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Everything posted by Wisp

  1. Dusty, I hold Louis in prison, and put him on trial. What're the current revolutionary France territories?
  2. I WILL LISTEN TO AUTHORITY, THE AUTHORITY IS ALWAYS RIGHT, IT IS FLAWLESS, IT DOES NOT MAKE ERRORS AND IT IS MY LEADER!! ALL HAIL THE MODERATOR! For gods sake, Earth. I agree with Sere, I think if a person is ever banned the players who voted to ban them should recieve a penalty (such as losing soldiers). Edel, I understand better than anyone here why you are against banning players. But having people be at a penalty is an awful idea.. If someone is messing up the thread, other people might not want to vote to ban them for fear of losing troops.. We're honestly making a big deal out of nothing here. This is something that's happened once in the 10 months or whatever of the Tavern. We don't need to have a contingency plan for every possible way a player could be disallowed from using a thread, it can be easily dealt with on a case to case advantage. Simple way to do it: If you are a GM and think a player is ruining a thread, PM the current tavern moderator. If you are a player and think the GM is treating you unfairly, PM the current tavern Moderator.
  3. I already said no. You can't use examples of technology being introduced before it was actually produced/accepted in the world and say 'See look, it exists so I can use it!', because technically steam power was invented in ancient times. Make a decision on Louis. Can I put him on trial?
  4. He may have, but he hasn't actually gotten it. And thus, Mather does not have that tech. Two things, one that only means that the non-existant research it hasn't gotten results, two it is not a technology, merely a use for three existing inventions. Oh my god, the argument that was the bane of so many of the original hegemonies. "A tech exists somewhere in the world-> I have the tech (Persia has technology Malus making that less true) -> I can combine it instantly with any other tech, with no research-> NEW TECH WITH NO RESEARCH Where're you getting all that coal anyway, assuming you have the tech. Which you don't.
  5. That's no one. Archi says that he's the last Librarian/Rusco Player, but I don't even see that being the case, since he's just as active there as all of the other former library-goers.
  6. He may have, but he hasn't actually gotten it. And thus, Mather does not have that tech. So, do I control all of France now, Dusty? If not, what do I have to do? We hold Louis in captivity temporarily. Under high security. Whatever's left of the royal treasury is spent buying food, and agriculture supplies for those in Paris and surrounding areas that need it.
  7. Post any changes to your Display name here, I know it's easy to see the login name, but this is just to put things all in one spot. Doomsavenger -> Wisp Grimdeath283->Grim_ roccodog25 -> roccodog PieisEaten -> TherosPherae Svaac->Synoxsis Serephurus -> Kapt_Bjorn earthsage->earthgragonsage ieyfura -> NeuroticRaver Edelweiss -> Iconic TheMather1 -> The_Mather1
  8. My idea for GM's is this: If they have an issue with a player, and wish for them to 'ban' them from the thread, and have a good reason, they send a PM to me, detailing the reason. If it's a good reason, such as the user is breaking the game's rules, is flaming, or going against the spirit of the game, and have been warned in the past, I ok it, and will enforce that ban. You however, cannot preemptively ban someone from a thread that you don't like, and you can't just ban someone because you don't like them. Fair? My opinion on the merger is this. As a test, when I first suggested this, I merged about a page of threads from the Library here, and no one commented on noticing it, much less complained, until after I said that I had put the thread there. I doubt anyone routinely checks the back pages of the forum. All the threads from Rusco, and the Library, would not be noticeable unless you ventured off the first page. If people are really worried about threads being revived, I could lock all the merged threads, though I doubt it's really necessary. If someone wants to try to revive a thread, by starting a new thread, go for it. It won't "ruin the memory" of the original thread. There really isn't a good reason to delete or remove the library from public view. And yes, Archi, you could say you are the last poster there, but far from the only ever.
  9. Dusty, so the Imperials are marching on Paris now? When's that battle report happening. Also, we being giving speeches in the lands surrounding Paris, saying the end of oppression is undoubtedly near!
  10. Falador Tavern is a roleplaying forum Falador Library is a roleplaying forum They are the most similar forums to eachother. Thus that is where the inactive one would be merged.
  11. I haven't been paying attention to the thread, anyone wanna summarize what's happening with stuff?
  12. Then you should just add other ways to win, what about having a place in the center of the map (holy lands) that once owned for one hundred years you win (or to keep the game going you get loads of money) What about first person to get to a certain planet. Conquering thirty countrys. I suppose your right but within the game there is lots you can do, infact fatortoise let you make up your own things it seems, you would probably be able to add things as you go. The first one would just be a giant war, the second one would be pointless, and people arguing over whose semi made up tech is better, third would be a giant war.
  13. Edel, did you read all of Hegemony or something? All the hegemonies...
  14. Revolutionaries check the royal treasury in paris, it might have some left. Also, I send out my fastest scouts in all directions at a reasonable distance, so as not to be caught by surprise.
  15. We get really off topic in any official Admin posted threads apparently. Off topic stuff moved to Back Room
  16. That'll end badly. Tea Party happened when the Gov offered cheaper, better tea, with a tiny bit of a tax.
  17. General's Lambert and Rodier of the Revolutionary Army hold a delayed military funeral for the fallen general. Revolutionary speakers detail his final glorious charge, saving the rest of the army.
  18. What exactly is the difference between Fusiliers and Line Infantry? Wikipedia says they were basically the same.
  19. So do I have 7k old guard now? Or just 1k? Alright, I should have about 25m or 30m to spend now, I can probably recover from that. Archi, could I ask for some of the cannons back by any chance? I assume the answer will be no, but oh well. Revolutionary France is in mourning over the lost soldiers and the great General. We will however, push on to a free france. And I'm glad that that battle wasn't completely one sided, and my soldiers did well considering the disadvantage they were at.
  20. Sure, and that makes sense in that they would be the elite, rather than the standard after a few battles. So will all the other ones I have now be medium guard? Or will there be a similar limit?
  21. Dusty, for what it's worth, the young guard should be medium guard for that fight. Actually, they should be Old Guard now.
  22. Issue with that was assuming they were literally just corpses that could move. Which, zombies that we are talking about are not. Zombies as in the survival guide are not like that.
  23. Archi, the imperials are very broke. Say they went back on a deal with you. Focus on another enemy, create an internal evil for the people to rally against. Do it quickly.
  24. Archi, I never even made a mental note of you being someone that was a threat or a country I had to defeat, or even as an adjacent country. Then, while I was in a state of weakness, you made threats to me, and basically tried to undermine my control of France, which is my starting country, revolt or not. I was only the wealthiest because I didn't spend any real money when I was Imperial France, and I stole about half of what I had saved. I now have around 8m or 18m ish depending on if the budget's have reset, which is probably less than many people.
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