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Everything posted by LeonardMart

  1. First, get more charms. 200 of every charm will not take you anywhere close to level 68. Try using This calculator. Usually doing slayer tasks or killing waterfiends is reccomended to get charms. Id reccommend you to save your crimsons and blues as long as possible as they give the best xp and should be use to make the best pouch possible. A very good summoning guide can be found here
  2. What to wear, to pray or not to pray, etc by the way is it very crowded there? my levels are the following: 77 attack 76 strength 77 defence 79 hitpoints 63 prayer 52 summoning 70 range 90 magic
  3. I feel like making some money from gathering, so I'd like to hear reccomendations about what to do. I thought of mining gold at the arzinian mines, but I'm open to other suggestions these are my levels:
  4. I heard around there that superheating gold ores is great xp, but you lose big money (gold bars are much lower price than gold ores)
  5. Are merchanting clans really against the rules? And why (what rule would they exactly break)?
  6. was only once and hated it because my team was horrible... well thanks for the help anyway
  7. When you log in while in high detail into RS, the log in screen shows some RS places (Harmony Island, the Paterdomus, Oo'glog, etc.). One of those places has a stone pedestal with many stone pillars around it, all in some kind of swamp. Does anyone know what this place is?
  8. ignore the sig which says 43 farming...?
  9. Can anyone tell me of a good guide where I can see the most efficient way to train farming? I am a real idiot when it comes to it and really need to train it up thanks in advance
  10. battlestaves can be good money, but they are somewhat slow...
  11. what I especially want to know is which charms to save up for later and which ones to use now
  12. I want to be able to use the oh-so-famous terrorbird and wanted to know, what is the best method to train my summoning from level 43 to 52? I have plenty of all charms and would prefer to keep the costs low
  13. no it isnt. It says as if the task had not been done
  14. One of the Falador achievement diary medium tasks is to "Use a scarecrow to protect your sweetcorn north of Port Sarim". Well, I placed the scarecrow, planted sweetcorn on the allotment patches (with compost), watered them everytime they grew, did everything. I harvested the corn and took the scarecrow, but it never said that I completed the task! What am I supposed to do then? Help!
  15. Pretty self-explanatory. What is better for abyssing? Terrorbirds or the salt water spring? and why?
  16. as far as i know the only void suit that is really worth it is range so you better spend your points on strength if you dont range that much
  17. I have gathered a few great orb project tokens and would like to know if I can exchange them for pure essence if I become a member. Else I would just make air runes and sell them. Thanks in advance for helping
  18. despite all, items' prices can still be manipulated up to some extent. Just wait until the swords are sold again or jagex fixes the price.
  19. being able to leave the cave would kill the intention of the minigame: That only the strongest and best prepared can beat it. it would be easy if you could leave just before jad appeared to restock.
  20. well crawlers are aggressive to all levels, which makes them less necessary to concentrate
  21. burning shades, vyrewatch, pyre ships, beacon network, baloon transport, minigames, etc... Your arguments about "skills make money" are pretty lame, especially construction. I personally do not like firemaking. But I do not think it is completely useless.
  22. Some skill capes show things indirectly, like the construction cape shows that you have TONS of money. The Quest cape can, however, show that you have some brains (There are quite difficult quests!). However, there are quest guides *coughtipitcough*. I personally think a difficult skillcape like construction, slayer or farming (Watching paint dry omg!) deserves more respect than questcape.
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