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Everything posted by Markup

  1. Couldn't microsoft sue Firefox(or mozilla) for stealing there name? :-k Nope This reminds me of that guy who registered http://www.mcdonalds.com and offered to sell it to mcdonalds for ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã100. Got taken to court and got more than ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã100 : )
  2. Nice music! This should be in the games section though
  3. Markup

    So Long..

    I will be next. Take care Mike! ~MAK
  4. Must not bump, must not bump! opps my hand slipped ; ) My first 100 posts were silly, now they are better
  5. I shot a guy from behind when he was lying down, it hit him in the [male body part]. He started crying. I felt so sorry for him. Once we just strait at the enemy and got wiped out. My friend broke his arm when he jumped into a ditch to avoid fire.
  6. I think that korla has it spot on...but then again anything can happen.
  7. Just thinking, on counter strike I have had more than 20 names. I just can't think of one for permament : ( ~MAK
  8. oo yea, I forgot. I got about 5 pm's telling me to change my avvy because it was the same as vmsers : ( quite annoying because I have never seen a post by vmser and I have had it on msn for nearly 4 years. ~MAK
  9. Quick Survey, what time doyou normally go to bed? and Do you wait untillyou fall asleep or do you have a special way to get to sleep? ~MAK
  10. My name (mak15511) is never taken. The letters are my initials and the number is my school number. Don't ask about exp all, you all know what it means and I hate it. xD ~MAK
  11. The next Robbie Williams.... Hopefully not Good luck and have a great time. Never seen you before, but I don't care. All off topicers are cool (maybe a bit too old : ( ) ~MAK
  12. I do it whenever I feel like it. Sometimes I get annoyed that I get woken up because the dream was a good one. Just imagine writing about a dream of sex and someone finds it... ~MAK
  13. xD I knew that there was a reason why you spelt it wrong...serves me right for not reading. Chemistry is my favourite science. I enjoy the practicals, when a teacher tells you not to look at burning magnesium, I suggest you don't! ~MAK
  14. Sorry, no time to read the thread. I will do later and I will post my thought... Just to say that the topic title is spelt incorrectly..... Anyway ~MAK
  15. That place rocks : So helpful with homework aswell.... ~MAK
  16. I have only been an off topic'er for a while but I know that the people use to be very close. I'm not sure if I have been "accepted" into this community... ~MAK
  17. Markup

    Top Gear

    bubsa, he did 314mph... two runs in a straight line at 300+/-20 would not be as bad as constant powerslides at 110. But then again the tyres may have been a soft set for best grip...not to mention they were tiny. ~MAK
  18. Markup

    Top Gear

    I saw it. Hammond looks really tired though. The crash was, intresting...why did the tire blister and shred after two runs? Surely they where new tires. ~MAK
  19. I say `your mum` whenever I can't be bothered to talk or if I have something else on my mind. Most people that so they just wait a bit. They know that im not being rude. ~MAK P.S.S.S stop it... xD
  20. ^ that just deserves a rofl nice one! ~MAK
  21. *hug* That just totally sucks. I have the same view as you do on some of my friends... ~MAK
  22. Has anyone seen Jackass where they test out a riot control gun? Basicaly it shots minature bean bags. It left a massive bruise. :x ~MAK
  23. Reminds me of i-robot, (*sneeze* sorry i'm allergic to...) Anyway, when I don't have membership I only log on to hang out with some friends. But when I have membership i'm normally hanging out with my friends or training towards my goals. Like they said, there's nothing wrong with having friends on a game then having friends that you have met. ~MAK
  24. Aww, today sucked for snow My friends have wooden soles to their shoes so they were sliding loads :lol: ~MAK
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