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Everything posted by MageUK

  1. I think you're misreading the post? Unless you're 350k away from each of those 99s. It's 350k exp at the end of August, then 700k exp at the end of September if you were subscribed the whole time. The only "every day" things are the 2 extra spins.
  2. Get your account to be an Admin and then flick the resolution down and up again. This shouldn't affect any of the other users' desktops.
  3. If you want to edit text-only then you can press the button in the top-left of the editor and it will switch out of RTE-mode. Unfortunately this does disable the BBCode buttons and there's nothing we can do about it (it's a 3rd party editor), I believe it might be changed in the next version though. Yes, you can post links to images you host, you just can't display them as images in the post.
  4. Hmm, there seems to be a problem with the basic uploader. Can you go to the Gallery upload page again, and choose "Try our advanced uploader (requires Flash 9)", then go back to the upload page again and it should ask you to reselect the album again, but this time it should look different and the upload should go through. That seems to work (and I facepalmed for not seeing that option on my own). Thanks! Not your fault since that option wasn't there until you said it didn't work and I turned the alternative method on. ;)
  5. Hmm, there seems to be a problem with the basic uploader. Can you go to the Gallery upload page again, and choose "Try our advanced uploader (requires Flash 9)", then go back to the upload page again and it should ask you to reselect the album again, but this time it should look different and the upload should go through. 1) Unfortunately not, no. 2) Done. Ah well, no harm in asking. Thanks for letting my sigs work again. :) btw - can the 'quote' button at the bottom of posts be changed back to 'reply'? I almost missed it when making this post. Sorry, that's a language string, not going to change it. :/ Blame Ashley! :P
  6. Following changes have been made: Added join date to user info panel on posts; Made clans parsing more reliable on user info panel on posts; and Made it so that if you select "Hide" as your RS Status, nothing will display on your posts.
  7. You should be able to now, but we've had to reduce the available characters for use in display names, I think there's a character set issue or something there, we'll look into getting it sorted but those are notoriously annoying to fix. Added.
  8. Your avatar URL was: http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/4285/25580326od3.png
  9. This is completely true, it's a 5 part costume and you have to do the event for each of the 4 weeks, you will then get the entire costume as one award at the end of the period.
  10. You kept multiple choice on, people can vote Yes *and* No. :P
  11. Ah, Chrome was being stupid about how it handles background colour values. It should be fixed now if you do a hard refresh.
  12. Can you give an example of what you mean? I think that's the result of Chrome's default display behavior for highlighted text, although it might actually be in the CSS of the boards themselves (I've highlighted "example" to show): You can override this if you really wanted to: CSS3 I think it may be Webkit-based browsers. On Firefox and IE it's a nice grey colour which is really obvious. I've added those styles, and I can see them in the stylesheets but they seem to be being cancelled by something... Also added Gender to the sidebar.
  13. That's to do with your browser I'm afraid and we can't help you with that one. Well that's a pain in the arse, why am I forced to use 3rd party image uploading services that can shut down at any point losing all my images? Does anyone remember when Speedis closed down deleting everything? It also prevents, for example, linking to an legitimate offsite image on an actual website. For example. Look at this picture of Murray and Federer... Also what makes Leetscape any more trusted than my own sites? Both are owned by long standing members of Tipit. Is it possible for legacy images posted before the change to be unblocked otherwise there's a LOT of threads that are going to be broken. Big, commonly used offsite websites can be added just by telling us (I'll add bbcimg.co.uk), it may also be possible for us to make exceptions for websites for long standing community member's websites, but this is something which the whole admin team needs to discuss and not a decision I can make on my own I'm afraid. Wikia.com is now unblocked. Don't think so, if you use Adblock or something though you could just adblock that image. That's now a global setting in the Admin CP rather than a user configurable setting. If there's enough demand we could increase it from 20 though. Like I said to the Wereta above, I don't believe you can turn them off as such, but you could just Adblock http://forum.tip.it/uploads/profile/photo-* to disable them. The server might be unable to download that (it might see it as an invalid URL since it contains a lot of parameters), download the file to your PC and then upload it and it should be fine. 1) Unfortunately not, no. 2) Done. Can you give an example of what you mean?
  14. They might have gone, I didn't know they were being removed but I can't see them. It was probably removed because not that many people used the feature. I do have backups of our data though so if you had anything crucial in there you need I should be able to find it.
  15. I'm certain it's possible, it's just not a huge concern right now, might get around to it though. :) Top stuff that needs fixing at the moment is link colours when editing a post, item/equiment builder sets and friends list pagination.
  16. Well I know it's a little more than glancing but you can just mouseover their name and the popup tells you their join date. Currently warnings don't expire automatically, but I think we can have them do that (in earlier versions of IPB we could not, so none of them have expiry dates).
  17. Neither of those changes were specifically made by us, they were in the software already. Is there not a "More Details" button if you click your warning points on each warning showing you why they were given?
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