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Everything posted by blue107

  1. blue107

    Best Country?

    When someone doesnt know the definition of a word, I don't think they can win an argument about it
  2. blue107

    Best Country?

    Ok, this is an obese man- This guy would be one of the most obese people alive by your standard(using the BMI) Pretty much any athlete would be obese because it doesnt account for muscle. Are you saying Swiss would win in a war because they have better DEFENSES? Only one country could ever even challenge the US, and thats Russia
  3. So. In your eyes a game that hasn't got a "T" rating is a game for little kiddies? That's strange. [/hide] psst: I think he's saying that T isn't a kiddie game but instead is saying that the Wii doesn't have any T+ games except for maybe one or two. He's been going on about kiddie games for ages, so I don't think he would mean differently now. This is the first post that I have ever criticized the library of the Wii, and that was because some idiot who makes all of his info up claimed the Wii library was more diverse and had more games. I never made my info up, Blue. I got it all from IGN, and they know what they are talking about. Sorry, you are wrong yet again. *trys to hold back laughter* #-o Yea, I cant really tell if hes being sarcastic or not :uhh: but even if there was a knowledgeable and unbiased site out there, its not like it would name every game. The PS3 list of games is longer than the Wiis, ok? Zelda is extremely childish for "a consoles most dark and sinister game". And just because a few young teenagers play it (I'm guessing you are 12-15), doesnt mean that it is for adults
  4. Moderator=Rab, and didnt he make the dorics quest? i know that he was the one who made the spot potion And rsguide was very cool
  5. blue107

    Best Country?

    Again, I somehow have the urge to quote the comedian I did on the other topic. Do you have facts to back up your argument, or is America always number 1 in your mind? In overall, it is the best. Great military, powerful economy, growing population and extremely diverse. Countries like Finland and Sweden beat the US in things like health and economy but thats it, and its not by very much
  6. So. In your eyes a game that hasn't got a "T" rating is a game for little kiddies? That's strange. [/hide] psst: I think he's saying that T isn't a kiddie game but instead is saying that the Wii doesn't have any T+ games except for maybe one or two. He's been going on about kiddie games for ages, so I don't think he would mean differently now. This is the first post that I have ever criticized the library of the Wii, and that was because some idiot who makes all of his info up claimed the Wii library was more diverse and had more games.
  7. If you read all the messages, you would know I was in church only 2 times and I'm a non believer, just like my parents and friends. I've never even been inside a church and my family is catholic yet I know who he is
  8. "The Simpsons" begs to differ. Started off a just a minute or two advertisement for something. Now they are in season 18. The first simpsons was a few minutes long, it wasnt an advertisement. It featured Marge and Homer putting their kids to bed and going to sleep
  9. Only went to church 2 times in my life, don't believe in god. Yet I know who Jesus is don't I ?! As for presidents, that's exactly my point. And how old are you? If I remember right ( I haven't seen the movie recently) the kids on the movie were pretty young. I'm sure they know who Jesus is but maybe have not seen a picture of him. It just doesn't surprise me. I'm not going to tell you my age but I'm far from young. As for the movie, I reckon they were in grade 2-3. They were showing those kids some pictures of Lincoln, Bush, Ronald McDonald, Wendy, Jesus, etc. The guy who was showing the pictures actually got upset none of the kids recognized Jesus (as of my opinion). You do realise that they filtered out all the kids who knew who they all were, right? And you live in a christian household, no [cabbage] you would know who Jesus was
  10. Games like Zelda are directed to a more younger audience, normal teenagers dont play that kind of game. Games like Mario are classic, but at least they dont have random animals giggling every minute. Wii doesnt have a single decent FPS coming out and no exclusives. All it has are games directed toward a younger audience compared to other consoles released. No matter what you say, the Wii will always be childish compared to the 360 or PS3
  11. My biggest pet peeve is anyone who compares ANYTHING OR ANYONE to Einstein, like a teacher might say that you cant talk and listen at the same time, then some idiot will say, "well maybe Einstein could". The 2nd most common answer to the question "whats a goal in your life" is "I want to calculate E=MC^2". ITS AN EQUATION YOU IGNORANT FOOL It's a disgrace to a great mind
  12. Zelda IS a little kids game.
  13. :roll: Zelda: twilight princess. Go play your 50 cent games all you want, but true gamers don't notice ratings. Violence or rappers don't make a game bad or good, it's the gameplay. This might surprise you, but every gamer who doesnt want to run around in a fairy tale universe while hearing little giggles from the remote isnt some wannabe rapper who just wants to kill people Just wondering, how do you judge whether or not a console is directed toward younger audiences? Personally, I judge it by the games. But you must have some kind of better way of judging them
  14. Do they have a single T rated game out besides CoD?
  15. Or maybe I was defending my favorable console from some ignorant fanboy who doesnt know what hes talking about(seperoth)
  16. Wii- almost entirely little kids games with a few exceptions If I hated the Wii then I wouldnt of bought it, I bought both the PS3 and the Wii that currently sit in my house, the 360 we got for xmas in 2005
  17. How would you like it if I was annoyed by you whenever you wanted attention, so I zapped you? I wouldn't. That's the point. For dogs, it's not like it really hurts them; it's just a quick zap to tell them they're not supposed to go there or do something that they did wrong. Basic training. This is kind of a stupid reason to go OT though :-s . I mean, it was a joke earlier in the thread, and my response was more or less a joke as well. No one's going to put some frikking zapper on their kids neck... it was a joke. What they did wrong was talk.
  18. It's my personal experience that people who even use the word "veteran" or "old skool" are either idiots or havent played very long
  19. How would you like it if I was annoyed by you whenever you wanted attention, so I zapped you?
  20. More monitoring will not change how they are being raised by the parents. Although that shock collar may not be a bad idea. :-k Yea, parents need to get off their [wagon] too, but it'll at least take the "guess work" out of parenting. :P And yea, I'd like a shock collar for those kids across the street. I'd hit it just for fun to keep them on their toes. Little [bleep]. I got a remote control dog zapper and it's turned my dog into a right little angel. If I hear him barking and jumping around out there it's just *push button* "YIPE!!" and then silence. Wow...could you be anymore hurtful? you are zapping your dog because its talking. How would you like it if I hit you with a blunt object every time you opened your mouth because I thought your voice was annoying
  21. Nice answer. Couldn't of said it any better with all the arguing going on. Actually you could of... but I would have had to kill you :evil: Lol actually this whole arguement is because of Blue's posts about how the PS3 is the best and all other systems suck, especially the Wii because somehow all the Wii games are going to be about Pokemon and Mario. :roll: I never said the wii sucked :lol: I said it had a weak library compared to the PS3. Everyone thinks the PS3 has a weaker library yet it is more diverse and has MORE games :lol:
  22. The biggest known fact about nukes that a 5h grader knows- we werent the first people to start building them, we were just the ones who did it first
  23. I'm working on acquiring that one now, I should be able to watch it tomorrow or Wednesday. ok, thanks
  24. You British seem to think that he comes into our houses at night and eats all of our girl scout cookies or something like that
  25. It's not Dune. That's about all I can help. Ok, althought I'm starting to think that it was The Never Ending Story, is there anyone who is big on that movie?
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