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Everything posted by Wisp

  1. That'll reduce the cost of research to you for drug enhancements to 750k/reset instead of 1m, atleast for a while, with the first one being free.
  2. Icu, the issue is closer to that everyone in your region almost already has a car, and doesn't need a new one, whereas the rest of the country doesn't have that luxury. Designing a new great car could help, but not too a great extent. And you have to at least PM your armies to me. If you pay 15% of your army cost extra, you have an 85% chance of keeping the specifics secret, if someone tries to spy on you. Oh, a word on spying. In order to fund a spy plane to go over a region, it costs 500k. If someone paid the 15%, and rolled to have the specifics secret, the person spying would only get info like: They have an army ranging anywhere from 2000-5000 though specifics are not know (example)
  3. Sure, I'll start you off with an event: Greater Vermont: The Great Train System Politicians have suggested creating a system of very fast trains across your territory. Options: A: Fund it (takes 15 years to complete, allows for much faster troop travel within your territory. Could cause of prevent revolts depending on dice rolls) 5m, can be paid over time. B: Suggest an improved highway system (10 years to complete, somewhat faster troop travel) 2.5m C: Do Nothing. D: Other
  4. Wisp

    9/11 attacks

    It was easily the biggest loss of US civilians, and on our own soil no less. I say we should get this thread, and one next year for the 10th anniversary, then start to let it go the way of Pearl Harbor. And it led to the Afghanistan war, and the Iraq war (though less directly), two things that are still very going on. We can pass off military losses in away, it's people in the army, they were risking their lives for their country, but civilian tragedies are something much more frightening to the public. We can hear about an IED going off in Iraq, killing two soldiers, but we don't ever have to worry about that. An attack on civilian targets, there's not much anyone can do to protect themselves from something like that. I'm not the type of person to worry about this, but civilian attacks are always more dramatic than military casualties, especially on our own soil.
  5. Everyone starts off now with a 20m treasury. Let the game begin: Starting events: Pacific States (Federated States): Identity Crisis: Some citizens are a bit annoyed by the recent name change, feeling it goes against what they fought for. Options: A: Ignore them B: Change the name back C: Bribe the Leaders (cost: 1m) D: Other Greater Texas: Black Gold: Word has spread of an untapped oil source just of Texas's coast. Options: A: Fund the creation of an Oil Rig (+1% Production) 2m B: Fund the search of more oil (No immediate effect) 1m C: Ignore. You may pick both options A and B Central American States: The War on Drugs: A major drug distributor in your region was recently busted, leaving you in the possession of hundred of thousands of dollars worth of illegal drugs. A: Dispose of the drugs in a reasonable manner B: Change Drug Laws, and sell them for a profit (+1.5m, but has the down/upside of legalizing drugs, could cause or prevent riots) C: Do Nothing (Drugs remain in custody) D: Other Great Lakes: The Big Three: The big three automakers have been doing poorly lately, due to lack of sales to other regions. Options: A: Allow and encourage trade to other regions B: Let them suffer C: Other Normally not everyone will get an event, but this is just to get us started.
  6. Population shouldn't matter, but to be fair, I'll take 1970 US population and divide it evenly amongst everyone.
  7. So, anyone interested in getting this started?
  8. Also, if this goes according to plan, troop movement will be factored in. You, in general, don't want to have your army march 1,000 miles to the battle, when you could have them arrive fresh and rested if you have them fly or drive there. This will offer bonuses/lack of negatives. Other things that will be included in the game is the ability to purchase better weapons and gear for your troops, and actually have it count. I think I'll use the General system, similar to Dusty's as well.
  9. In retrospect, this is now Hegemony 1970. So that way we have more time before the future.
  10. Oops, to clarify, you get the whole region. If more than 8 people join, I might have to divide it up a bit more. Or include Canada.
  11. Region Bonuses: Pacific States (Red) (Spork): +Technology Research Western States (Orange): + Agriculture Research, -5% infantry costs Greater Texas (Light Orange) (Dungeonal): -10% Vehicle Costs Midwest (tan): Bomb Shelters: Bombing runs on city's, and civilian targets are significantly less effective. Central American States (Yellow) (Dusty): + soldier discipline, + agriculture research. The South (Dark Green): The South Rises Again: Greater morale, discipline, when fighting Greater Vermont, Washington, or the Great Lakes. Washington (Lime Green): Freedom: Less chance of revolts from conquered territory (other than The South) Great Lakes (Light Blue) (Icu): Car Industry: +5% Production, -5% vehicle costs Greater Vermont: Ben&Jerry's and Maple Syrup: Much lesser chance of revolts
  12. If Napoleonic Hegemony ends: The year is 1970, and the United States are no longer exactly United. Civil war has torn many of the world's governments apart, and a few months ago, a tenuous treaty was signed between all the warring states, leaving several independant regions. This peace of course didn't last too long, and now it's your time to pick a state and fight for supremacy. [/bad storyline] So this will work similar to Napoleonic Hegemony in terms of budget, and research. This time, everyone starts the same though. Research costs 1m a year, fields include weaponry, computers, agriculture, industry, etc. This will be a game on a small scale, everyone will start with a budget of 5m. Budget will be calculated like Dusty's, only no Tariff taxes to start. So, Base x Production, Base x Technology % Budget will reset every 4 days, and carry's over. [hide=Unit Prices] Infantry: Standard Squad (Two Riflemen, one Machine gunner, one DM):50,000 Sniper Team: 100,000 Anti Tank Squad: 200,000 Special Force Squad: 500,000 Vehicles: Light APC: 500,000 (Seats four squads) Heavy APC: 750k (Seats 5, better defense) Light tank: 1,000,000 Medium Tank: 1.5m Main Battle tank: 2m Transport Truck: 50,000 (seats 4 squads, no armor) Humvee: 100k (Seats 2 squads, light armor) Aerial Units: Attack Helicopter: 15m Transport Helicopter (seats 5 squads, flies), 4m Cargo Plane (Seats 80 Squads, can only land on allied airstrips) 15m Paratrooper Plane (Seats 20 squads, can deploy without landing) 15m Bomber: 50m. Fighter/Bomber: 40m [/hide] Deploy costs: In own territory: 5% or less (depending on research) In enemy territory: +- 10%, depending on your research, and enemy's actions/type of territory. I will have a similar random event system to Napoleonic Hegemony. Map: [hide][/hide]
  13. Wisp


    Had one til a few months ago. Wicked unreliable and pricey. I think it cost like 80k+, and repairing it cost a ton too
  14. I'd be willing to keep playing. But I also kinda wanna try one of my Hegemony ideas, so either way is ok with me.
  15. Well, considering Archi's history of spying and all in YOH, I wouldn't have put it past him to try to put spies into my ranks years ago. Dusty, could I get those 5 generals I mentioned in PM
  16. I convinced them to quit, they got through a day and a half, then a 'friend' gave them two sandwhich bags of heavily heroin laced weed for free... that ended that attempt.
  17. Depending on how powerful the guns are, I need a new computer, and possibly a new left leg (under my computer)
  18. I talked to him earlier today, and hes still kinda torn on what to do, the thing is the guy is someone she's apparently known since preschool. Now for some advice that's actually for me, but not totally related to this thread. Friend got addicted to drugs (bad ones), is there anything I can do to help, without telling their parents or something similar?
  19. I have 10,000 Old Guard. You would have to have incredible luck to happen to have one of your spies (which would have needed to be placed in the young guard when they started, and I have some 20,000 Revolutionary guard in some rank or another, so you'd have to be even luckier for them to be picked for old guard), and then hand picked by napoleon to be in his personal guard.
  20. The ones guarding him are the most loyal, best fighters etc. Good luck getting a spy in there.
  21. I really don't mind either way for this, we can always have the official channel, then use unofficial channels if they're needed for specific games and all.
  22. To clarify: She told him a week or so ago about it. The thing that really bothers him is that she's still friends with the person.
  23. Napoleon is now protected by the Old Guard, and only them. They have all survived many battles under his command, and there are no traitors among them.
  24. I've gone a week now, and it annoys me a bit. We just haven't had the time though. So a friend asked me for advice a bit ago, he's been dating his girlfriend for about a year, and she told him in the first bit when they were going out (first month or so, and stuff between them really sucked then) she cheated on him (just kissing, not sex or anything more than 1st base), and he's not really sure what to do. I told him that it was a long time ago, and since nothing's happened since it probably doesn't matter. Opinions?
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