It's a damn good game man, I just completed all the achievements and I've never did that with any game before. Skyrim is better than any other Bethesda game i've played thus far. ..I see you play/played runescape, if runescape can hold your attention Skyrim can by far hold it.
  6. Just got all the achievements. Last one i got was the 20 shouts. However, the daedric quests took the longest i'd say.
  7. Is that the quest where you gotta get all the blood? Damn just did that earlier today lol Sure is :P
  8. Forza 4 is pretty damn good. I got it on black friday and i'm already on like season 8 of racing. Plus the online racing is good.
  9. If anyone wants level 81 easily do Discerning the Transmundane and the book at the end you get can level all skills to 100. All you have to do is place it on the corpse near where you receive the quest reward and while staying in that inventory use the book while its in your inventory, then place it back onto the corpse, place it in your inventory use it, place it back onto the corpse repeat. The important part is to make sure you don't back out of the inventory or you lose the book. Make sure to save before doing this incase you mess up.
  10. I just have Level 50, 20 shouts, and 15 Daedric items achievements left. I have a feeling ill do the daedric one last it seems like a [bleep].
  11. The amount of content in a Bethesda game should give them a bit of leniency from the gaming community I would think.. 100's of hours of content and such a huge landscape to code with tons of items ect.. So far i haven't encountered anything game breaking, I can live with gamefreezes.
  12. Low C


    Yeah I agree with Nox I overspent today. I bought 3 xbox 360 games that are regularly 65 bucks for 28 each. Then i got the idea to go back at 4am to see what was left and they had 1 kinect bundle for 100 bucks left with 3 games so i bought that too lol.
  13. Stood in a long ass line and got Forza Motorsports 4, Batman Arkham City, and Madden 12 for 28.00 each. I shall be busy with those plus i've got a ton of hours left in Skyrim.
  14. It's online but it's running 1.8.1 until Bukkit updates their shit to the latest build.
  15. Thing is, with DLC's you're not forced to buy them. The Skyrim DLC will likely be like a massive expansion pack for 10-20 dollars which will prolong gameplay by dozens of hours. I don't see anything wrong with that. Also, if you've already spent 65 dollars on Skyrim and a few months from now you're able to get more use out of that money you spent why not invest 10-20 more dollars into it and get more enjoyment out of your game. Thats just my outlook on the DLC market. It's also good for the game dev's which in turn is good for us gamers.
  16. I didn't understand either. From what I understand you dislike DLC. However, you then go on to say that you can't buy a game online so I assume you have no internet which is why you hate DLC's? If so thats a terrible reason to hate added content. Also, waiting for a GOTY edition with all DLC's might take years.
  17. When I play it's because I've gotten bored of other hobbies. At the moment I'm enjoying games such as Skyrim, MW3 and BF3 so I've been on a break lasting the past few months. The nice thing about RS is I can just drop in and start playing anytime for a cheap 5 bucks per month. I haven't let my membership lapse in the past 6 years because of this aspect.
  18. Well the scariest situation I've gotten in has been hauling shit. One was when I was with a coworker and we were hauling 4 full size jeeps/trucks on a car trailer and some idiot lady decides to run a red light in front of us. Needless to say we had to replace the brake pads when we got to the shop because of them being wore to the metal from slamming on the brakes while almost killing the lady. The other incident was hauling a single jeep on the back of my truck using a car dolly. A deer ran out in front of us and I braked and the entire jeep started fishtailing violently into the other lane and the shoulder of the road. Needless to say I missed the deer and somehow didn't lose the Jeep, I was pretty shaken up though from that experience.
  19. Yeah I use one of those too. Haven't played RS for a few months but It never really gave me any problems when I played for hours on end. I could see it causing problems if It got to the point that I was shitting in a cup to prevent walking to the restroom though.
  20. When I see those buttons in the clan tags I think "Aren't they just making themselves an easier target?"
  21. Go to Solitude, and find the store with the lady who sells secondary ingredients. It's across from the general store, anyways she sells 1 daedra heart. If you need multiples just buy one and wait outside the store for 48 hours then rinse and repeat. I made a Daedric Plate and a Daedric sword this way and the hearts are only like 700 gp. Ebony ingots are like 420 gp in Whiterun at the smith. In other news, I got 100 smithing by buying iron ore and ingots in white-run and waiting 48 hours to buy more over and over. It cost like 10k and only took an hour or so. I also finished the Winterhold mages guild quests and the Civil war quests. Loving the game and i'm like 41 hours in and only starting Act II of the main story.
  22. If any of you want to join my clan on COD Elite let me know, I've sent requests to everyone on my friends list that it shows, but I believe anyone can join a clan iirc so i'll probably have to send invites manually. Rewards for maxing a clan includes prestige tokens and tons of double xp.
  23. They offered F2pers a ton of shit in the past few years compared to previous years of Rs. Plus this game is one of the cheapest games out there for hourly content. I don't even play at the moment and I haven't let my membership lapse in 5 years because it's just so cheap at 5$ monthly to be able to hop on at any time of boredom.
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