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Trouble making/uploading pictures?


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Muahaha my first Pic! thanks a ton ive been dying for this!!!






It is the start of a new "age"... :-w :twisted:




But there's a huge white spot at bottom... whatev i pic'ed!






BTW thanx for the pic

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Best guide ever, It's so easy to understand :D


Let's see if this works..







I would like to get the most difficult 99 in the game to accomplish. which is woodcutting.
because I had a drunken night in philadelphia and sprayed a fire extinguiser, evacuated a 7 story hotel on the philly stadium, spent the night in jail.. then got on level 2 prob & have to pay 50 a month because I have a job. It's their way of collecting more money out of me.





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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a very nice guide, even though I already really knew it but heres what I need to know. How do you type something onto the picture without it having a white background. I want the writing to just have no background. All I currently have is paint to use to do this so if it doesnt work for paint would you mind giving me a link to a free download to something that would work.



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  • 1 month later...

thank you. ive been using adobe photoshop, but that saves them as .psd's. <.<


and as we all know, all major image hosting sites DO NOT accept .psd's.


so unless you wanna go on some spyware, keylogger filled site, convert it to something else. (which is hard for me) -.-


still, thanks for the awesome guide. thumbs up! :wink: :thumbup:




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