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Everything posted by Polodevil

  1. The dragon battleaxe special! For slayer, it's really helpfull. It's a free super strength potion. For those who say it lowers your attack and defence, remember that most slayer monsters aren't strong so you won't be having problems. It saves me from buying super strength's.
  2. 1. Summoning 2. Smoking kills 3. WGS 4. Bank update. In that order :thumbsup:
  3. Today's levels: 96 slayer, and.. 84 summoning/135 combat Yeah 8-)
  4. Let's be positive and say it's a nice amount of tallies 189 task - 6 tallies, no bow.
  5. 'All' Tab: Basic items. food and clue gear. For easy and quick acces to most important things 1st tab: Melee armor and weapons 2nd tab:Runes and magic armor 3rd tab: Range armor and weapons 4th tab: Slayer and Summoning 5th tab: Herbs, potions, farming 6th tab: Crafting and jewelery 7th Tab: Miscannelous skills like mining, rc, smith 8th tab: Quest items Example of my bank:
  6. Too bad he logged for a coffee a minute later. But hey, at least we know it's coming soon!
  7. Polo, tell Qhal to play more. :P And nice pics everyone! =D> : I'll tell him - but that doesn't mean he'll come back :P On topic: 4 more!
  8. Your pictures don't appear to be working :shock: EDIT: They do now. Nice achievements there :D And Gl with soloing, it'll pay off later.
  9. you would die of old age. rofl i think im gonna buy a bow and give it a go :D Dont forget they have a mage attack :P
  10. I would win, because I would loot all the goodies they drop. Okay, on topic: Kree. Mupltiple targets at once, high hits, fairly accurate. What do you want more?
  11. If your fire cape ever runs dry - refill it from this fountain! Or just try this cloud!
  12. Clues. Everybody liked them in the beginning, when the update itself came.
  13. It's just an old account with some low stats, nothing special :uhh:
  14. gilded plate + gilded legs Would look good on my soon to get prayer cape :D
  15. From forums..: The RuneScape login server is currently down. If you are currently logged in, you may experience a slight rollback, as the servers need to be reset. :?
  16. It was nerved last week.. Well, for me it looks like that.
  17. 95 fletching, 78 firemaking. Got 4 lava staffs from abberant spectres, a (junk) clue, plus a load of herbs. Also did a clue. And I managed to do a mithril dragon trip, which gave me junk.
  18. :shock: Must...have... 'Happen to have a spare piece of 3rd age? :-w I love the outfit!
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