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Everything posted by kunasako

  1. I'm F2p and started exactly when you did and still have twice the experience. TBH kinda disappointing for a member but better than average I suppose.
  2. Nice stats, really. Sad to see so many people are only impressed by no-lifers.
  3. Nice stats, but to be honest, i'm surprised you haven't been banned yet with a name like that... :-k
  4. Truth be told, I've been beaten by level 50 miners (and i'm an 85 :roll: ) and it has almost everything to do with connection. Speed in clicking is significant, but if you happen to be in a world where your connection isn't ideal, you stand a very good chance of being beaten by lower level miners. Personally from my own experience 75% is connection and 25% is speed in clicking.
  5. RS could not function without F2Pers so no matter how you whine that we don't put money into the game, we still have a larger impact on the game than all the members. Where do you think all mass produced raw products come from? Where do almost all present members come from? Who makes up the huge majority of all RS players? We deserve recognition for all we put into this game, not continuous updates like some noobs believe, but something every once in a while showing that we're not forgotten and respected. To be on topic my only suggestions that are realistic updates for F2P are tutorials of members skills (to be able to test em out briefly, teaser-style), 1.5 rows of bank space, and the ability to destroy and recover random event clothing. Found one more crown jewel: I stopped reading the quote there, thats why its cut off :roll:
  6. 600m? Seems hard to believe...Not even prayer costs that much per xp. 60m sounds reasonable though :-w GL with number 1 (Theres a lot of people racing for #1 atm, you'll need it ;))
  7. Only 40k an hour? :uhh: Thats not much faster than what I was doing when powermining iron in al-kharid :-k Anyway! GL on 99 :thumbsup:
  8. Some genius cared to state that F2P'ers are lucky that they play for free. What is the basis for this argument? Almost everyone starts off a game they're just discovering through a tutorial, and truth be told, that is what F2P essentially is as no one can honestly say its comparable to Members. As a result it deserves to be updated every once in a while, to accurately mirror and engage the gamer into the true game which is updated constantly. Every once in a while does not mean every week, month, but every time a considerable change is made to the game play of the game the company wants you to pay to play: for example when a new skill comes out. F2P'ers who are playing when a new skill comes out for members have no way of knowing how it feels like, and as a result will probably not be convinced that its worth "switching over" if they don't even know its worth. Oh and for people quoting the Stronghold of Security as an Update....Though it is nice for training and whatnot, it wasn't given to serve as an update but to stop newer players (and some old) from being scammed, so Jagex did not really have a choice, as it was the only way they would get most people to actually pay attention to security. How many F2Pers can honestly say they would have recovery questions if they didn't need them to recieve the funky shoes from the Stronghold? Not me, and probably not many others. The new prayers, now thats an update, I can agree on that, and it accurately provides an example of what elevated members play can provide. One update I do want to stress though is bank space! New items come out continuously, and though there is an option to destroy and retrieve holiday items, it still leaves banks packed to the full and demanding more. A clever option that would not require more bank space is to make random event clothing (probably the main source of bank clutter) to be destroyable and retrievable like current holiday drops.
  9. ah and you added it to the first post, gotcha :lol: my bad :oops: insane luck ftw eh?
  10. Er, isn't it just me but aren't the pics for the so called 2nd and 3rd chains the same...
  11. I've only had a chance to see him once in the entire time i've been playing =\ Saw him when I was power mining last summer but never since. :uhh:
  12. I wouldn't be surprised, randoms went up over 10 fold in varrock west bank, especially in world 1. They're probably trying to nail autoers and yews is as good as any place to get those ;p
  13. congrats on the 99's but you didn't get them f2p as you evidentially have member stats...
  14. Before you go and insult someone you should make sure you understand exactly what they were saying, otherwise you look like the burnt out light bulb. It's already been discussed tons of times on this thread, and everyone knows its a fake, so next time read a little before you open your mouth. Not that it matters, just cause someone gets something wrong you don't cuss at them. Get a chill pill.
  15. Good luck! I powermined in Al-Kharid because I'm weird and actually found it fun :oops: Rune mining 4 lyf :thumbsup: I've bought 120k iron bars and am going for 85 smithing atm to complete the set ;)
  16. From what most people who support luring seem to be posting I understand that they believe we should purposely exploit those who are considered with out "common sense" and otherwise "inexperienced". So pretty much you're exploiting the innocent. Wow, good job, why don't you just go up to a 10 yr old in real life and tell them "Give me 10 dollars and I'll give you 1 million" and then just run off? Its the exact same thing, even though luring takes place in a game. There are people behind the pixels so respect that and treat them like you would in real life. There was a really good article in the tip.it times about this not too long ago, explaining how the way you act in-game mirrors who you truly are, some people seriously need to give it a read. A scam is a scam, and a lie is a lie, no matter how you look at it or manipulate it. Grow up, please, for the sake of the people who play fairly and just want to enjoy the game.
  17. Much simpler to just buy raw lobs at 235 ea and sell cooked for 235 ea...150k+ xp per hour
  18. I would love this in-game but at the same time think of the power it would give to scammers :-k
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