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here was somthing I found in the forum games section. It was a post about riddles, and you can ignore the middle post.








Rofl. My chair has a fridge, a cooler, a toilet, a shower, and a barbecue bulit in.

Hey, I may have quite Runescape, but I just bought an XBOX 360 and play way to much COD4 with the Gamertag Lava Mage

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here was somthing I found in the forum games section. It was a post about riddles, and you can ignore the middle post.








Took me a minute to get that, nice one!

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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8,325th to 99 Firemaking 3/9/08 | 44,811th to 99 Cooking 7/16/08

4,968th to 99 Farming 10/9/09 | Runescaper August 2005-March 2010

Tip.it Mod Feb. 2008-Sep. 2008 | Tip.it Crew Sep. 2008-Nov. 2009

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:ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes:


Ignore Below.[hide]This is Just in!


rant about... unproved defense theories?


Simple, short rant.




Now we all know defense, the skill that is suppose to reduce the chances of your opponent hitting you. After being in countless battles with monsters and players, I've come to the conclusion that defense doesn't lower the chances of your opponent hitting you, ARMOR does.




If my observation is correct, then that means there really is no point in raising your defense level past level 75.




Simple solution to this. Change the way defense works. Make it so 70% of your defense level will determine whether your opponent hits or not. The other 30% will depend on the armor you're wearing. Kind of like how magic defense works.




In my opinion, it looks like 40% depends on your armor, 5% depends on your defense level, and 55% depends on luck.




Well, that's the end of my rant.


no proof, it seems. :ohnoes: :wall:[/hide]


Dont look at this.


[hide]Really. offensive language.[hide]If you hate avoiding censors, don't click.[hide]You were warned.[hide]

grrr i hate all of them! falk u (-)1gG34r!




i dont care anymore! they stole my bike for the last time! ban all of them jagex, ban all of them now!




i dont care, ill get my dad beat jagex up.



In the Rantz forum:




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Found another funny post






Rofl. My chair has a fridge, a cooler, a toilet, a shower, and a barbecue bulit in.

Hey, I may have quite Runescape, but I just bought an XBOX 360 and play way to much COD4 with the Gamertag Lava Mage

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someone hates blue.












as you enter this rant plz note its not about the stats but


the look




all forum rules apply






k every1 knows wats mithril, the 4th metal in rs. now do any1 kno the source of the name mithril? no?


its from lord of the rings, the thing frodo wears under his shirt-that silver thing bilbo gave him in rivendell. ye its that thing, called in lord of the rings "the silver of moria" and it costs 10 times as gold. instead in rs its this blue armour. i never seen blue armour stands in real life.






make mithril a nicer and good lookin armour


this is... odd:


Hes the king black dragon for petes sake not the old man in the rocking chair dragon! He needs to be saved or he'll get alzheimers.




from a thread called "I can make the new weapon":


i have done most of barbarian training and i can't get my hastae cuz i am trying to make it i know how to!!! just it wont let me!! i read the article about that update but it still won't let me!!

If you jump into a river in Paris, you're insane. If you jump into a river in Egypt, you're in denial.

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well, I posted this in general p2p, and it ended up being the wrong forum so here i post it again... btw this was in tech support
















:anxious: :anxious: :anxious: :anxious: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes:


I'm resisting the urge to kill myself...


*opens 2nd-story window*


*jumps out*

If you jump into a river in Paris, you're insane. If you jump into a river in Egypt, you're in denial.

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Why dont we have ear pegs when fighting Aberrant Specters, Jagex? Sometimes they smell so bad the smell seeps through my ears... Disgusting! I request an ear peg!


no comment...


what really makes me mad was that a runescape user hacked my and my friends and gets away with it i have played this game for a long time,i get hacked and its like i hvae to start over i lost all my good items i had about 12m of stuff lost and this happens quiet freqantly


last line...


why is there even report abuse???how come other games do no have report abuse or anything else?and y would u get reported for talking in you language not english?.its just anoying at least dont bann an account ban it for 10 dyas or for a week something.when u get banned u wait for months to get to no if u got your last chance.i just dont like this. just let there not be report abuse,just cros out the words that r bad! that would erase the bad owrd and u csn play your game and have fun!!!


I cannot say anything...


he obviously misunderstands report abuse...

WHAT THE ****!!!! I was doing barbarian training earlier today and guess what? I got KILLED!!! i was wearing guthans armour, antifire shield whip, guthans spear in inv, glory and wealth ring. All jagex said was that there was going to be barbarian warriors, brutal green drags, waterfiends, but why the hell would they not tell it is extremely dangerous??? I lost 7m going down there!!! I got killed by waterfiends!!! wth! those were supposed to be easy!!! Jagex never said they use all 3 atk types!!! I didn't even know wat atk types they were using, the water bolt and ice arrows looked the same!!! i was wearing melee armour which should have decent protection against their ice arrows, but wth, i got hit like 11, 13s, and +, then i turned on protect from range, and i got hit by mage!!! WTH!!!! i lost 7m, why didn't jagex give big warnings on how dangerous the place is!!!




I am freaking lv 96 using protect from range and i got killed??? that's not right!!! Jagex should give bigger warnings.


everybody after him was saying "jagex gives us too many warnings if anything"etc.


sorry wrong forum....go to ideas or watever but heres it anyway:








PLEASE, JAGEX, Make a swimming level. We could do backflips, dives, connonballs, and ahaave fun. Everyone will love it and here's an idea:






lvl 1: doggypaddle in the water




lvl 5: swim freestyle




lvl 15: backstroke




lvl 20: connon ball and the butterfly stroke




lvl 25: finding money on the bottom




lvl 30: using the deep end and be able to do a spin




lvl 45: doing a dive




lvl 60: doing a frontflip




lvl 75: doing a backflip




lvl 80: double frontflip




lvl 90: double backflip




lvl 99: McTwist




lvl 99: triple backflip and triple frontflip


It was in rants.

If you jump into a river in Paris, you're insane. If you jump into a river in Egypt, you're in denial.

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hello r there any peopel like my idea or not omg and










What the hell... Take your spam somewhere else please?

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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